Man in kayak being followed by a 12' Great White shark. (Picture)
Man in kayak being followed by a 12' Great White shark. (Picture)
My guess is the kayak looks like a shark to the great white. Look at its outline it has "fins" on both sides. And the back of it looks like it has a tail fin sticking up, along with the shape of it the Great white just probably though it was another shark.
Yeah and I'll bet the kayak needed to be cleaned out when that guy got back to shore.
Of all the animals I would hate to run into, a shark and big cat take the cake.
In water, not much you can do against a shark to defend yourself. *eye gouge*
Impressive but I reckon that guy was shitting himself! I mean they "say" that sharks don't tend to act aggressively towards kayaks, but you may just get that one shark that hasnt seen Shark Week and decide to have a taste, and I imagine being tasted by a 12 ft Great White is nowhere near as gentle as it sounds.
Holy *&%# I would have had a heart attack.
That was in the papers over here. They were researching shark behaviour, specifically the reasons for sharks coming in close to shore during certain times of the year. The shark didn't attack either.
Thats awesome.
wow......holy shitzers......thank god the guy was alright
That's a great picture. I can't believe someone would do something like this on purpose. Much bigger balls than me.
Here is a great vid to that shark! Hahahaha I love this shit and don't know why.
im sure he was scared shitless.
You think thats bad watch the video I posted!
Whoa! i certainly would have shit myself. i can barely swin so i would really be fvcked.
That pic is old as hell.
I would be scared shitless out there though.
Last edited by QuieTSToRM33; 01-15-2008 at 02:18 AM.
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