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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada


    Just post up replies in this thread.

    I'll be starting on Monday, December 2nd/2002 with my first Injection. I'll post up the Steroids being used, the diet and the workout routine in the next few posts.

    Thanks and I hope all goes well!!!
    Last edited by RoNNy THe BuLL; 12-07-2002 at 01:11 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    so you don't want me to do this.... []

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Here's the Meal Plan. I know it's tough to read, but I'm thinking of adding an apple/orange in the mix to add to the carbs and kinda treat myself throughout the day.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	mealplan.jpg 
Views:	2335 
Size:	89.2 KB 
ID:	14526  

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    And here's the cycle...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cycle.jpg 
Views:	1655 
Size:	32.7 KB 
ID:	14529  

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    And finally, the workout plan....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	workout.jpg 
Views:	1610 
Size:	20.4 KB 
ID:	14531  

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Damn Bro .. that is some proper planning, I hope all goes well through the cycle. One question, why did you opt to stop the Deca in wk 10, and not run it through wk 12 with the Sust? just curious?


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I don't see any chicken, lean steak, or salmon in the diet part. Those should be staples in your diet bro

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Stopped the Deca because it's not worth it for me to buy more for 2 more weeks. The chicken/steak/salmon will be in my diet, they'll be replacing either the Egg Whites or Tuna whenever I can fit in. The reasoning behind making a meal plan with the utter basics is because no matter what, I'll ALWAYS have that food, so it's fool proof. Whenever I can have the chicekn or steak in their, they'll be replacing others.

    Why'd I even bother trying to make a response thread....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    What's up guys,
    Well, it's official. I'm on the darkside as of 12:30 pm today. I injected both the Deca (200mg) and Sustanon 250 (1cc) easily, without any problems. Felt kinda good actually? I'll be doing it again on Thursday. I used a 20 Guage 1.5" Syringe and it went in easily in the Glute. I was a little sore a few minutes after the inject, but it went away. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones who get no adverse reactions from the Prop, OR tomorrow morning I'll be fucked. Woke up and took 2 D-Bol tabs and took another one at 4pm. I feel good and everything seems different, I'm so cautious as to eating clean foods that I don't even crave chocolate at all or anything sweet. I spoke with Darko and I'll be taking his advice on upping the calories and protein.

    Weighed in today at 197lbs
    I guess we'll see how things go from here. I'll post up every week, probably on a Sunday or something to let you know how it's going.

    Thanks for the responses already bro's


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the barons
    Yo bro, if you end up getting sore from the 20 gauge pin, it's will all still flow in fine with a 22g.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Day 5
    This has been the longest five days of my life. The eating is the hardest part I found, but the pain from the Sust is a real bitch. My first injection on Monday hurt on Tuesday, and yesterdays Injection hurt after a few hours. Real pain in the ass on your everyday life. You walk with a limp and everyone asks what happened. But you just say you stubbed your toe and that's that.

    I'm slowly starting to feel the pumps off of the D-Bol, but nothing superb yet (granted it's only Day 5). The D-Bol dried out my mouth pretty bad the first couple of days, but my body's getting used to it.

    Because I took 2 weeks off completely and hit the gym with the sauce I'm weaker than what I was before. I've felt really shitty since I've been 'on'. Feel kinda sick, tired, bloated, real STIFF, and half the time I have no idea what's going on around me because I'm only thinking about the sauce in my body!

    Started off at 195 on Monday, by the end of the first day I gained 10lbs and was 205 before I went to bed. Most likely all the food I ate, but my body didn't react too well to that much weight in one day. Both times I weighed myself it was buck naked and after the pre-game dump.

    Today, the weights at 207, so that's not too bad. In 5 days, I've gained 12 lbs. But whoa whoa whoa, it's not ALL muscle, it's a lot of water and just food sticking in my system. You can't even notice the 12 lbs.

    I'm being patient and waiting for everything to kick in fully, but I find myself always asking "when" will it kick in. Talked to a few dudes, mainly Darko and some friends that have been on the sauce for a few years about shit that's going on, and they've assured me that the feeling 'shitty' will go away after 2-3 weeks and I won't want to go off because of the gains starting to kick in.

    I'll post up in a few days bro's once the weight and pumps are up.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    What's up guys,
    Came home tonight and I'm real disappointed with the Spectro D-Bols. My gains have all come from the amount of food I've been eating with my training, and none, if anything came from the D-Bol. I posted up I gained 12lbs in this week, but I remember 2 weeks before I was at this exact same weight before I took a 2 week lay off due to an injury? Anyways, just real disappointed with the D-Bol. So I researched a bit on it to figure out how exactly it works. Basically, it favours your nitrogen balance to promote muscle growth, simple enough. SO, I'm giving Spectro another chance before I totally flip out *not roid rage*. I'll be changing the way I take it and the amount.

