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Thread: "Journey to the Darkside" a gear virgins tale

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Results sound killer bro!

    Can't wait to see the after pics!

    Keep it up!

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Week 4

    I gotta tell you guys...the gear is kicking in...I noticed it first last night. I put on a tshirt to go up to the bowling alley with my brother, I wear this shirt all the time, and I thought my wife had shrunk it because I could barely pull it down over my arms and shoulders. Then this morning, after an awesome chest workout, I took a shower and pulled on a polo for work and BLAM it too was fkn tight, and I looked HUGE!!! My weight this morning was 232.25!!! Up about 12lbs, but I know about 3 lbs are water and bullshit from this weekend. So I think it begins now.....

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    Sounding great bro...


  4. #84
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing

    Re: Week 4

    Originally posted by majorpecs
    I gotta tell you guys...the gear is kicking in...I noticed it first last night. I put on a tshirt to go up to the bowling alley with my brother, I wear this shirt all the time, and I thought my wife had shrunk it because I could barely pull it down over my arms and shoulders. Then this morning, after an awesome chest workout, I took a shower and pulled on a polo for work and BLAM it too was fkn tight, and I looked HUGE!!! My weight this morning was 232.25!!! Up about 12lbs, but I know about 3 lbs are water and bullshit from this weekend. So I think it begins now.....

    Sounds awesome Pecs, that same thing happened to me to. I have this lucky t-shirt of mine that suddenly shrank during my cycle as well.
    4wks in and up 12 Lbs. Shit bro, your going to gain a butt load from this cycle. That EQ will just get better and better as time goes on. Keep it pumpin.

  5. #85
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Sounds good man. Keep us posted!
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    South Dakota
    Pecs your pumpin me up brother! Keep kickin ass and gainin the poundage! Impressive!!!!

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Bro reading this thread is like waiting for the next Lord of the rings to come out. Can't wait to see the end result, def will b checkin this post daily. ur getting me all psyched for my next cycle. Keep us posted and good luck, it only gets better from here....MM

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Week 4, shot #7

    Last night was my seventh shot. I put 1cc Testoviron, and 1cc Equipose into my left quad, once again it was smooth and painless. Nothing like a little bit of practice to make things good. Anyway, on to my update:

    This morning was my bicep workout and OMG the pump I experienced was like no other! My arms felt and looked HUGE, I was def getting some looks this morning. I am also getting more vascular, seeing the veins spreading on my shoulders, arms, calves, and thighs. Nothing too major as my bodyfat is at about 15% but I am loving it! I am having so much fun also putting on my shirts and looking like a SWOLE sob...riding in the elevator or sitting in meetings it's a blast watching people trying to check me out without me noticing them..hehehe

    All in all, weight is up about 10 quality pounds, size is def improving, I do believe that my bodyfat may even be dropping a slight bit. Strenght is going way up also!! It's getting awesome fellas.....and after this week, I still have 12 weeks left!

    Oh yeah, thanks for your replies, they are an encouragement and source of inspiration. When I first came to this board, I read some diaries and they motivated the hell out of me, and I wish to accomplish the same.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I cant wait to see the results at week 10
    Jurassic size

    Keep us updated

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Week 4, shot #8

    Turkey Day......I did my shot in the morning today as I knew I wouldn't be around until late tonight. Weight is still rising a little, but damnitt if I ain't holding wife asked me, "do steroids make your face bigger?" hehehe, when I told her i was holding water she offered me a Midol, has anyone ever taken Midol for water retention? Pumps are outstanding, in fact, my lower back gets so tight that I could barely drive home the other night after doing shrugs But I can live with discomfort for the size and strength gains I am getting.

    Monday will be the start of week 5..stay tuned bros!!!!

  11. #91
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Lets see an updated pic next week
    Good job, keep it up

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Hey bros...I bought my wife a 4 megapixel digital camera for christmas and it should be here next week sometime...I will update the pics then...thanks for your interest, it keeps me focused on my goal to become the biggest motherfu$%# I can!!!

    Damnitt..I went and had an awesome back workout today. I tried doing my deadlifts before the workout instead of after and I was pleased with my form and strenght on them but my lower back FUCKED me up again....does anyone else have this problem while on cycle? Lower back just locking up and making the rest of the workout living hell!!

