Anyone have any experience with this? Cycle Results???
Anyone have any experience with this? Cycle Results???
Last edited by IAMCDN; 12-26-2007 at 07:01 PM. Reason: Forgot Picture
never had it, but ive seen it in many "legit steroids" forums, so i dont think u should be worrying.
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When does the label say it was made?
That company has been out of business (thanks to the DEA) since 2005 but is now being made by a different company... I've heard they are still legitimate gear. You should be alright. They are technically "fakes" because they aren't made by that company anymore but have the actual hormone in them.
Should be alright with them
It would be a good cycle if you pair it up with some test.
Good stuff did a 10ml last cycle, major gains but had to use hcg at the end and through pct. Make shure you run test e or test c with it, and have a good pct.
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