Ive recently bumped up my weekly doses of Tren A from 50mg ed to 75mg ed and Test C from 500mg wk to 750 mg wk. Ive also decided to run a little A-Dex as a precaution. The half life of this drug is 5-7 days so I feel im safe to administer it eod. Now, dosing for the means of preventitive measure only?? I was thinking 1mg eod or even .5mg eod. The object here is not to rid all estro out of my body as we know it can be a good thing in moderation. I am just paranoid about excess water, bloat and gyno.... are these doses accurate for my intended purpose?? Thanx.Oh, and as I was finishing my dbol kicker my nipples were getting quite sensitive....im a week off the bol and they are now getting better. Better safe than sorry I figure.