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Thread: my first cycle and the results--amazing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    my first cycle and the results--amazing

    well iam 23 yrs old guy from pakistan and have been on this webpage for a long time i decided to use roids but didnt have nay clue so here what i wana do
    week1-10 sustanon 750mg a week
    week1-10 durabolin(not deca its the faster virgin of deca) 375mg a week
    i might consider using proviron and nolvadex with it after fourth week
    i just had my first shot on 20th of dec and today on 23dec i did another and believe me i am up by 2.2lbs em eating 250mg of protien every day and about after every 3 hours i have meal all natural no supplements
    here are my stats bro
    on 20th dec before my shot
    wasit 30.2''
    biceps 14.2''
    weight 136.4
    just before the second shot on 23rd
    waist 30.2'
    weight 138.6
    my height is 5''3 and em ripped till now some time ago i did some coffe to reduce my fat and it worked ...once agian these are high doses and since this stuff in pakistan is over the counter so i dont have problems in getting the roids or the anit-e dont copy this cycle plzee
    i will keep u up dated on my cycle thank u very much all....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    That's the Prop in the Sust250 surfacing. And Durabolin is a phenylpropinate ester, so it should kick in rather soon too. The rest of the longer Sust250 esters will start to build up over the next 2-3 weeks.

    That's a pretty good stack brah, especially for someone at your size. Make sure you eat lot's of protien so your body has the nutrients it needs to build with. Good luck...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Hey shujaat why did you say don't copy this cycle?????

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jerzey, USA
    are you 138 lbs or kgs? Cause I know they use a differnt weight system overthere.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jerzey, USA
    Originally posted by calidude
    Hey shujaat why did you say don't copy this cycle?????
    It seemed like was looking out for newbies, he siad these are high doses and its over the counter over there, so dont try it. Came off in a wrong way, I was about to say ill copy it if I want to, lol

    Keep us updated.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by RockSolid
    are you 138 lbs or kgs? Cause I know they use a differnt weight system overthere.
    I sure hope with a 30.2" waist and 14.5" Biceps he is referring to pounds. Either that or he has a relly big head.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    "are you 138 lbs or kgs? Cause I know they use a differnt weight system overthere."

    lol you can't actually be serious? 138 kgs (303lbs) with 14.5 biceps and 30 waste?

    come on


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    i am 138lbs i was big before but i lost some weight now em gona go for more weight just got my money for anadrol so i might add about 1 tab a day for 10 days that might add me about 10lbs in 10 days...i iwill take proviron and nolvadex one tab with the anadrol daily is this good or not...em gona do chest workout today and the pain the upper hip is less as compared to the delts so next shot will be in 2 days it will be 250 sustanon and 125 durabolin so the stack will be 375mg durabolin and 750 sus with anadrol just for 10 days is it good idea to add anadrol to the cycle for 10 days???i said dont not copy it coz one can get bitch tits from it thats all any ways if u think this cycle is good then copy it as u wish bros....thank u once again i will keep in touch

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    in kilograms em 63kilos that makes it 138 lbs and i am short like franco columbo em 5''4 so 14.5 looks average good on me gona make them 16.5 some thing in 10 weeks

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by shujaat
    ...i iwill take proviron and nolvadex one tab with the anadrol daily is this good or not...
    YES!!! Ummm... sorry - didn't mean to shout, yes. If you are taking Sust250 EOD and want to run Anadrol you must add an anti-e because the Anadrol can aggrevate estrogen sides when used with a Testosterone. Take 1 mg (1 tab) Arimidex per day while running Anadro with Sust250.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jerzey, USA
    lol you can't actually be serious? 138 kgs (303lbs) with 14.5 biceps and 30 waste?

    come on

    lol [/B]
    whoops, didnt know how kgs exactly converted to lbs,

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    arimidex in pakistan is too much expensive so i bought some proviron and nolvadex i am gona take 1 tab of both till i use the anadrol ....i just had anadrol tab with nolvadex and 3 cod liver oil tabs....2 mrow i will have 250sus and 125mg druabolin shot take care have fun all once again i am 138lbs not KG bros ....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    today is 25dec and i had my shot of sustanon and durabolin 250 and 100mg i also took one anadrol one proviron and 2 nolvadex i will take 2 nolvadex till the end of anadrol that will be in eight days ...then i will have onenolvadex and one proviron daily .....the dose will be 750mg sustanon and 125mg durabolin is my fifth day of the last shot and em 141.9lbs today just used gear for almost a week ....when i started i was 136.4 so that means i made 5.5lbs in 5 days its good k people see u 2morow

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I would suggest just running with just the Proviron. At the first signs of gyno or if water gain becomes too much - take the Nolvadex. You do actually need some estrogen conversion from proper hormone balance and the best gains - and hopefully the Proviron can keep the Anadrol calm alone... idealing it could.

