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Thread: goin to jail !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    goin to jail !

    so anyone been in the slammer for quite a while. i dont wanna lose any muscle , does anybody know anygood ways to keep muscle besides push ups and stuff! i heard of people putting their books in a pillow case and kinda curling them! any help would be awesome.. i get out durin the day so i can eat well!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    im gonna run to lunch and check back to see if u guys got any ideas. bback in an hour! thanks for any help!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Big D
    you can do towel workouts! I've done a lot of time and when you are without weights these are pretty good. it's basically just resistance.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    new york
    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    so anyone been in the slammer for quite a while. i dont wanna lose any muscle , does anybody know anygood ways to keep muscle besides push ups and stuff! i heard of people putting their books in a pillow case and kinda curling them! any help would be awesome.. i get out durin the day so i can eat well!
    upside down pushups (agaisnt the wall), explosive pushups, and do plyometrics in ur cell.

    Why are you going to the slammer?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    If you were so worried about losing muscle etc. you wouldn't have done whatever it is that landed you in jail.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  6. #6
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    yeah arnold and all them used the towel workouts back in the day, mainly just to get pumped before a show. Bro if I were you you could add those in along with the book curls in the pillow cases. Also while doing pushups vary your grip from wide (for lats) and close (for chest and tri development) When you doing these, add things that will be heavy on your upper back so you have resistance. also, for some time of bench press you could press your bed (dont know if they are movable or not) or even a cabinet or something. Pull ups you could do with no weight just body resistance and find good size out of it. Also if you do add weight to pullups, you could grip a few books in the pillow case and tie around your feet for extra weight. Hmmmmm what else........ If your bed is a bunk type and can be moved, you could also do leg press with it and pump out reps. Remember reps bro, pump them out. Little to no weight do a lot of reps, you should get pretty shredded if you keep this up every day. When you get out, hit the weights hard and then come and visit!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    If you were so worried about losing muscle etc. you wouldn't have done whatever it is that landed you in jail.
    He really got screwed outta this whole ordeal but honestly he wasnt that heavy into weightlifting (gaining a lot of muscle instead of just keeping in shape and healthy) and such at the time. Ive straightened him out and now he is on the right track (kinda pushed him to less partying, almost no drinking, and keeping a positive attitude about everything and keep striving for his goals). I kinda feel like a big brother but he is older then me Hahaha but yeah I take part in that story too, i was there and If I would have kept my mouth shut things wouldnt have happened the way they did. I still feel bad about all that., sorry bro. This happened a while ago to and court dates kept getting pushed back and back and back, finally he is going and he shouldnt be long at all (couple months, good lawyer)

  8. #8
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    nuthing is movable in a cell..well im goin to jail because a few months ago my mom died of whom i was really close to and she was only in mid 40's. a few days later some guys mad me extremely angry and lets just say they were in the hospital and i was in a jail cell! im not proud of it and i didnt start it. but i was in a position to protect my girl and my friend! thanks for the advice though Murilo.

  9. #9
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    brb dudes gotta wrk for an hr! lol

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    not ur fault at all lego, but thanks alot bro i appreciate it all! oh and thanks Odpierdol!!! great links

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    not ur fault at all lego, but thanks alot bro i appreciate it all! oh and thanks Odpierdol!!! great links
    No problem bro any time, when are you getting sent down?

  13. #13
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    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    not ur fault at all lego, but thanks alot bro i appreciate it all! oh and thanks Odpierdol!!! great links
    Always here for ya bud. 1900 miles away from home.

    Now hurry up and get your ass down here cus these Women are gorgeous!

  14. #14
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    im hopin for the 2nd or 3rd week in january! so i can be out sometime in summer.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Canada - No source checks
    sucks dude, hopefully you can stay on the good side of the law from now on

  16. #16
    Trash bags filled w/ water & a broom handle

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    yeah im doin alot better. im learnin to comply with our dumb laws! lol i cant remember if there are trash bags or not! im sure there is no broom..would be a good idea though

  18. #18
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    there will be a broom and mop in your tank a couple of times a day. Talk to the trustees to get extra trash bags. They'll be lots of people in there trying to workout and get big. They'll show you what is possible and what isn't.

  19. #19
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    really? hmmmm sweet! hollywood thanks..i hope i can fill the trash bags evenly ... i hope i dont lose my good time for tryin these i may get out a bit early on the bracelet and my gym is across the street from my work. think it will be possible for them to track me that close . i heard the new monitors are within 6ft or smthin?

  20. #20
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    Big D
    yeah they will be able to track you that far. i had a friend on the bracelet that just got a job at his gym. he told them that they could pay him minimum to just clean equipment for a couple hours just so that he could go workout. i don't know what state your in but county shouldn't do good time.

  21. #21
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    yeah im in wisconsin..they told me i get good time! im elidgable for huwber! so i think thats why!

  22. #22
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    I work as a chaplin at a prison and I get to hear how they work out all the time. They do things called burpies which can be done in your cell, you touch the sky shoulders waist toes then the ground, do 3 push ups and repeat. Also, they like to fill trash bags up w/water and use them like weights, that is to do curls, presses, etc. and of course countless sit ups, run the tiers, play handball and other such stuff. Many tell me they get in the best shape of their lives while locked up. Free health care, 3 square meals, plently of time to work out and they're away from drugs(for the most part).


