I was wondering what anyone thought of a primobolan and equipoise stack?
I was wondering what anyone thought of a primobolan and equipoise stack?
why? What are your goals? What about primobolan and Winny stack? How bout some Test prop and tren stack? Whats your cycle experience?
BTW, Welcome to AR!![]()
i have taken dianabol and winny stack i want to gain muscle but also lose a little fat
Last edited by junge61; 01-03-2008 at 12:40 PM.
That is the most over priced UGL ever.
Still edit your post bro, no open scource discussion here. and the dbol winny stack is poor. check into some basic cycles. Diet depicts whether you gain fat or loose it during cycle.
edit ur post
what cycle is your favorite or you reccomend the most?
You need to do more research before you start your next cycle oral only cycle are bs and a waste of time. You need to run a simple test cycle and diet right and do cardio and you will loose fat I dont think you have enough cycle experence to be stacking compounds
Im just wondering what i should do for my first cycle. A 12 week of 500 mg test e with a 20 ED of dianabol doesnt seem to bad but looks a little pricey. maybe im just new to the game or looking at the wrong places. Do i just need to pay the price or is there another cycle less expensive i should try?
lol nice name bear. I would be afraid what the man would be able to do on gear
hahah as would i, any help for me?
bear u can do a test only if you gonna be doing it with a the dbol bump it up to 30mg
k and is the dbol ED or just lifting days
ed for 6 weeks
i did my winny and dbol cycle for 12 weeks taking it everyday
Keep that up and your liver really will go bye bye. Sure you got away with it this time...is it healthy? Not by the least bit. You want to cut up, basic test cycle at 500mg per week for 12 weeks along with an AI like Adex and a proper diet and you gain lean muscle. If you want to cut up, then hit up the cardio brotha!![]()
test is best..
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