Alright, maybe im a little paranoid but considering the outcoming of my first attempt at a cycle i think i have reason for concern. I waited until my leg healed up and ordered some more gear before starting another cycle ( test E frontloaded). I am aware the first couple times, the injection site will hurt but it has been almost a week. I am almost positive it cant be contaminated because when i got it, i filtered it all into sterile vials and added 2% BA. I have had no symptoms of redness or fever and have completed 2 injections now after the first week which are painful (obviously not as bad as the first). My question is that is it normal for first cycle/first few cycles to have injection pain for over 4-5 days? I am supposed to inject in the morning and I am seriously considering just switching to the prop I have saved up for next cycle in the mean time @ 100mg EOD until i get something else unless i am just paranoid.
Anyones input on this dilemma would be appreciated