    40mg ED now and I'll be popping a 5mg tab every 2 hours to try to keep the Nitrogen Balance always in check since the half-life of the D-Bol is 3.5-4.5 hours. That way it will always overlap.

    Hope this shit works. Any comments? Just post them up here brah's.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    Oh, the reason for my opinion the weight change NOT being due to the D-Bol? Weighed myself this morning and was 202 flat.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    dbol takes about 10-12 days to kick in bro.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Thanks bro. I've heard from a few people that I should be feeling it by now, but this gives me some hope.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hehe, I remember the first time I took a dbol-only cycle I thought my shit was bunk, but I kept taking it anyway. Then 2 weeks into it BAM, I felt like I was lifting air.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    another thing bro, try this. About 1-1.5 hours before your workout, drink 8-16 oz. of 100% grapejuice (to aid absorbtion) and then take 20mg (or more) dbols. If you do this I guarantee you'll feel it during your workout

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Grape juice???? Are you sure you don't mean grape fruit juice bro?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    whoops, yeah thats what i meant

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    Day 7 (been 1 full week) and it's 5:20 am. Couldn't sleep, so did another shot at about 3 am, waited 30 mins then hit the gym in the basement. Did a simple heavy chest workout and very simple light back, but fuck, my pump was insane. I thought not only my chest and back were gonna rip out of my skin, but my arms and forearms! I was sweating like crazy, got light headed a few times and my lips have been really chapped. But I think the d-bols are just starting to kick in now, I really doubt that the Prop has that kinda effect at such a low dosage in the Sust. Anyways, wicked pump and weighed in POST-Workout at 208 buck naked. That's not too shabby, 7 days = 13lbs (give or take 5) SO that means about 8lbs gained give or take 5. Looking good so far!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    yep, thats the first thing you feel. After 1 week the dbol pumps kick in, 2 weeks you'll feel some massive strength

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    What's up guys, I think this is day 12? Lost count. Anyways, I'm definately getting stronger, my pumps are lasting longer and I'm a watermelon head. Haha....well, it just looks like I just woke up all the time, but girls think it's 'cute' so I don't really care.

    So far, I'm up to 212. Not too bad. That's roughly about a pound and a bit a day, but a lot of it is water.

    My diet has been hard to maintain, it's just not being able to eat enough. I'll go 2-3 days and eat like a cow, then one day, my body will say 'Fuck You' and won't let me eat anything, so I'll end up eating only like 2000 cals instead of the usualy (4000-5000). Days like that, I've come up with kinda a 'solution'. I'll eat four 1000 calorie+ meals. I know it's not a good idea but it gets the job done on the days when my body tells me to screw off.

    I've noticed the biggest improvements in my thickness and my chest so far. AND I finally know how the D-Bol lower back pump pain feels like, it's a bitch.

    Did shoulders a few days back, threw up the 70lb Dumbells no problem. Didn't go any heavier because I'm working my way back up slowly and my shoulder for some reason was hurting like a bitch. It's okay now though, it just felt like a sharp pain and I thought it was going to pop. Did 135 on Upright Rows (never tried it before) but did it for 4 reps, 35lb on Lateral Raises and ended off with 135 Clean+Jerks just to keep the pump alive.

    My leg workout was one fucking bitch of a workout, I'm still sore from it today. Started off with four sets of squats with 135lbs but did it for reps of 25 each set and going all the way down. I've never done this before and let me tell you that it is damn hard and I felt it burn deeper than ever before. Right after the squats, I did leg curls, leg extensions, lunges and back to squats, but reps of 10,8,6,4. I couldn't do calves because I had problems standing up straight, my pump was so huge in my Thighs that my underwear ripped on the sides on it's own. Fucking cool.

    I'm also thinking about changing up my workout routine. I might just go with the traditional:
    M - Chest (maybe tri)
    T - Back (maybe bi)
    W - Legs
    T - Shoulders
    F - Arms (or just tri)
    S - Rest (or if I do tri on Fri, do Bi on Sun)
    S - Rest

    I find I'm the gym and it's like the workout never ends. I do a heavy chest and the light back is just a bitch to do. But it keeps the muscles hard which I like. Any opinions?

    Anyways, going to go workout arms today and see how things go. Did back yesterday and I'm sore as a bitch today. I love it.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    nice thread m8 keep us posted

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    What's up guys,
    It's day 17 I think, and things are just starting to look good. First off, I weighed in at a big 220 at the gym and at home at 216, not too bad. My strength has definately gone up, a lot.

    I worked out chest, and considering I took a 2 week lay off for an injury prior. Anyways, I struggled to pull out 10 reps with 135lbs on Day 1. This Monday, I threw up 185lbx10 and then 230x5. Felt real good. Also, I'm doing 60lb Dumbell flies with ease, cleaning out reps of 10. Real easy. I found I was usually fatigued at the end of my chest workout and ended off with flat bench, with 135lbs and I would struggle to get out 6 reps because I was so beat. But I loaded up 155lbs and pushed out 4 straight sets of 12. Felt real good. Impressed my bro who thought my gear was whack.

