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Thread: My training program...pls critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    On the beach

    My training program...pls critique

    In my program every major muscle group gets trained twice a week except for shoulders and legs:

    -Flat bench press:4 sets, increased weight until failure
    -Incline bench press:4 sets, increased weight until failure
    -Decline bench press:3 sets, increased weight until failure
    -Skull crushers:4 sets, increaed weight until failure
    -Rope pulldowns:3 sets, moderate weight, 8-12 reps per set

    -Weighted pullups:4sets, increased weight until failure
    -Close grip pull downs:4sets, increased weight until failure
    -Wide grip rows:4sets, increased weight until failure
    -Close grip rows:4sets, increased weight until failure
    -Standing barbell curls:4sets, moderate to heavy weight
    -Preacher curls:4sets, increased weight until failure

    -Seated overhead dumbell press:4sets, increased weight until failure
    -Frontside lateral raises:4sets, moderate to heavy weight
    -Side later raises:4sets, moderate to heavy weight

    -Leg Press:4sets, heavy weight
    -Leg extensions:3sets, moderate to heavy weight
    -Leg curls:3sets, moderate to heavy weight
    -Weighted machine calve raises: 4sets, increased weight until failure

    -(same routine as before)

    -(same routine as before)

    Sun:**REST DAY**

    **Each training session is followed by 20min of medium intensity cardio.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    you could use a little more rest in between... i would switch tuesdays routine to wednesday and wednesdays to friday.. then do thursdays on fridays...

    there is no need ot repeat your routine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    right here
    no shrugs for traps?in my opinion u need more for your tri's,and what about ur rear delts?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    On the beach
    Quote Originally Posted by ramblin freak View Post
    no shrugs for traps?in my opinion u need more for your tri's,and what about ur rear delts?
    well originally i had incorporated shrugs into my shoulder day then i began to think i was overtraining so i cut it out...same thing for tri's, i always hear that anything over 2 excersizes for tri's on chest day is too much...everyone always preaches overtraining which gets me worried and makes me limit my excersizes, could i get away with doing more?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Seems like overtraining to me, If you wanna hit each muscle twice a week look into something like the sling shot or iron man HIT. If i hadda critique your current workout i woul change Tuesdays workout to Wed.(take tue off) Then combine thurs/fri into one workout done on Friday, so it looks like this
    Mon-Chest/tri Wed- Back/BI Fri- Shoulders/legs

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    again that would be overtraining for me, if it works for you then stick with it, but most people would burn out their CNS and actually get weaker over time

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    definitely overtraining IMO... stick to 4x a week (Mon,Tue,Thu,Sat) and you'll grow much faster.

    Also, you definitely need to incorporate hammer curls for the branchialis and shrugs for the traps. And your leg day can do with some SLDL or squats (alternated weekly)


  8. #8
    where are the squats? where are the deadlifts? why train so many sets to failure? and why perform the same exercises every time?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    On the beach
    Quote Originally Posted by hauss man View Post
    where are the squats? where are the deadlifts? why train so many sets to failure? and why perform the same exercises every time?
    well my excersizes usually change each i usually replace one excersize with dead lifts for shoulders and lower back every other far as squats go, i would love to do em but for some crazy reason putting the bar across my upper back just hurts like crazy, its almost like hitting a very tendor nerve everytime the weight hits my back so im forced to do leg press.

    as for doing so many sets till failure, it just seems like i get the most out of my workouts when i push my body to the limits, and the results are very nice as well.

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