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    LR AR
    Originally posted by majorpecs
    ....does anyone else have this problem while on cycle? Lower back just locking up and making the rest of the workout living hell!!
    I did something to my lower back (probably while doing squats) in the second week of my cycle, and it took weeks to clear up. I had all sorts of cramping problems while I was on d-bol, which all cleared up as soon as I went off the orals. I couldn't walk for more than half a mile before my back got so tight that it felt like a watch spring, tightening with every step.

    On the other hand, the injury forced me to improve my squat form.


  14. #94
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Sounds great! Keep posting

  15. #95
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Thumbs up

    making awesome gains...can't wait to hear how it all unfolds at the end of your cycle. After reading all the post, I now know that I need to start a cycle soon. You got the drive to become a true freak.

  16. #96
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Been reading ur cycle. Its got me as pumped about mine as ur cycle gets ur muscles pumped!!! Great inspiration, great reading, and love hearing a bro's journal to getting big. Good luck hope the gains stay consistent and that smile never leaves ur face

    Looking forward for your next reply.

  17. #97
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    It's good to see the cycle is coming along well. As far as the shirt thing goes, I went through the same thing .. in another 6 weeks and you won't be wearing those tight shirts anymore. It's a good thing Xmas is around the corner, you'll need some new clothes. Can't wait to read more of your progression.


  18. #98
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by majorpecs
    Damnitt..I went and had an awesome back workout today. I tried doing my deadlifts before the workout instead of after and I was pleased with my form and strenght on them but my lower back FUCKED me up again....does anyone else have this problem while on cycle? Lower back just locking up and making the rest of the workout living hell!!
    Bro i am just finishing up my first cycle and i had the same thing happen with my lower back. I found not squatting and doing deads in the same week helped a ton, along with in btween sets make sure you sit down and get the pressure off your lower back, strech the heck out of it aand even lay down or roll on an exersise ball if you need too, those few things got me through it.

  19. #99
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey and HATING I
    Major, bro I'm stoked for you! Sounds like your just gaining and gaining and gaining and you still have 12 weeks left? Holy Crap bro! I'm one jealous MOFO! I guess you had one turkey for you and one for the family? I'm just guessing of course. Kick some ass bro! Work hard!
    Like I say I'm cycling vicariously through you!

  20. #100
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Week 5, shot 9 1cc testoviron, 1cc equipose >>left quad is just getting better. I think week 5 is the magic breakthrough week for me. First let me say that the way I do my workouts is to set a weight and shoot for 3 sets of 12 clean reps>then move the weight up. Well yesterday during my chest workout, I hit EVERY single mark and will be moving the weight up in every excercise!!! I felt like superman in the gym and my chest felt the BEST it ever has, it was fkn awesome. And then, there was my bicep workout this morning. All I can say is, HOLY SHIT!!! My biceps got so pumped that I thought they were going to pop. By the time I got to 1 arm preacher curls, shit, it was all I could do to keep working out. The pain was so lovely I almost cried....and damnitt if I couldn't wash my face or hair in the shower, hell I could barely tuck in my shirt. Weight is up 15lbs, strenght is getting insane and the pumps are wicked. And the wife is loving my sex drive!! I think now the gains are really going to come, and I am pumped beyond belief right now!!

  21. #101
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by majorpecs
    Week 5, shot 9 1cc testoviron, 1cc equipose >>left quad is just getting better. I think week 5 is the magic breakthrough week for me. First let me say that the way I do my workouts is to set a weight and shoot for 3 sets of 12 clean reps>then move the weight up. Well yesterday during my chest workout, I hit EVERY single mark and will be moving the weight up in every excercise!!! I felt like superman in the gym and my chest felt the BEST it ever has, it was fkn awesome. And then, there was my bicep workout this morning. All I can say is, HOLY SHIT!!! My biceps got so pumped that I thought they were going to pop. By the time I got to 1 arm preacher curls, shit, it was all I could do to keep working out. The pain was so lovely I almost cried....and damnitt if I couldn't wash my face or hair in the shower, hell I could barely tuck in my shirt. Weight is up 15lbs, strenght is getting insane and the pumps are wicked. And the wife is loving my sex drive!! I think now the gains are really going to come, and I am pumped beyond belief right now!!

    You bastard, I'm jealous. I have 2 months til I get those feelings again.
    Sounds excellent pecs, and I agree; the EQ will really start showing vascularity and hardness in the coming wks.

