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Thread: Expired GH

  1. #1

    Expired GH

    I just bought 2 kits of Serostim 6mg at half price because they expired 04/2007

    is this stuff still going to be good or not?

    my friend says it should be good within a years of usage?
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 11-26-2007 at 09:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    if it's dry, then it's still ok....just use it up ASAP

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    You will find expired HGH isn't always totally ineffective but is only less potent. If it was stored at required temp, it should still work.


  4. #4
    thanks guys...

    i just upped my dose of gh to not feeling any one friend says thats because im not on any juice at the moment...

    my first experience using gh which was a generic brand my friends chemist made, my hands were tingling in like 2 days at only 2ius EOD...i was on low dosages of anavar and winny

    i mean this is legit stuff, Serostim only expired in april of 07...never reconstituted and it was still wrapped in the box...and all that

    the only thing i feel at 3ius right now is a slight "blood pump"

    i was thinking possibly upping the dose to 6ius of this expiered gh witht the idea that mabye it would really give me 3ius worth...

    i don't know , anyone have any more advice on this??

    should i just take massive amounts to get rid of it and get my money's worth...i only paid half price for each kit...not a bad deal if it works...
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 12-11-2007 at 01:55 PM.

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    It doesn't matter if you are using AAS or not, HGH sides can still be present.

    I don't doubt your stuff is less potent, so taking more than you usually would may be a good idea, but I wouldn't jump from 3IU to 6IU, I'd still slowly ramp up.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    it will be dilluted, i guess its all about luck

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