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Thread: Before & after - DNP Clen T3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Before & after - DNP Clen T3

    Hey guys, here are my results after one year.

    I did 2 DNP, and 3 Clen + T3 cylces.

    I lost 18kg / 40lbs.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	84210  

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Springbok_Powered
    Hey guys, here are my results after one year.

    I did 2 DNP, and 3 Clen + T3 cylces.

    I lost 18kg / 40lbs.

    how much did you take?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    DNP - 400mg ED for 2 weeks

    Clen + T3 - pyramid up to 100mcg ED of each for 2 weeks

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Springbok_Powered
    DNP - 400mg ED for 2 weeks

    Clen + T3 - pyramid up to 100mcg ED of each for 2 weeks

    are you saying you pyramid up then kept at peak dose for 2 weeks? how did your body respond to 100mcg, did you feel tired?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Ah, sorry - the total time taking them was 2 weeks. The first and last 4 days of the pyramid was for tapering. Only had 6 days of 100mcg use.

    I wasn't tired during Clen and T3, in fact it was quite the opposite - i was wired as hell, like amphetamines or something. I was dead tired on the DNP though, sleeping up to 16 hours some days. Hard work, then intense cardio at the end of the day and I was buggered.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Awesome transformation, time to pack on some muscle now. Glad someone can get DNP I cant find it anywhere

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    You ran that for 1 year? Seems like you would have gotten the same results faster... Either way, great job! Lookin a lot better!

  8. #8
    lmfao at the first pic is that a case of beer on your shoulder!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    What kind of beer is that anyways?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    It's a case Carlton Cold, a Brand of beer here in Australia, And yes I did give up the beer as part of the weightloss, I changed to diet soda and vodka - ultra low calories.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    NY, Long Island
    Vodka turns pretty much into sugar.... Thats what happens to the alcohol -.-

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Springbok_Powered
    It's a case Carlton Cold, a Brand of beer here in Australia, And yes I did give up the beer as part of the weightloss, I changed to diet soda and vodka - ultra low calories.
    I'm a bourbon and diet man myself. Is that you in your avatar now?

    I'm down about 40lbs since Christmas. I took 2 weeks of dnp (ramped up to 600mg/d) and am still using clen + t3. The dnp kicked my ass at 600mg so I don't think I will go that high again, but the clen+t3 gets me jacked.
    Last edited by johnmacdan; 08-18-2007 at 11:31 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    nice work man... now add some muscle to your frame & you'll be looking awesome! congrats!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Yeah thats me in the avatar,. The pics about 3 years old now, thats what I looked like in High school - but as work started gym sort of phased out. But since mid last year I kicked back into it to loose the bulge and now time to add FFM.

    I plan to put the 23lbs of FFM back on (AAS never been/not going to be used) to get back to 210lbs at about 10% bf at 6'3".

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2002
    im source cheks
    nice job brotha big difference

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by eacman65
    Awesome transformation, time to pack on some muscle now. Glad someone can get DNP I cant find it anywhere

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by johnmacdan
    I'm a bourbon and diet man myself. Is that you in your avatar now?

    I'm down about 40lbs since Christmas. I took 2 weeks of dnp (ramped up to 600mg/d) and am still using clen + t3. The dnp kicked my ass at 600mg so I don't think I will go that high again, but the clen+t3 gets me jacked.
    You're avatar is hilarious. Also to the thread owner, great job. That beer is thee best LOL.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Ruckin with the Rozzers!!
    im sorry am i the only one that thinks diet and exercise would of done excactly the same thing.and no disrespect but it looks like you have never even stepped foot in a gym.

    what look are you looking for?

    this isnt intended as a flame,but most people on this site say dont use any gear till you have hit a plateu(sp).but you looked average before and i say i dont know what look your looking for,you did lose weight but checkout perfect beasts all may learn something

    dont wanna sound like a dick its just i dont see all the fuss.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian
    im sorry am i the only one that thinks diet and exercise would of done excactly the same thing.and no disrespect but it looks like you have never even stepped foot in a gym.

    what look are you looking for?

    this isnt intended as a flame,but most people on this site say dont use any gear till you have hit a plateu(sp).but you looked average before and i say i dont know what look your looking for,you did lose weight but checkout perfect beasts all may learn something

    dont wanna sound like a dick its just i dont see all the fuss.
    Hey I don't dispute the fact that just diet and exercise couldn't have achieved the same results, using DNP etc means I can still fit gym into my schedule and achieve reasonable results. Besides, I did it safe, i'm in no way worse off.

