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Thread: quick help please....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    quick help please....


    Due to reasons beyond my control (that being my work and being stuck on a ship in the middle of the sea for an extra 4weeks more than I was supposed to be!), I have 4weeks left on the ship and only 2 x amps of 250mg Test Enth left! This was used alone at 250mg E3D from the last few weeks of my HGH cycle until, well until I reached about 14weeks of it.

    So like I said, I only have 2 amps left, I due have nolva but I have 4weeks left on the ship. So my question is, I have dropped down to 250mg the lst 2weeks and was wondering if the best thing to do now is to drop down to 125/wk til I go home. I know it will be in my system for 2weeks or so prior to finishing the cycle but Ideally, I want my levels elevated so that I can get more gear (And use my HCG etc) when I get home, then extend my cycle another 4weeks or so and make up for it.

    So what would you do - either, finish these last 2 at 250/wk, then use my Nolva after a week or two everyday OR carry on at a lower dose as above??
    Is 125mg enough to keep the levels of what my natural test would be at? How much does the body naturally produce in a week?



  2. #2
    I wouldn't recommend tapering. Just stop and do pct.


    First Cycle??

    First you prob should of pre planned. You didn't have enough for a full quality cycle.

    How much Nolva do you have? Enough to do a proper PCT?? I would start that at the time suggested here after 7-14 days of your last injection.

  3. #3
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    Oct 2006
    carry on at a lower dose and yes 125mg/week, although dependent on the user, will keep your levels above high natural levels.....thats a typical HRT dose

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the replies. Although two very different ones lol.

    No this is not my third cycle and actually, it was very very well planned, but if you read my post, I am 4weeks over the time I should have been on this ship. Hence, 4weeks short of Test. This was unplanned and could not be accounted for as it was not meant to happen. I have clomid, nolva, chrysin, lots of HCG at home which was for the last couple of weeks of my cycle and PCT. I also have IGF-1 LR3 for PCT. So, yes it was well planned. As soon as I found out there was a chance of a delay on this ship, I lowered my dose, again, something I planned for otherwise I would have ran out of it already. There is only so much gear and needles etc that I can hide in my case when travelling across country and then boarding a ship to stay on without the risk of being caught, otherwise, I would have brought everything.

    Nolva amount that I have here, is about half a bottle (Or just over) of Lions Nolvadex liquid. So, altho not perfect, I could use it as my PCT in 2wks time and it should just do. But, I dont have Clomid here, and also I would like to make up for this wasted last 4weeks of the cycle by extending it after using some HCG. I am also supposed to be using Var in my last 4weeks of the cycle (Which is at home), PCT 2wks after last test shot and then start clomid/nolva/chrysin/IGF-1 as my PCT for 4weeks.

    So, I am swaying towards the second post - carry on at 125mg for now. If anyone else agrees ?? Then, when I get home, I will jump my test straight up to 750/wk and use 50mg of Var each day for 4weeks leading 2wks into my PCT. So that way, I start PCT the same time I stop Var and also 2wks after stopping Test.

    Good idea then?? Thanks again for the replies guys


  5. #5
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    As for stats. Prior to this last 5wks (Where ive been unable to train as there is no gym, I was 195lbs and approx 8% BF 5'10" age 26, training for a good 9yrs now.

    This is now my 3rd cycle. Precycle/s, I was close to my body limit at 185lbs 11% BF. Last cycle I did wast 17months ago approx.


  6. #6
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    u know what, I give up with this site now. You used to be able to post something and then get replies almost instantly! It seems now, people prefer to post just to slate someone or have a joke about the question they posted for example - does this make your penis bigger!!?!

  7. #7
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazbo View Post
    u know what, I give up with this site now. You used to be able to post something and then get replies almost instantly! It seems now, people prefer to post just to slate someone or have a joke about the question they posted for example - does this make your penis bigger!!?!

    Or it's the holidays and no one is really on this board lately.... Just a thought

    But, I would also just lower my dose to a TRT level so you don't crash before gettin back on land to do your planned PCT.