  23. #23
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    I work in drug rehabilitation and the most common workouts are the water/trashbag dumbells. Also, let me know if you want to learn how to make a Fifi, everyone needs a girlfriend behind the wall.

  24. #24
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    well thats good to hear. i dont ever screw with drugs .. well unless u consider AAS . but i dont consider that a drug! i like the trash bag idea! i hope my bag doesnt get a hole in it..thanks guys for all ur help so far! i wonder if it will be possible to actually progress rather than just me tryin to keep what i got! ill let ya guys know how it goes!

  25. #25
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    do i really wanna know what a fifi is?? lol

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    hahah funny man ..i just googled "jail term fifi" lmfao.... yeah hook a brotha up lol...

  27. #27
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    do u fill it with warm water??lmfao..i get out durin the day ..ill meet up with the old lady for some lunch..if ya kow what i mean

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Now im going to google a fifi cus im curious damnit!

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    in the gym
    I'm gonna assume your going into your local county jail cause of how short your sentence is am I rite?

    If you were going to prison it's a little easier and the food is better.

    There is alot of exercises you can do without weights for instance there will be a table an chairs kinda like connected to itself,and with this you can position yourself for dips were you can put books on your lap for weight or incline or decline push ups,chin ups will be something easy for you to accomplish too just hope the "tear" "the tear is the place were the inmates live" is set up like alot of them are with a set of steps were you can go behind and do chins from the highest step so your feet won't touch the ground.Sissy squats are gonna be something you wanna look into also,holding a pole or a something while holding some books in the other hand and bending your knees and leaning back enough to do a squat,these are sure to burn the shit out of your quads.Lunges are gonna be good too use your books here also.Sit ups,reverse sit ups,leg lifts.

    Cardio=Walking in place or in a complete circle around the peremiter of the tear.

    Just make sure you've got plenty of commassary which is money on your books so you can keep yourself in plenty of peanut butter and ramon noodles or any other kind of quick pasta but don't use the flavoring cause it's not good for building muscle.In county you can't spend as much on commassary as you can in prison so just make sure you always have alot of cash on your books.

    And you better know about curtesy flushing while taking a shit cause no one wants to smell your shit,this you don't wanna find out the hard way.

    If there's any personal advice I can give you it's this.On the first day you go in that's if they don't have 7 day in wisconsin"7 day is when you first go in your in a cell 4 7 days with other people and only out 1 hr a day for shower and phone" and that's if your tear is quiet and don't break balls for stupid shit.This I only know of in the county I live in which is Camden county NJ which is one of the most violent county's in the US.

    Now don't go in like you've gotta be the guy who's tough and ain't scared cause there's always the hint of fear for anyone who goes to jail and hasn't ever been there.Your gonna have to live with these people so just be cool and no matter what and this I can't stress enough "DON'T LOSE YOUR TEMPER UNTIL IT'S TIME TO LOSE YOUR TEMPER"You can get another charge while you there so just think before you act in any situation.

    "The most important lessons in life cannot be taught they must be lived to know there true meaning"

    This you will understand when you get out.And you will start fresh with renewed vigor and respect for life.

    "Death is certain life is not"
    Last edited by dedic8ed1; 12-27-2007 at 04:19 PM.

  30. #30
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    I thought they would have a weights room inside? Most joints (as a visitor :-)) I have been to have one. Just don't bend over to pick up the soap in the showers.

  31. #31
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  32. #32
    lol i just had to look it up as well "jail term fifi" lol nice

  33. #33
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    thanks dedic8ed1 that was my biggest fear is my temper. and thats what everyone keeps tellin me"watch my temper" i normally dont have a temper but guys who make themselfs out to be badass just piss me off. i never really try to act big or anything! yeah im only goin to county jail! i been there once before the food there was okay! .... oh and to rogerJ ill make sure to keep my soap on a rope! im not worried about that kinda thing in county jail! to be honest im not afraid of anything in there i can def take care of myself. the only thing is i wanna get out as soon as possible to get back to the family i have left! im sure to never make this mistake again!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    so anyone been in the slammer for quite a while. i dont wanna lose any muscle , does anybody know anygood ways to keep muscle besides push ups and stuff! i heard of people putting their books in a pillow case and kinda curling them! any help would be awesome.. i get out durin the day so i can eat well!

    I did one years in Prison a while back, the best work out you can get is by usign a water bag. The bags that you receive to change garbage are usually heavy enough to hold water, Fill it up. then tie a big not a coupel of times. Get the shirt they provide for you and place the bag inside. the neck of you're shirt should be at the bottom of the bag. then tie the top with a not.. You will then be able to use the sleeves for handels. that works great,
    Food in their sucks. but eat all the beans you can. stay away from the bread,

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Your going to prison and your only worried about losing muscle. I'd stock up on

  36. #36
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    gates of hell
    Do you not having workout equipment in your local jail? Every prison I see on CourtTV has a barbell set and pull up bar at least.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Your going to prison and your only worried about losing muscle. I'd stock up on
    Jesus. Thats sick man.

  38. #38
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    If you were so worried about losing muscle etc. you wouldn't have done whatever it is that landed you in jail.
    True dat!
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  39. #39
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike View Post
    Jesus. Thats sick man.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

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