    Did back yesterday, and I'm fucked today. Real fucked. In a good and bad way. I started off with V-Bar hanging raises, did 4 sets of 5 reps just to warm up, and found them quite hard after awhile. Then moved into barbell rows with a overhand grip on the bar, ended off with 215 for 4 reps. Made my day. Moved on from there and did V-Bar pulls and did the stack for about 4 reps. That really impressed me. Had a crazy pump. Did a few other back exercises but concentrated more on squeeze for those and not the amount of weight I was pulling to hit some weak areas in my back (lat's and subscapular mainly). Ended off with Dead lifts with 275lbs for reps of 3. Found that a little hard though, surprisingly hard. I had a good pump from that workout, and went and sat in the hot tub and hit the sauna to help get rid of some excess water and clean out my pores a bit. Helped last night, but not this morning.

    Woke up and was SORE. Never this sore in my back EVER. My chest is just as sore, but my back is ridiculous. I don't know if anyone else has had this, but has your SUBSCAPULAR PUMP hurt this much!? I've never even HAD that pump before! But it hurts. So sore that I didn't even do legs today, there's no way I'm able to do squats.

    I know how the lower back D-Bol and Shin Splints are now that are caused by it. This morning, I was loading toys in see-thru plastic bags for a charity, and by the time I was done loading the first bag, my lower back and rhomboid pump was so deep I had to sit down because I couldn't walk. I played ice hockey on Sunday, and for every 1 minute I was on the ice, I was off for 10. My shin splints were TOO bad. I guess I gotta give up the ice for awhile.

    I'm having a lot of troubles sleeping. REAL bad. I sleep for about 2 hours and that's it. The rest of my night I'm tossing and turning. My mouth gets real dry too. I fell asleep tonight from 8pm to 10pm and now I'm up at 11pm and I since I can't work out legs because my back hurts so much, and my chest is sore, I'm just going to work out arms. I'll post up my pics so far after my workout (so I look extra good for you suckas).

    I've come up with a long list of shit that I think newbies or even those who've never done a cycle before should take into deep consideration before doing a cycle, I'll post it up soon.

    Until then, peace and I hope I'm still growing in my next post.

    (my fucking back!)

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Oh, and I need to add this...

    The whole ROID RAGE crap? It's a bunk. If anything, I'm actually calmer and more patient.

    I think there's several factors that come into play:

    1) I don't want the risk of injury while on the sauce of breaking my hand on some guys face, just not worth it

    2) I know I am and I will be stronger than most of the guys who have issues they need to deal with (punk-ass') so there really is no point in fighting. I just shrug it off and move on.

    3) I'm constantly thinking about my body now and what's happening to it, so I really don't find thinking about negative stuff helps at all.

    All that aside, while on the sauce, I've grown a whole new appreciation for pretty much everything. It's hard to pinpoint WHY I have, but I have. And the dudes who're jealous because they see you throwing up weight they can't even come close too, it's just not worth it.

    Prime example, some dudes that wanted to fight me at a movie theatre awhile back were at my gym, little fucking punks. About 6'5 and 100lbs. Anyways, I walk in and 20lbs in 2 weeks is noticeable, so they start whispering. Nothing about the sauce, just shit like I'm the 'dude from high school who blah blah blah'. While I was in the gym, I saw them doing squats real fucked up, so I went over and helped them out, and making sure that if they have a spot that they know how to spot proper and to push themselves to new limits to get huge. Caught the bastards off guard, but they grew a new respect for me. I also said that when they go home today, to EAT like a mofo if they want to get big. They took it into consideration and that was that. When I was about to go into the Hot Tub, the same dudes came bye and I thought we were going to scrap for sure, but they started asking me about training splits and what to eat. Before they left, I said bluntly that I don't hold grudges and that we should all just grow up because it's pretty senseless to hold a deep grudge over nothing. They were surprised but respected what I had to say.

    Now if roid rage were a factor, from their first whispers there could've been bombs dropped, and if I wasn't on the sauce and didn't learn the discipline and patience that comes along with it, I would've for sure rocked some teeth for the tooth fairy to take away.

    Just some stuff I think most people might be interested in reading before they travel to the dark side....


  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Interesting thread, keep it coming!

    I think in some people roid rage is only noticeable in higher doses and it also depends on what steroids you're taking. I'm on my first cycle of d-bol, eq and sus and I've definitley noticed something, I'm more irratable at times, but I guess we're all different.

  27. #27
    Bro r u running any Anti E's ?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    GOD DAMN IT RoNNy THe BuLL you are a fucking Genius. I wish more people had your brians. Roid rage is a poor excuse for people that allow there I.D. (or inner child urges) to take over and control them. Well said brother man!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    i am way calmer then before on the sauce too, i thought i was the only one....

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    Ronny is gone for a while I believe so no updates from him.


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