  22. #102
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by Pheedno

    You bastard, I'm jealous. I have 2 months til I get those feelings again.
    Sounds excellent pecs, and I agree; the EQ will really start showing vascularity and hardness in the coming wks.
    of course you know that by the time you start yours...I'll be sitting on the sidelines feeling the same way.....thanks for your continued support Pheedno

  23. #103
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jerzey, USA

    Re: "Journey to the Darkside" a gear virgins tale

    Originally posted by majorpecs
    Weeks 13-15 Unipharma T3: 21 day cycle (too long to post details)
    Spiropent Clen weeks 11-12, 15-16: (too long to post details)
    Great Thread MajorPecs.

    But isnt taking t-3 without any sort of test a bad idea? wont it make a person loose hard earned muscle? Thats what people have told me when I propsed a similar cycle.

    And if its not asking for too much if you get time can you give us details of the t-3 and clen part, please, I am wanting to do something similiar.

    Good luck bro.

  24. #104
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Re: Re: "Journey to the Darkside" a gear virgins tale

    Originally posted by RockSolid

    Great Thread MajorPecs.

    But isnt taking t-3 without any sort of test a bad idea? wont it make a person loose hard earned muscle? Thats what people have told me when I propsed a similar cycle.

    And if its not asking for too much if you get time can you give us details of the t-3 and clen part, please, I am wanting to do something similiar.

    Good luck bro.
    Bro...I will be taking T3 for the first 20 days of my winny, and will also be running test and eq at the same time. The clen will be the first and second, and fifth and sixth weeks of my I won't be running them without AS in my system.

    The T3 I am running as follows: (straight out of cycleon's post)

    An example for a 20-day cycle with a max of 100mcg ED using 25mcg pills. Calculate the number of days of each period first (Notice that where the up/down period is unable to be broken into 3 exactly equal parts, the extra is put on the dose level at the last part of the period. (.5) means 1/2 a pill or 12.5mcg

    4 days 6days 10days
    5% 40% 55%
    2 44444444 33222111.5.5.5


    I will take up to 100mcg/day for two weeks, take two weeks off, then come back and do it for two more weeks.

    Hope this answers your questions.

  25. #105
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jerzey, USA
    Thanks MajorPecs, that is a good idea this way you get shredded at the end.

    Hoping to see your progress and after pics

    Good Luck

  26. #106
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    Wow, this thread is awesome. I can't wait to see some pics in a few weeks.

  27. #107
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    It's about time so see some updated pic's big man! i got a new digital camera.. plus i owe you some money anyways!!!..

    When are we going to the strip club for the all you can eat prime rib buffet anyways ...

  28. #108
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Week 5, Shot 10

    Thursday December 5th>right quad, 1cc testoviron, 1cc equipose

    Bros, last night I emptied my first to vials of gear. That's kind of emotional, I had such a sad empty feeling throwing them away..

    Weight is up another couple of pounds to 235, and let me say now, that I know I have gained a little bodyfat, but hell, I figure I'd rather eat all the calories and squeeze every gain I can get out of this first cycle. I have gained about an inch on the belly, but it will be gone before the cycle is over. I will be running Winny/T3/Clen starting the last week in January, and I hope to harden up alot during that 6 weeks. I know I have another few months of hardcore dieting and a real good cutting cycle to get below 10% and start getting into competition form, but I have given myself 2 years to enter my first show!! That goal alone, pushes me beyond belief. If you've never been to a bodybuilding show, I recommend going to one.

    Cycle notes: Pumps are insanely good, in fact, my lower back gets so pumped sometimes that I can barely move. The exercise ball tip that I got from Darko was tremendous, in fact, this works so good that I actually carry a ball with me when I am doing squats, deads, stiffies, or shrugs...hehehe...Strength is still going up and I break personal barriers every day. My legs are really growing, I don't know whether it's because I get in such good workouts, or if it's because I do all my injects there, but all my pants are getting tight on my thighs....I may start doing injects in my weakest muscle (tricep) to see if I get the same kind of results. Bodyfat is going up a little bit, but nothing unbearable, but I did notice that if I skip cardio for more than 2 days, it really affects me, (it may just be mental). Anxiety levels are higher, I have my wife and several freeway drivers who can back me on that claim. I try my best to curb it, in fact, I even listen to enigma and mood music cd's when i drive sometimes, IT WORKS...don't flame me! All in all, it's going better than expected and I am only 5 weeks in. Everyone is starting to notice what I can't...which is a good thing also.

