If someone was to take a well educated guess how many UGL's do you think there are in the U.S. ? I know that the recent bust took down some of the major ones but there has to be thousands of them through out the country, not saying that they are all of equal quality but this bust definately didn't dry up the states. Not to mention, they truly hurt the quality, and now even more gear that is made will be made at a lower quality with more risk of infections! Also do the feds and dea know that because AAS is legal in other countries there will always be accessability to powders, and by busting all these labs they will raise prices causing more powder suppliers to get into the game with the United States due to increasing revenue? Im kind of just wondering all of this because I am taking both Ethics, and Economics right now, and we are talking about supply and demand, along with elasticity and inelasticity of products, and the war on drugs in ethics. Also I am writing my ethics paper on my thoughts on why Anabolics should be legalized through a doctor consent for personal use. Any thoughts will be appreciated.