  8. #8
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    dazbo...its the holidays, be patient & mature...

    now you have 3 members opinions/responses

    IMO...crashing now with minimal PCT would be your worse option. i would defintely cruise at a HRT dose and then when you get back, decide whether to run a real PCT or continue (that choice will be yours)

  9. #9
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    Seriously though dude not all of us are stuck on a ship. It is a holiday. You def won't get replies with comments like that. However we are here to help.
    I too would cruise with what you have left. Good Luck and don't woory you'll see land soon enough.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    Or it's the holidays and no one is really on this board lately.... Just a thought

    But, I would also just lower my dose to a TRT level so you don't crash before gettin back on land to do your planned PCT.
    I second this... definitely your best option...

  11. #11
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    do they have a gym on board

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogman69 View Post
    do they have a gym on board
    Most ships do to an extent. Depending on how large the ship is, of course. A carrier can have something equal to a Gold's gym while smaller cruisers have just a 20 x 20 room with a few things in it

  13. #13
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    i get sick on big ships i would be puking everywherelol

  14. #14
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    ye sorry about the seeming not nice comment about noone replying! Was kind of getting stressed and pissed of with it all!

    The good news is, I managed with some miracle, to get off the ship and arrived home xmas day! Im back on the ship now though but when I was home, I got the rest of my test and now have more than enough for 500mg per week! Plus I brought my HCG back with me! So 500 a week plus a couple of weeks of HCG until I get home and do things properly!

    BTW, on this ship, there is no gym! Its a very old tanker converted into an oil rig but is a long way from being finished and hence, the gym hasnt even started being fitted yet!

    also, what recommendations would you give for HCG use near the end of a cycle? My plan, but i need to check up on it, was to use 500ius eod for 2 weeks. Or would this be too high?Im not 100% sure i need to research again to remind me!



  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazbo View Post

    BTW, on this ship, there is no gym! Its a very old tanker converted into an oil rig but is a long way from being finished and hence, the gym hasnt even started being fitted yet!

    So how do you work out if there is no gym??

  16. #16
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    I havent been! I cant, I work 12-16hrs a day everyday.there nowher t train. I bought some weighted skipping ropes, exercise ball, pull up bar for doorway, and my gloves n focus pads for some boxing. No1 will box with me no room anywhere for ball or to skip. Heli deck is an option which I may try soon but wen I finish work, meals are a set time-7till8 after eating tht, I cant do skipping! I thought bout skipping before it but then i would miss dinner time!

    But also, I have a long on going problem with my right shoulder and mainly, right bicep-like inside and under the main bicep. Dont know what it is neither does physio. They thought it might be a referred pain from my shoulder?? Anyway, pull ups my arm, boxing hurts shoulder so I was hoping the time off might help recover that. Normally, I cant even force myself to stop training so I thought this would be a good time to stop cos its almost impossible to train anyway! I just wish it wasnt having to be right now after I had done so well with diet, training (Inc cardio) and my HGH/test cycle!

    Ive waffled on more than i wanted there, sorry! I have some progress pics from about 5weeks ago but now, I feel like I am back to before I started the HGH/test! Gutted really but thats life eh, just gotta get back to where I was as soon as this job stops messing things up for me (And my arm will hopefully recover!)

  17. #17
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    So why are you doing a 500mg/wk cycle if you can't work out at all. Seems to be a bit of a waste, doesn't it?

  18. #18
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    youre right yes, which is why Ive decided to keep it low at 250 a wk. It was the fact I had to drop to 125mg which I was originally worried about - I wasnt even sure if that dose was trt level! So yea, Im stickin with 250mg. Mind you, I have just realised that my lst shot was a 250mg one instead of half of it! I guess I will class that shot as a full weeks worth!

    Do you think I should just do one shot a week Dizz or will I be too up and down at that do you think?? Also, do u think I might as well stick with 125mg a week or will I get a little more benefit out of 250mg?

    Thanks again


  19. #19
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    125 is a trt level. That will give the same amount of test as an average male in thier early 20's produces per week. I don't see the point in continuing it if you have all your pct gear with you. Just get off and save what you have for when you have access to a gym and can put it to good use

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