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Thread: potential cycle gh,deca,test

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    potential cycle gh,deca,test

    week 1-16 : deca 600 week
    week 1-24 : sust 750 week
    week 1-24: hgh 5-6ui's ed 5on/2off

    i might lower test after deca to 500/week.
    bulking clean, 6000cals ed. just under 390g proteined
    stats: 5'9, 200lbs give or take 1 lbs, 11%bf,

    cycle exp: first time at hgh, 4th cycle of test with add-on

    will be taking t3 1 month in and letro the whole way(gyno sux). pct after of course (nolva clomid hgc)

    any comments?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by castertroy
    week 1-16 : deca 600 week
    week 1-24 : sust 750 week
    week 1-24: hgh 5-6ui's ed 5on/2off

    i might lower test after deca to 500/week.
    bulking clean, 6000cals ed. just under 390g proteined
    stats: 5'9, 200lbs give or take 1 lbs, 11%bf,

    cycle exp: first time at hgh, 4th cycle of test with add-on

    will be taking t3 1 month in and letro the whole way(gyno sux). pct after of course (nolva clomid hgc)

    any comments?

    no look's pritty fine to me so may say the cycle's a bit long but hay everyone try's diffrent thing's

    are you going to be running HCG through out cycle and what will the pct look like ???
    no open source posting
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    someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.

    detailed detection times
    at least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source check
    unsure about the rule's please read up
    thread for first cycle choices


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    because its a 5 month cycle i was just gonna save the hcg for end. any longer and i would put it in sooner.
    im probably gonna do 10ui's 3 times a week. thinking it might be better.
    do u think i will be puting on much mass with it or is the dose too low?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Dude I am finishing up a test e, deca, and hgh cycle. Lower dosages than what you're running, but wow man...this is one hell of a combination. You should get some awesome results. I ran the GH about two months before the juice, only 4iu per day.

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
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    As said above the AAS side if things look fine, however, I woud make a minor modification to how you're running your HGH.

    I would start using HGH 8 weeks before starting AAS. This may not be necessary but it would be nice to start AAS when your IGF levels are sky high.


  6. #6
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    Feb 2006
    should i 1) start test right away with it and keep deca for the end
    2) no test for the first while , then run deca and test later on.

    i have enough test to run it through the whole 5 months, but only enough deca to run for the last 16 weeks.
    may as well run test all the way? i hear hgh works better with test.

  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
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    You can start deca and test at the same time. HGH + test is a good combo yes.


  8. #8
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    Feb 2006
    just started it today!!!
    one last question: pwo i have a high carb high protein shake then followed by a serving of chicken breast and either pasta or wild rice. i wanted to know, if i take the shot of hgh right after a workout will the carbs along with it be bad news?? i heard u shouldnt take carbs with the hgh, but u need carbs after a workout.

  9. #9
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by castertroy
    just started it today!!!
    one last question: pwo i have a high carb high protein shake then followed by a serving of chicken breast and either pasta or wild rice. i wanted to know, if i take the shot of hgh right after a workout will the carbs along with it be bad news?? i heard u shouldnt take carbs with the hgh, but u need carbs after a workout.
    Carbohydrates PWO are essential, so don't eliminate carbs immidietly after training. If you train in the evening, take you GH in the AM and early afternoon. Otherwise, you can always take your GH prior training.


  10. #10
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    wont proir stop your natural gh spurt u might have during the workout?

  11. #11
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by castertroy
    wont proir stop your natural gh spurt u might have during the workout?
    That's why I always suggest to take your GH a few hrs prior training. Forgot to add that part.

    We have to remember that your body doesn't always produce its own HGH when you exercise, it happens sometimes but mostly through intense training sessions. So unless we know if your body is going to produce its own HGH while training, it would be hard to say if taking GH right before training would be safe or not. So to be sure, take it a few hrs before you train.

    Also, if you are ever in a position where you have no choice but to have a dose of HGH around the time your body tends to produce its own HGH, don't worry, you can still have a dose as a one off because your body produces its own HGH about 8 - 10 times per day. Interrupting 1 natural release won't do much as there are still another 7 - 9 natural pulses to go.


  12. #12
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    i just did my 2nd shot today of 10 ui's but somone told me that i should have slowly gone up from a lower dose. but the guy who gave them says just start and stay at 10. will i get more sides from this? should i cut the dose in half and build back up? or stay at 10 3 times a week?

  13. #13
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by castertroy
    i just did my 2nd shot today of 10 ui's but somone told me that i should have slowly gone up from a lower dose. but the guy who gave them says just start and stay at 10. will i get more sides from this? should i cut the dose in half and build back up? or stay at 10 3 times a week?
    You should slowly increase the dose to prevent harsh sides, 10IU is way too much to start of on. I would use a lower dose and increase if necessary.


  14. #14
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    my buddy who uses it and does competitions says stay at 10uis because its only 3 times a week. less than 4 uis a day.
    will doing 3 times a week high dose really be that much better for mass building than 5 times a week lower dose?

  15. #15
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by castertroy
    my buddy who uses it and does competitions says stay at 10uis because its only 3 times a week. less than 4 uis a day.
    will doing 3 times a week high dose really be that much better for mass building than 5 times a week lower dose?
    I wasn't aware you were talking about EOD dosing. If you taking HGH 3 times per week (or EOD), most will generally take higher doses than users who use HGH ED, but even if you are cycling HGH EOD you should still start on a lower dose and increase it slowly. Probably start on about 5IU.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    thanks gear for all ur replies.
    i will keep u all posted with a log probably in a few weeks

  17. #17
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Great, good luck.


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