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Thread: experiences with hemogenin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    experiences with hemogenin

    ne1 ever add hemogen to their cycles. if so, how was it. bad bloat, bad acne, etc....experiences experiences...

  2. #2
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    well, it's just a different brand name for Anadrol (oxymetholone) so just look that up in the profiles or even do a search for it on this board. There have been so many discussions of this steroid that you should find everything you need to know about it. For the most part, people either love it or hate it...there really is no grey area with it.

    Thier are some facts that most everyone agrees on though...1) it's very strong causing you to gain both muscle mass and water weight very fast...and...2) It's very hard on the liver so you shouldn't take it for very long; it's usually used for a kickstart in the first few weeks of a cycle

    about my own experience...I gain a fairly large amount of strength, water and muscle mass in the first few weeks of taking it as long as I keep my protien intake high. But the side effects like high blood pressure, headaches and just a general feeling like shit make me not want to take it and just stick to Dbol.

    Like i said, everyone will have thier own opinions about it. Some people love it and they don't get bad sides from it...but that's not the case for me

    hope this help a little

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by john vega
    ne1 ever add hemogen to their cycles. if so, how was it. bad bloat, bad acne, etc....experiences experiences...
    Hemogen ?? Is that halo 50 ( i mean similar)??

  4. #4
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Naw, Hemogenin. It's still made down in South America by Aventis (or sarsa?? can't remember which one still makes it). It's just another brand name for Anadrol or Oxymethalone. It's not like Halo except for the fact that it's in pill form

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    Naw, Hemogenin. It's still made down in South America by Aventis (or sarsa?? can't remember which one still makes it). It's just another brand name for Anadrol or Oxymethalone. It's not like Halo except for the fact that it's in pill form
    Yea i know what hemogenin is..LOL He wrote that in the title but in his post he wrote hemogen !!


  6. #6
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercedesdd
    Yea i know what hemogenin is..LOL He wrote that in the title but in his post he wrote hemogen !!


    oh ya, i see that now...left out a few letters in the spelling

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