This is what I am considering for my first cycle. All "CONSTRUCTIVE" critisism is appreciated!
Weeks 1-10-Sustanon 500mg EW
Weeks 1-4- D-bol 30mg ED
Weeks 1-10-Nolv 10mg ED
Weeks 10-12-clomid 50mg ED
The only question is how do i break the 500mg injections. Twice a week, i suppose does anyone have any input on the best days to work out. I do plan on lifting 5 days a week, low cardio about 30 minutes 3-4 times a week.
Sat and Sun will be 30 minute cardio time.
I figured that stacking sustanon with D-bol for the first week will be great to help me get a jump start. Does anyone advice me to keep taking D-bol for the remaider 10 weeks or should i stop at just 4?