Ive never taken a steriod cycle before but ive thinking of taken this cycle
600mg/week of test ethen for 13 weeks
400mg/week of deca for 10 weeks
then i was gona take some caber or bromo during it but i don't think i can get a hold of that so is there any other suggestions on what i can take to fight water retention and a anti e?
and then ill take some nova for my pct three weeks 20/20/20
And then what are the pros and cons of me choosing to use hcg in my pct?
Now i had some problems with puffy nipples not so much gynowhen i was younger and had a surgery to take care but will i be more likly to get this again because i had it before? I had test done before to see if my estrogen levels where higher than normal to see if that was the problem but all my test and estro levels were normal, the doc said it was just the way i was born, no biological problems. So in a nut shell, do i need to worry? and should i take an anti estro for my entire cycle just to be safe?