Hi , i have been going through tests for low T , i have all ready had 2 blood work tests done, one nine months ago and one roughly a month ago, but all there testing or telling me is my free testosterone and my bioavailable levels, wich are really low. what im asking is what should i ask them to specifically to test for i know i should know my estrogen levels , but thats pretty much all i know to ask or what i should know before i can chose a plan to raise my levels before i resort to TRT ( which my doc has mentioned), thanks for all the help
p.s my first test 9 months showed me on the high end of normal that was 6 months after i last used i did not touch any thing but protein and creatine and food , the doctor tested my levels because of cough ed cough and i have no idea why they would drop over half of what they are , if i didnt add a thing or change a thing so any help would be greatly welcome as im really not feeling like a man anymore and its killin me at 27