    I will be posting new measurements and pics this weekend as my cycle is 1/3 of the way done, and I do have that new cam. Please keep reading and I will try to keep growing!! Peace bros!
    Last edited by majorpecs; 12-06-2002 at 08:01 AM.

  29. #109
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    great thread majorpecs... sounds like you're really loving every minute of it.

    I am a drugfree lifter, but that lower back pain you are talking about is literally just a massive lower back pump. I have got it from deadlifting before to the point where it f's up the rest of my workout -- it's like an erection in your back, you can't move at all. Darko pretty much said everything you can do for it... I would just sit in a chair with a back on it between sets to keep all stress off your back, and then the pump will go down a bit.

    Good luck with the rest of your cycle, and keep the updates coming.

  30. #110
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    GLad the ball tipped helps bro, i acctually find that the ball works better than a chair, laying on the ball on your stomach works real well i find to give a light strech and take the pressure off.

  31. #111
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by Darko
    GLad the ball tipped helps bro, i acctually find that the ball works better than a chair, laying on the ball on your stomach works real well i find to give a light strech and take the pressure off.
    AMEN's such a relief to feel that pressure ease.....the one thing that works better than everything I've found is to hang from a pullup bar...ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

  32. #112
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    5 weeks in pics..

    allright no flaming guys..I know my bf is still high, but after 12 weeks of bulking..I am going to have a 6 weeks cutting blitz, that why I decided to make my cycle last 17 are some pics after 5 full weeks and 10 shots....(note how i dwarf the 6 ft christmas tree.. )...hehehe..and if they are sized shitty..i tried...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	frontflex.jpg 
Views:	1298 
Size:	69.0 KB 
ID:	14743  
    Last edited by majorpecs; 12-08-2002 at 05:08 PM.

  33. #113
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    full shot....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	frontfull.jpg 
Views:	1371 
Size:	63.5 KB 
ID:	14744  

  34. #114
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Back pic...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	back.jpg 
Views:	1107 
Size:	79.7 KB 
ID:	14745  

  35. #115
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Thumbs up

    looking big majorpecs...upper body is getting thick, biceps look bigger. Keep pumpin hard.

  36. #116
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Thanks anchbb....studying my pics this weekend, I can tell the difference, but I feel that it's not as good as I could do. I've had the feeling that I've been overtraining, but have ignored it continually.....I've decided to revamp my workout schedule to reflect a 4 day split instead of working out 5/6 days a week. I will be doing the following split for the rest of the cycle:
    Monday Chest/Shoulder
    Tuesday Back
    Wednesday Off
    Thursday Biceps/Triceps
    Friday Legs
    Saturday Off
    Sunday Off

    I am also going to up the cardio a little bit and drop calories slightly....I don't know if this is something everyone goes through on cycle, but I seem to be in a fugue right now about my physique and my cycle....I know..SUCK IT UP...I will be doing my 11th inject tonight in my left quad....
    Last edited by majorpecs; 12-09-2002 at 12:32 PM.

  37. #117
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Just wait'll you finish the cutting part... thats the time to truly compare before and after pictures. Looking good though, keep it up.

  38. #118
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by Foxy Sphinx
    Just wait'll you finish the cutting part... thats the time to truly compare before and after pictures. Looking good though, keep it up.
    You are correct....I know that I'll look alot better after I cut my bodyfat...I think I feel bad because I know that I have gained some bf since I started my cycle, I lost a notch on my excercise I know I've added about an inch around my stomach....12 more weeks will tell the tale!!!

  39. #119
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Allright....back in the groove. Yesterday at the gym, my strength was still going up!! I got 325x4reps AFTER the rest of my chest chest got the best pump it's ever had and I am once again feeling positive about my cycle. Last night was shot #11, 1cc of Testoviron, and 1cc of Equipose (eq is now ttokyo). This shot was the most painful ever, I don't know if it's because I'm using new vials of gear and they have higher BA or what, but I had a burning in my quad for about 2 hours after the shot. Today it's fine, but it hurt like a bitch last night. Weight is right around 235>>16lb from my starting point of 219. I have 6 more weeks of bulking, then I start the winny and clen/t3 and will cut for 6 weeks......I am excited once again, I have no idea why I was feeling so shitty yesterday...

  40. #120
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Daytona Beach
    Sounds like you're really enjoying yourself and getting some good results. It will only snowball from here. I start my Fina cycle today and am hoping to have as much fun as you are having.

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