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hi bros.i went to my doctor again for regular blood work and it turned out to be fine.i was curious about my blood pressure for some reason so i asked him to take a reading.well as it turned out it was 145 over 105.he was shocked and so was i because i never had problems with my blood pressure or anything else especially after being on steroids for over 20 years or so.now i know i just turned 50 i havent changed my diet.i still eat anything because i have a fast metabolism.he told me he was concerned about the bottom reading (105 )he explained to me that my heart was pumping to fast and if i was to have a stoke its better to have it all the way then half of the way because if its half of the way i would end up in a wheel chair,but at least all the way i would be better off because i would be dead and wouldnt half to go to all the suffering.i have been seeing him regularly for a long time.he told his helper in the room that i assume he is going to be a doctor soon that he is in a way against steroids but he doesnt condome it.anyway he asked me to go at least three times a week to a drug store and use those blood pressure machine that you sit down and put your left arm in and it takes a reading and then show him the results in one month from now.i said ok.now i asked him if i should start doing some cardio,i dont usually do cardio unless i am competing three months or so before a competition.i am on a mass cycle now and i find cardio defeats the purpose of gaining weight.now about my diet he said even if i change it,it wont make a difference.as far a cardio he said if i start that its worse .it will make my heart go ever faster and that could be it.so i asked him what i should do,he said stop taking your two 25 mg.and your two cups of coffee before workout five days a week and see what happens.ok now look what happened.i went to a drug store straight from there and took a blood pressure reading on those machine.i took it three times in a row it read 137 over 75.now remember what he said he was concerned about the bottom reading the most dangerous one.ok so what the hell is going on i said is this machine wrong.so i went to another drug store right away and did the same thing.now i took 4 readings of this and they were average 130 over 87........ok guys whats going on and what should i do.do i ignore my doctors advice and still take my ephedrine and coffee or should i just stay of it for a month while i still take my readings three times a week. my cycle right now has been for 10 weeks of 6 iu hgh everyday,10 iu humalog 2 times a day only on workout days.1400mg.cypionate a week.600 mg deca a week, 20mg.nolvadex a day and i know i should have added t-3 s when i started,maybe its good that i didnt because of my blood pressure i dont know what readings are wright or wrong any more and by the way i just started 75mg.trenbolone acetate two days ago.and i was going to add 8 to 10 tabs of d-ball with the trenbolone.any advese would be appreciated