I wanted to know some info on what makes people or the public always stating that if you take steroids you can never have kids. I would like to know some opinions about it and what, if any steroids' effects on our ability to have kids?
I wanted to know some info on what makes people or the public always stating that if you take steroids you can never have kids. I would like to know some opinions about it and what, if any steroids' effects on our ability to have kids?
yes i would love to know... as i am about to take a delve into this...
None you might lower your counts, but I knocked up my babies mama right after 2 back to back deca cycles with no real pct!
Last edited by IntenseAthlete; 12-12-2007 at 12:16 AM.
wrong forum for this question
It's not true. It depends on so many variables. If you run a basic PCT and other factors aside you will be fertile no problem.
Hell, there are guys on this site that have gotten their wives or girlfriends being on cycle.
From what I understand, but am not positive, it takes 6+ months of being on-cycle before symptoms of infertility begin. However, with proper recovery of the HPTA, one should not have any issues with sperm production. This is considering that you are a healthy male w/o innate fertility issues to begin with.
i mean a lot of you are rite about proper pct, but sometimes people get invovled in it, because steroids can tranform your body, you get strenght, mass, cut, watever your goal is, obviously one must train hard and be disciplined in bodybuilding, but sometimes at least for me, we tend to forget the risks or underestimate them.
i made my gf pregnant on test/tren/winny cycleAND its a boy hehe
congradulations lol thats good news.
peachfuzz your crazy lol, i dont think guys on steroids have an effect on babies.
Look at Arnold he has 2 daughters.
Yeah I know someone who was in contest prep who knocked up a girl, he was on quite a bit of juice and still got my ex's friend pregnant with one shot lol.
does anybody know one person who couldnt have kids due to steroids? maybe that is a better question lol
I wish spywizard would jump in here. he has all the paperwork on his sperm count and PCT recoverys...
some statistics would be nice lol
Gustavo Badell just announced the birth of his daughter in the last MD. Im not sure if he's ever used AAS though.......................
it will/may lower sperm count whilst on but i had 2 of my 4 children whilst bang in the middle of cycles.......
Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........![]()
Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........
Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:
sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....
thats really comforting knowing a lot of you that were on cycles and did cycles are still having kids.
Yeah my wife is on second trimester right now. I was on cycle..
we`ve been on 3d dopller(shes 6 months prengnant now), you should see how my boy is kicking. he already made lat spread and single bi pose
got it all on dvd...priceless![]()
my dad has never admitted being on anything, but its just one of those things i've never asked.....but lets just says he's still hiding in his "steroid using closet" with a glass door. Everyone sees right through and knows whats goin on in there....well he just knocked his wife up....i have another little brother...(never seen that smiley before) lol
lol hard to hide something with a glass door
haha, at least u can always ask him for advice on cycles
I was on a heavy cycle for a few years,... when the wife and I desided to have kids I had my sperm count checked and I had very low sperm count.... I had it done again at 3 months and It was a little higher and at 6 months it was back to normal... I had 30 million per ML.... we later found out the problem was her
i also knocked up someone after a couple of cycles in a row
Ha ha. A couple squirts in the ol' post workout shake and kazaam! Like Dbol on steroids!!!
But seriously, Good question Recon.
I have heard so many people argue that 'cruising' will render you sterile after a period of time. However, I have never heard of anyone who actually had this problem. I would definately like to see some more facts on this one.
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