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Thread: My Natural 7 month change Pics.

  1. #1

    My Natural 7 month change Pics.

    Ok.. So I only started working out in March 2007...

    I am like 5'10" maybe a hair shorter... and 20 yrs old

    The first pic is me in March 2007. I weighed i think 165 lbs. I took it before I ever started working out....

    So I worked out for about a month, noticed some gains, and then started imrpoving my diet and taking in more protein and I tried out creatine... well that was a mistake.. I got so fat and bloated with water... it wasnt even funny...

    So this is me in May 2007... im sure i built mass....somewhere underneath all that fat and water.... lol

    Now I stopped using that, and now I just workout when i can and eat what i can.. ( i work out of town in the oilfield with no gyms and shitty camp food) So I workout with dumb bells and pushups and whatever i can find to help me out....

    This is what i look like today.. 182 lbs... not sure of my bodyfat...

    Let me know what you think. Please critisize and tell me what i need to work on!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Looking a lot better man... way better.

    What does your diet look like on a typical day?

  3. #3
    I dont have a diet...

    due to the fact that I work in the oilfield lol.. I live in hotels in small towns and in bush camps for weeks at a time and dont have much to cook my own food with..... and no gyms to work out in....

    So i am just very picky in what i eat.. I eat absolutely no fast food, no junk food, no sugary crap...

    I buy alot of pre-cooked whole chickens at the grocery store and eat one of those every two days, and i eat alot of cans of tuna and salmon and wild rice and lots of nuts and trail mix to snack on.. and lots of fruit. I also keep a blender with me and drink 180-200 grams of protein per day.... ( i sometimes miss a few shakes but i try to stay consistant with them.) I take vitamins and fish oil supplements...

    I work 14 hour days every day 24 days straight... so i cant dedicate myself to a strict diet or workout regime... it really sucks. But i broke up with my old lady of a 3 year relationship, and I spend all my time out of town working out after work and eating as much clean food as i can.. I also drink about 4-6 litres of water per day... i always have a water bottle in my hand that im sipping on non stop....

    Any suggestions?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Ruckin with the Rozzers!!
    what do you do for training?
    a friend of mine was on remand for a while and just spent hrs doing press ups,military press(legs against a wall),pull ups on the door frame and free standing squats.
    it kept him in decent shape but i dont think it would build muscle.

  5. #5
    nice transformation man you look good I would say work on your deltoids and chest to bring your look out. I also lack in the deltoid area

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by bayou_strongbod
    nice transformation man you look good I would say work on your deltoids and chest to bring your look out. I also lack in the deltoid area

    I agree, i will put more focus on my delts and pecs...

    I find that i have alot of fat on my lower pecs... but it has been there since i was 14... having a hard time losing it too.... any tips?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Do yoga not steroids!!!
    I have the same problem man. It's the absolute last place where I lose fat, that and the oblique area. Just keep training, and keep dieting. You'll lose the fat, it'll just take longer.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I can see that so far you are on the right track. I agree with the others building up those delts and upper chest will make a big difference. I know what you mean tho with the lower chest fat I seem to have the same problem myself. When I cut it will be the last thing that goes. God I hate genetics

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    your looking good bro...keep it up.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    in paradise
    i dont see much of a change although i see some lower body fat, last pic though seems as though you are holding in you gut!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by freakon
    i dont see much of a change although i see some lower body fat, last pic though seems as though you are holding in you gut!
    what !! lol, I have gained 15-20 lbs since the first pic.

    yeah I do still have alot of gut fat and lower chest..
    Been trying to work on it, i guess ill step up the cardio a bit more.. and focus more on my chest and delts to bring out my look..

    I will get some pics of my legs up soon.. they arent too bad...

  12. #12
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    nice old are you

  13. #13

    20 years old...

    all natural.. no cycles

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    making a comeback.....
    Keep up the hardwork

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    good job...keep it up

  16. #16
    good job

  17. #17
    Good Job

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    keep up the hard work

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    right here
    keep up the hard work

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    right here
    Quote Originally Posted by ramblin freak View Post
    keep up the hard work
    tryin to get your 100 posts lovinlife?ur bumpin last years threads

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