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Thread: help on a stack thank you

  1. #1

    help on a stack thank you

    need help
    i have test cycp 10ml 200mg
    and equipoise 50ml 50mg
    win 30ml 50mg
    dianabol 10ml 25mg
    what is the best stack I'm 155lbs and this is all i have

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Welcome to AR marks.Try doing a little research bro.

  3. #3
    yes i no that is y im hear this is part of the RESEARCH
    thank you for your time

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    wouldn't you like to know
    Couple Q's need to be answered before we can help you:
    How old are you?
    How long have you been training?
    What are your stats?
    Any cycles under your belt?
    Have you developed a good base?

    I can pretty much answer that last one for you unless you happen to be under 5'5"

    You will get tons of help if you tell us some info. Lot of great guys on this board with alot of knowledge. One thing that is stressed alot is building a good base before you head to "the dark side"

  5. #5
    im 31 3 1/2 years
    5' 8" 165 and 14% fat
    one tes 200 mg week
    one dec 300 mg week
    not much

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    wouldn't you like to know
    run them both for 10 weeks, have nolva on hand, start clomid 3 weeks after last shot

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    marks you said in your first post that you were 155lbs, now 2 days later your 165lb.If you can gain that much naturally you don't need juice.
    And how did your Eq magically turn into Deca.We can only help you if your honest with us.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    wouldn't you like to know
    Originally posted by Red5
    marks you said in your first post that you were 155lbs, now 2 days later your 165lb.If you can gain that much naturally you don't need juice.
    And how did your Eq magically turn into Deca.We can only help you if your honest with us.
    bingo! We're here to help bro, but you gotta be real with us.

  9. #9
    I’m sorry for the era of my way but I way 165
    And I don’t have tes and dec that was a year ago
    I have tes eq D-bol win if you could help thank you

  10. #10
    Hear is my plan tes and d-bol for 10 weeks
    Then start win and eq for the rest of the time
    But should I over lap or three week of tes then
    Start d-bol three week later go to win eq
    This is the help I need
    Thank you for all your time

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Why the hell are you wanting to cycle. You don't have a good base and haven't been training long and hard enough. A cycle won't do shit for you.

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