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Thread: NEW to Steroids, Here's my idea ... input please?

  1. #1

    NEW to Steroids, Here's my idea ... input please?

    Hey everyone, how's it going?

    This is my first post, so my apologies if it's in the wrong location.


    I'm 23, 5'9" and weigh an even 120lbs. Pathetic, I know. I've been wanting to gain weight forever and it doesn't seem like it's going to work without a little assistance. So I've been looking at difference products and talked to a few friends who all suggested D-bol. Now I was thinking of just picking up 100 tabs, roughly enough for 4 weeks if I take 3 5mg tabs a day. My goal is to gain 30-40lbs. I'd like to be between 150 and 170 at the end of the cycle. Would that be possible in just 4 weeks? I was also going to pick up some Proviron and Nolvadex to help battle the estrogen side effects and water weight. I'm also not sure what kind of lifting regimen to start. I was also considering using a "liver-flush" product and some weigh protein style weight gaining drinks.

    Any input would be great and I'd really appreciate it. I honestly want to use the steroids long enough to put the weight on, once I stop using the steroids and have gained the desired weight, how will I be able to retain the weight? I was reading where after you stop using d-bol you lose the mass acquired. Is that true?

    Someone please help!! I'd love to get my regimen started, I just want to make sure I do it in the most safe, efficient, least toxic way possible using the least amount of steroids for the shortest time possible.

    Thanks for your input!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    right here
    bro sounds to me like you need to get your diet in check.Food food and more food at this point is the only thing thats gonna helpYour 23 which is really too young for steroids.Your not going to gain 50 lbs in 4 weeks on d-bol or any other anabolics.Get yourself a good routine going hit the gym hard for a few years.In the mean time stick around do some reading and when the time is right then start a cycle good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

  4. #4
    Thats actually pretty much it. Like the two cats said above, it takes a while before you actually hit up any type of steriods. I know how you feel though bro, I was like you two years ago (well not in height or wieght, I am 6'2 and always wieghed above 200lbs) I was really eager to get big fast. The only info I got here was to lift and keep diet in check for a while. In my mind, if I lifted and didn't notice a difference in two weeks then I'm not doing something right. But oddly enough I stuck with it and what two years later I have put on some really good lean mass and still maintained a low b/f %.

    I really suggest you just give it time bro. Be patient and dedicated and it will take time. It sounds like you have a high metabolism so it MIGHT make you a hard gainner but eat and workout regularly. Good Luck bro!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Fort Lauderdale, FL
    Last edited by ultimatethombus; 09-08-2009 at 06:31 PM.

  6. #6
    Ive been under weight all my life too. Spent 6 years in the Navy starving to death on mid-rations. I went in the Navy 155# and all bones, just being 21 YO. When I got out I was 30 and out of shape wei***ng 160#. Ive been lifting for 8 months or less and Ive gained 20# just by using ON Whey and just started NO Explode. Im not ready for any cycle yet because of the advise on this forum. You should listen to these guys. I had to work hard and get my diet straight just like everyone on here keeps repeating. Every other hour I shove food or a power bar in my mouth. I wake up and go to bed with a shake....And keep reading the posts on this site. It worked for me... I just benched 225 X 3 with no spotter and I couldnt do 185X3 just 6 months ago.... Im not bragging...just making progress....

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