I just wanna hear how far you guys gotten before falling victim to AS..Please include age, weight, height, and max bench press...Thanks..
I was 5'7, 142lbs, 20 years old, and maxing 205 before I tryed AS...
I just wanna hear how far you guys gotten before falling victim to AS..Please include age, weight, height, and max bench press...Thanks..
I was 5'7, 142lbs, 20 years old, and maxing 205 before I tryed AS...
I was 5'10,140,20yrs old,maxing 245 before
I was 21, 6'1, 190# maxing approx 245-255. Now doing over 400#![]()
I was 20(couple of months ago) weight was between 190-205, I'm 5'9 maybe 5'10 and maxed about 330 before I started.
29, 5/11, 223, max bench 425 before first cycle.
Damn, tuck!...what is your max now?
I was 20 yrs, 5'10", 202 lbs, 290 max
Last edited by Biznatch; 12-31-2002 at 01:59 PM.
19 yrs old, 5'10" 210lbs, 420lb bench, 495x5 squat
man do I feel old, I just started my first cycle and Im 32 matter of fact im in middle now
im 5'6 I was 220 pre cycle im like bloated to the max and 260 right now
my bench before was 450, I havent maxed yet since cycle but I did 405x8 then 455 for two
19 years old, 187 lbs, and max 225 -- after 4 months, 194, max on bench is about 300, squat 405, dead 315
30, just finished my first cycle. 5'11, went from 168lbs. @ 12% BF, now 214lbs @ 14% BF. I never max out but here's some stats anyway. Bench B4 275x3, now 315x3. Squat B4 295x3, now 405x3. Deadlift B4 335x3, now 450x3.
21....5'10....195lbs....bench was 275
after 225lbs....bench went up to 365
25yrs old...220lbs...5'11...405x2
just started week 5 of first cycle test cyp only
231lbs ....haven't maxed yet..arms FINALLY hit 18''
Before I started I was 252lbs, 20 years old, 6'5" tall benching just under 400lbs.
Before: 15 years old, 150lbs benching 230, 5'7"
Now: 18years old, 220lbs, benching 300, 6'3"
Precycle I was 190lbs, 5'11, 22years old, and I maxed at 275. Im now finishing my first cycle and Im 229lbs, and maxed at 350. Got a couple weeks left and Im hoping to hit over 230lbs and max 365 before all is said and done.
BTW, Rampage, how you doin with that post cycle depression?
Before my first ever, I was 29, trained natural hard for 4 years. I was 212 lbs and benching around 275.
Now I'm a powerful 245lbs, and strong as a belgium bull.
Was 5'11, 195 pounds at 15% bf.
Now 6'1, 210 pounds at 12% bf.
Started my first cycle on my 20th birthday. Bench was 300 before, about 375 now. Max Curl was 45's before, now its 75's.
IM 5'11" 25 YRS OLD 220LBS, and im benchin a good 335-345lbs, dead liftin 445-455 all natural, im goin on the sauce in about a week or so, will give new results later on. TKS BIG-G
40yrs old, 5' 7", bodyweight was 189 at start, topped off at 232lbs,
bench started 375lbs finished with a even 500lb max.![]()
i was 21 yrs old. weight was 180 height at 5'10 max 315
I was 28,6'0,189lbs and benched around 405.Now I'm 29 and been juicin for 1 year 8 months.I'm still 6'0 210lbs and benched 525 at my last bench competition,with a shirt of course.
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