morning sweethearts..
morning sweethearts..
morning all
I'm off to cook my second breakfast...
same to you man
how are all the little whores today? good? well whore it up!
good bro, how are you?
worst day ever....
I played golf for 6 hours today and now I feel like shit.. sun stroke perhaps, next shot is tonight, makes me feel better for sure
i officially just woke up and it is 5 pm
nice! what the hell did you do last night?Originally Posted by l2elapse
lots of beer pongOriginally Posted by R**85
evening all
ah the art of beer pong... I used to love that game until that is I played it during the middle of my test and halo cycle I was losing so I got rage and flipped over the table!![]()
i hate waking up in the morning after drinking
yeah its so hard to drink alot of water to stay hydrated when your drinking so much beer.
yeahit was fun last night though
well glad you were having fun last night, I had to go to the er for my back. couldnt get out of bed.
thats not very fun
that sucks, what did they tell you?Originally Posted by R**85
nope not at all, but atleast I get a few days off of work finally
well I have always had back problems since I was younger, seen alot of doctors, chiropracters but nobody seems to be able to help. Im finally going to get an mri soon so maybe then i can get some answers. As far as last night I just got pain killers and muscle relaxers.Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
Hopefully the mri will help you to resolve the problem. I had back surgery about 5 years ago due to one of (lol) my motorcycle accidents, and made what seems to be a full recovery. I had a lot of people telling me I would never be the same after the surgery, but so far so good.
good to hear bro, what kind of surgery did you get?
nothing special all she gave me was vicodin, it takes alot for me to even feel it.Originally Posted by pewntang
i could use a pain killer right now
lower discectomy (probably spelled wrong) basically the way it was explained to me I ruptured a disc and chipped the vertabrae, I think it was the 5th one up from the bottom, they went in and took out anything that was affecting the nerves causing pain and momentary loss of feeling/use of my legs. After the accident but before the surgery I was in constant pain, and some times I would go to stand up from a seated position and my legs would just go out like they weren't there and I would go down like a rag doll. after the surgery I was up and going as good as new in just a couple months.
Thats what happens to me when it gets bad my legs just give out like i cant even feel them. I am very unflexible because of my back problem and it seems to get worse and worse. How long were you not able to lift for after the surgery?
in about 2 months I could move around normally, and do upper body routines, after about 6 I felt like I probably could do deads again, but I gave it about a year just to be safe. I was able to do everything but deads, squats, and leg presses within a few months.
whats everyone up to tonight
Nothing just resting
went to a movie today, just chilling out tonight.
Bourne Ultimatum, was pretty good. A bit far fetched at times but worth the watch.
i wathcing these crazy kids on the X Games
The main thing I like about the Bourne movies is that they aren't super cheesy like so many action movies are, where something happens and the star just has to follow it with some goofy one-liner.
I like a variety, I liked American Psycho a lot, Pulp Fiction, Fargo, House of 1000 Corpses, etc. I even want to see that movie Superbad that is coming out next weekend, looks pretty funny.
What about you?
yeah my wife can't stand dumb and dumber, so I put it on every time it comes on.
I noticed that. You even beat me to the point about half the time, but I drop the site to the bottom whenever my kids come in my room. I'm seriously thinking about writing a response to the question "so I'm 18, 5'9" and 135lbs, been lifting seriously for 2 months, what juice should I take?" and saving it in word, so I can just cut and paste the answer every time the same question gets asked.
yeah, it's like we have our own section.
oh yeah, I forgot one of my favorite movies, Anchorman.
MMMMM no protective gear god choice jack ass!!!!!!
that's funny, what a stunter! who needs a 12 o'clock, when you can almost do an 8 o'clock. and the stoppie an inch off the ground was priceless.Originally Posted by pewntang
jesus.... pewn and imagetbigger you guys are the new offical post whores!!!! Guys are here more then my lonely, sad, sorry ass!
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