1-10 Test E 500mg/EW
10-12 Test E 250mg/EW
1-4 D-bol 40mg/ED
10-18 Winny 150mg/EW
10-18 Anavar 30mg/ED
10-18 Clen 100mcg/ED
What do you guys think?
1-10 Test E 500mg/EW
10-12 Test E 250mg/EW
1-4 D-bol 40mg/ED
10-18 Winny 150mg/EW
10-18 Anavar 30mg/ED
10-18 Clen 100mcg/ED
What do you guys think?
winny needs to be taken ed not ew, thats a very long cycle as well. I am doing something similar but it is shorter and doesnt have the anavr and clen in there.
as for PCT
I'll have Arimidex in hand, if needed.
but two weeks after the cycle i play on
Nolva, and aromasin.
1-2 Nolva 40mg/ED Aromasin 20mg/ED
2-4 Nolva 20mg/ED Aromasin 20mg/ED
OH i meant 150mg/w I was thinking i can shoot up winny EOD at 50mg because I would be taking anavar and clen. The reason why i want to take TEST E at 250mg for weeks 10-12 is because I want to gradualy decrease the calories. Because goin from 5000 calories to 2000-2500 calories from one day to another isnt easy.
But about the winny ed, has anyone here tried winny ED and EOD. I hear the winny shots are painful so i dont want to be poking my ass every day =). Would winny EOD be sufficient with the other cutting gear that i am taking?
i would just pick either a bulker or a cutter and run another cycle after to pick up where i left off
6 weeks without test at the end?
well would u recomend that i did test from weeks 10-18 at 250mg/EW?
I want to hear some imput from people who have tried combining the cycles, goin from one to another.
I agree with Amorphic that you would be better off running this as 2 separate cycles with pct then time off in between.
BAD don't stop taking test at wk 10! come on do your research
keep in mind: run test for entire cycle but not for more than 14-16 weeks. d bol for the first 4 weeks. anavar and clen at the end (both of these work well during ester burn out of test and clen you can even run during pct). i would cut out winny entirely.
how many cycles have you done? this is a heavy cycle.
I have tried it, it went something like this if I remember right:
wk 1-16 Test E 500mg/wk
wk 1-6 t-bol worked up to 60mg/wk
wk 13-18 winny worked up to 60mg/wk
Then PCT right after last dose of winny for 4 weeks.
Bulked weeks 1-10 and cut weeks 11-18.
It sucked ass, worst cycle I ever did. The cutting phase fell apart during the end and I felt the whole cycle was a waste. Now I always just run bulking cycles, and save the cutting for in between cycles. We learn from our mistakes, but I have heard some people like them.
well i wan't planning on stoping test at week 10 just reducing the intake.
I have done 1 cycle of deca way back in the day.
gooer how do you think this sounds then.
1-12 Test E 500mg/w
1-4 weeks D-bol
as for PCT you mentioned i can put clen in there right? As for pct.
1-2 Nolva 40mg/ED Aromasin 20mg/ED Clen ???/??? ( dosage suggestion? )
2-4 Nolva 20mg/ED Aromasin 20mg/ED Clen ???/??? ( dosage suggestion? )
And then go into a cutting cycle.
I do debate if i go Winny/Primo or Anavar/Clen? ( As for a cutting cycle this is where i need most help.)
Thanks sam thats good advice!
Oh by no means, all your advice was good sam just broke down to me that he tried a similar cycle and how it sucked for him and how he wasted $$$. gave me a visual. but as far as the whole
any advices on a cutting cycle that will cut me up real nice after the TEST bulking cycle?
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