What up everyone, just thought I'd post some info on latest stack here..
started 5"11 185 lbs, used to be around 195.. been lifting since about 16 yrs old.
Been slackin a bit at the gym, not going as heavy as I should have, which explains the decrease in weight. Diet has been decent, nothing extreme. (prior to begining following cycle)
here it is:
deca 400 mg / wk for 10 weeks
cyp 500 mg / wk for 10 weeks (only have 10 ML vial)
-I realize under optimal conditions it would be better to run the cyp 2 weeks beyond the deca, however I only have one 10 ML vial so Im just gonna have to hope PCT works well)
Jections split in half, so 200/250 mg ever 3 days.
PCT: nolva 20 mg/day two weeks after last shot.
diet: 5-6 times per day, low fat intake, at least 1g/per lb body weight protein.
vitamins, aminos, b's, multi, ***** 3 6 9, ALA, flaxseed, milk thisle, ZMA etc. etc.
sleep: at least 8 hrs.
1st shot on the 9th of this month, weight was at 185.
As of today, roughly 13 days later my weight this morning was 196. (Last night it was 200 before I went to bed I have no idea how I lost 4 lbs over night lol, if someone can explain this phenomenon please do, and yes I weighed myself w/ no clothes, so no variables)
Havent experienced much strength increase in gym, other than perhaps the placebo effect. (but that in itself is a psychological advantage regardless).
I am assuming real results should be kicking in in roughly 10-12 more days... well Ill keep everyone updated if anyone cares...
Any comments, suggestions, are certainly welcome.