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If you have a good source who has good gh, then the sides will be minimal at 3.5 iu a day. But 2 months will do nothing but maybe drop some BF and start making you feel good, sleep better and the bloating? I dont have that problem. I do 4 iu a day, every morning at around 7am, do 45 minutes cardio right after, come into my kitchen afterwards, drink a cup of coffee, and then make my shake, high carb and protien. I do gh for the health benefits, not to get big. I do light weight training in the eve after work, eat healthy, and feel ..................fabulous. I dropped 22 lbs the first 1 1/2 months, and holding at my preffered weight after 3 months of gh. If your goal is to get lean, big, then you will need to do more than 3.5 iu a day, at least double, and go at least 4to6 months.
good luck