    Proviron 50mg/day and keep the Nolvadex on hand or reduce the dose...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    so bro what do u say tab proviron and one tab nolvadex
    once agian em taking 750mg sus and 375mg durabolin

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    ok today is 27 and it has been three shots so far...on from 20th to this day
    shot1 250 sustanon
    shot2 250sus
    shot 3 sustanon+100mg durabolin
    i also have taken 4 tabs of anadrol so far....andi have 6 more anadrols to go
    i am up by total of 8.8lbs in 8 days no water no fat so far
    tomorow is another shot of 250mg sustanon and 200mg deca
    from 28th dec i will take 750mg sus and 600mg deca every week with one proviron tab for first week and one proviron and one nolvadex from week 2
    thats all bro coments welcome

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    weight on 27 is 145.2lbs

  18. #18
    results sound great bro!
    keep us updated and how much did this cycle roughly cost u out there? in rupees?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    i have started 600mg deca and 750mg sus on 28dec today is 29 dec and its sunday i havent checked my body from 28dec 10 weeks striaght will be 600mg deca and 750mg sus for 10 weeks...if the show delays then i will stick to sus for the last weeks coz they say its in the end of lets see what happens

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    k man last shot of the first week today and its 2nd here and my biceps are one inch bigger now its 15.2 today em ripped till now so first week is over man and it was fun all the anadrol is finished man and now for next 2 weeks there will 1000mg sus and 400mg deca and 25durabolin
    then again for the next 5 weeks 750mgsus and 700mg deca

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Seriously guy - at your weight... you don't need to keep uppping that dose. Your original Sust and Durabolin was enough. 300mg of Norandrolone per week is more than enough for you. IMO, you are taking too much gear, slow down brah! Just run the Sust250 as you are, and stack with no more than 300mg of Norandrlone/wk - 200 may be fine... you are pretty light (for now ) When you are over 215lbs - then think about upping the Norandrolone use.

    How are your workouts coming along?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    ok man

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    South Carolina
    you are 5'3" 138 lbs? Yeah I was that big too- in the 4th grade.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Do yall have "gyms" over there?

  25. #25
    u are ill!!!!u are sick!!!!if this is your first cycle !!!!how would ur second look??? 100g test 200g deca????whats that for a silly cylce, at ur weight u dont need that amount of shit!......ask the pros they would be happy if they could make gains with 250mg sust, they would just use it...the higher u go the highet u have to go on ur next cycle!!!SKY IS THE LIMIT!!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The amount of Sus he is taking is Rediculas for his size. I bet his test receptors' will shut down before his cycle ends. Damn my spelling sucks..

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by DexterJackson
    ...the higher u go the highet u have to go on ur next cycle!!!SKY IS THE LIMIT!!
    I do believe in using as little as possible to make you favorable environment. And with very androgenic gear - it requires a personal amount of receptor mapping.

    And I DO NOT think this guy needs to be running gear at all. However, are you suggesting that receptors downregulate? If he required (requiring meaning he knew what his body needed to respond, from a medical professional) a certain level of AAS to begin - yes, he would need more to accomadate for his new bodyweight and development in subsiquent cycles. At 220lbs of lean weight I would need more than I did at 200lbs. But if he is going off the handle on his first cycle (which I deffinitly think he is) - he could use the same amout of androgens next time to recieve similar results... but the next time with less side effects. I am sure that if shujaat just dove in head first with all this gear (more than I personally would take today at one time) than these doses are giving him many medical complications - the side effects are evident. But if next time he was 160lbs - he certainly wouldn't need to then run 2g per week... no way. And receptors do not down regulate - that is an old theory... you're body is exposed to many endogenous hormones everyday of your life.

    I think it is important to note that massive amounts of anabolic steroids - especially in light weight individuals, can be very dangerous. You take a 130lbs individual and put in lots of exogenous testosterone, norandrolone, oxymetholone, Proviron, ... and it simply becomes too much. You start to rely more on gear more than nutrition and training in my eyes. But shujaat did say "dont copy this cycle plzee" - so he must know the risk he is taking...

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    well from the amount of sus he is taking per week i figured his Receptor's wouldn't take it all in, and his results would pyramid down quick. Right or wrong ?

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Decoder
    well from the amount of sus he is taking per week i figured his Receptor's wouldn't take it all in, and his results would pyramid down quick. Right or wrong ?
    It's hard to tell if he needs 750mg per week of testosterone (from sust he is looking at a range of probably 600-650mg per week of free testosterone minus the esters). It depends on how he reacts to testosterone and his endogenous levels. Me personally, I do fine with 50mg's per day of testosterone propinate (350mg per week - short ester, about 300mg free testosterone) - all the beni's I want with no side effects...

    But I agree with you, the fact that he is stacking all this gear would over saturate his recepetors (what few he has to anabolic steroids) and lead to more risks than benefits.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    well bros i know that em going high and now em in 5th week 20lbs gained more then 2.5 inches on the biceps and all this is sick cycle before starting it i knew em gona have some trouble...but till now all is good....i will reduce the doses from the next week and make it 1000mg test and 125 mg durabolin taken every day @ 25mg 7 times a testis size is ok till now ....

  31. #31
    hey bro ! gains are goood but ridiculous amounts of gear for the first cycle ..... whats next? 2 grams of sust and a gram of deca with 2 drols a day for 8 weeks? hehe anyhow update us....

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