Hi i was wondering if when im so far into a mass cycle and decided ive gained enough mass and need to trim away some of the bodfat to cut down would it be ok to stop the doses of test your on me for instance 1300mg test a week durin bulk phase to only anavar the very next week to just maintain the muscle and cut the bodyfat away?
Right now while on mass cycle im eating 5200 - 6000 calories a day and like i said 1300mg test a week and not doin any cardio just weight training 3 times a week.
When i feel its time i gained enough muscle and too much bodyfat and ready to trim it away i figured id jump strait from the mass plan to this possibly.Drop the calories to 3500 maybe less just depending on reaction i get from first couple weeks.Doin only anavar @ 40mg day and continue the weight training 3 times a week but also cardio 3 times a week on days not weight training and taking 1 day off a week.
Would this be a bad idea?