    And in regards to me never setting foot in a gym, buddy I bet $20 I could outrun you on a treadmill - my record is burning 1000 calories in 39 minutes.

    And I look average as you say before and after because I HAVEN'T used AAS, as said in my original post.

    Where did you get the idea that we (members who have replied to this post) don't know what we are talking about? You show me your fatloss of 40lbs then come back.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Ruckin with the Rozzers!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Springbok_Powered
    Hey I don't dispute the fact that just diet and exercise couldn't have achieved the same results, using DNP etc means I can still fit gym into my schedule and achieve reasonable results. Besides, I did it safe, i'm in no way worse off.

    And in regards to me never setting foot in a gym, buddy I bet $20 I could outrun you on a treadmill - my record is burning 1000 calories in 39 minutes.

    And I look average as you say before and after because I HAVEN'T used AAS, as said in my original post.

    Where did you get the idea that we (members who have replied to this post) don't know what we are talking about? You show me your fatloss of 40lbs then come back.


    1 you would beat me at cardio,i hardly do ant cus i have a very very fast metabolism and i want to put weight on(muscle) not lose it.and i would never have to lose 40lbs cus iv always had a decent diet.
    2 i said TWICE i didnt know what you were looking for,eg; slim athletic model look or the bodybuilder look.
    3 where did i say you and other members didnt know what you were on about?i simply said checkout pb's log cus he was way fatter than you and is now a competeing bber.lots of info
    4 and what do you class dnp,clen and t3??im pretty sure you dont get those from the supermarket
    5 oh and my favourite 'YOU SAY YOU LOOK AVERAGE BECAUSE YOU HAVNT USED STEROIDS'your one of those idiots who believe to look good you need to take need to do a lot more reading on this site and checkout natural bodybuilding

  21. #21
    ^ agree 100%, you arent big because you havnt done aas? thats a nice joke! nice progress but of course DNP/T3 you'll lose fat almost regardless of what you eat(to a point), now time to add some size and no you dont need juice to gain weight just like you didnt need DNP to lose it

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Rochester NY
    my record is burning 1000 calories in 39 minutes.

    What a goof...

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Ive got experience with DNP etc and i really don't think you needed to use it. You could of just worked on your cardio, and probably toned and got some muscle at the same time.

    Good transformation, but could of been done naturally with very little hassel.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    it took you 1 year to do all of this? with taking all that crap?
    I can do it in 2-3 months with just some ephedrine

    ppl forgot what hard work is all about

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MESSY_UK
    Ive got experience with DNP etc and i really don't think you needed to use it. You could of just worked on your cardio, and probably toned and got some muscle at the same time.

    Good transformation, but could of been done naturally with very little hassel.
    I remember your DNP cycle. It was a couple years ago. You lost like 10-12 lbs. I was going to run a DNP cycle at the time but after I saw your results I wasn't really impressed. You really shouldn't judge since you are at around 25% BF and he is at around 12-13%.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    I remember your DNP cycle. It was a couple years ago. You lost like 10-12 lbs. I was going to run a DNP cycle at the time but after I saw your results I wasn't really impressed. You really shouldn't judge since you are at around 25% BF and he is at around 12-13%.

    I can judge, because ive been there, and done that. So i can see where hard work can be better than using stuff like this, ive learnt from my experiences and can back up my comments with what ive gone through, and my knowledge gained by doing so.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MESSY_UK
    I can judge, because ive been there, and done that. So i can see where hard work can be better than using stuff like this, ive learnt from my experiences and can back up my comments with what ive gone through, and my knowledge gained by doing so.
    The fact of the matter is he reached his goal using cardio and drugs. It took him a while, probably due to a poor diet, however he DID reach his goals. Can you say the same? If not, you really shouldn't knock his use of DNP. It doesn't matter if it didn't work for you, it worked for him.

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