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Thread: critique my cutting cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    critique my cutting cycle

    Looking to go from around 15% bf to 7%, starting at 5'11" 210lbs.

    Heres my current plan for the cycle:

    Weeks 1-10: prop 50mg ED
    Weeks 1-5: fina 75 mg ED
    Weeks 6-10: winny 50 mg ED
    Weeks 1-13: Liquidex .5mg ED
    Weeks 11-13: clomid therapy 300/100/50

    2 weeks on/ 2 off: clen, alternating w/ NYC in off weeks
    nolvadex on hand

    Diet will be low carb, w/ a carb up day once a week (CKD)

    What do you think?
    Last edited by Testbloat; 12-30-2002 at 05:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Hey bro, your gonna need some bromo on hand too just in case of prolactin induced gyno from the fina. If symtoms start to occur I believe the dose is 1.25mg/twice ED. Not sure on that though, you may want to do a search or start another thread. Nolva doesn't relieve gyno from fina.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada

    1. Why 40mg/ED winny instead of 50 (since 50mg/ED is so common)?
    2. Why 10 weeks of prop but only 5 weeks of fina? Run them all together.

    I'd suggest running the cycle like this instead...

    wk 1 to 6 (or 8, optional) prop @ 50mg/ED, fina @ 75mg/ED, winny @ 50mg/ED.

    Liquidex will keep bloating off from the prop but you'll need bromo if you suffer symptoms of gyno from the fina.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I like it. Just hope u like sticking yourself :-)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    have to agree w/ NJ. All together would be better.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Thanks for the comments. About the winny dosage, that was a typo, I don't know why I put 40 and not 50. And as for spreading the fina and winny like that, my reasoning was to help prevent the crash that I've experienced from fina. I love what it has done for me in terms of helping to maintain strength while cutting, but when I ran fina and winny( no test) for 8 weeks last summer I crashed pretty hard after, even w/ extended clomid usage and couldnt take the irratability from the fina for much longer. Also my sex drive was really shot during the cycle and for about 4 weeks after (though I know the test will help this time around). I figure this way I'll get the best of both worlds and by the time I'm off fina and on winny I'll be cut enough for the winny to show it's hardening effects and fina will long be out of my system so hopefully recovery will be easier this time around.

    I know this makes sense in theory, but has anyone tried something like this for the above reasons?

    Also I feel I should add, I really didn't want to use fina again because of the sides, but I simply had amazing results. I was thinking about running just prop and winny, possibly with eq, any thoughts on that for cutting?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    If you find you crash hard on fina, then throw in some HCG post cycle to help with the recovery. As for the sides and switching to prop/winny/eq, I'd swap the prop for test enanthate or cypionate (or preferably heptylate if you can get it) and run it like this...

    wk 1-12 test e, c, or h (prefered) @ 500mg/wk
    wk 1-12 eq @ 400mg/wk
    wk 8-14 winny @ 50mg/ed

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hmm...damn choices....

    I know my results will be better if I go w/ your suggestions...but can anyone comment if it is actually possible for my recovery to be aided if I went with my original plan? I'm going to assume everyone advises against it as I will already be shut down from the fina and the weeks w/o it but still with test/winny will not allow for any real recovery?
    Any comments on this?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    After thinking about this for a while.....what would you guys think about just running prop/winny (no fina bc of reasons above)?

    If I did this I was thinking about prop 50 ed weeks 1-8 and winny 50ed 2-8(as to not be on winny for more then 6 weeks to protect my liver)

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