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Thread: reducing cals while cutting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    reducing cals while cutting

    i just wanted to know how many calories you guys eat while on a cut cycle and do you guys still manage to put on any muscle at the same time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Using a periodization approach to calories is the best way to do it to keep your metabolism up. The amount of calories for each phase depends on bodyweight. Some use 3 steps (High, Medium, Low) while others use a more drastic 2 step approach (High, Low).

    It also depends on if androgens are used. With androgens you stand a better chance and preserving lean weight... so Low Cal days can be more drastic and/or frequent.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    As long as you are eating clean you can loose weight. One of my good BBer friends told me that if you want to loose weight, eat alot of clean calories. You are tricking your body, by letting it think you are getting plenty of calories, fat, carbs etc, and it "releases" the fat so to speak. If you are trying to loose weight, I would maybe slack off on your carbs, eat plenty of <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> and keep your calories about 2000-3000 per day still. If you aren't worried about loosing muscle, then you can go less than that. I personally, don't let me calories dip below 2000 a day even on a cutting cycle, I loose muscle big time..
    You will loose some muscle on a cutting cycle, but to minimize it, I would keep those calories up, and just watch what you eat. Lower your carbs, up your <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> to 200-300 a day, fat about 20 grams a day, carbs, 100-400 a day.
    Just my .02 worth

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    is it possible to lose muscle even when cutting on AS, thats is as long as your getting in a moderate amount of calories and not going to low.

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