Drink winny vs oral winny which is better?
which is safer?
which is cheaper?
which one work faster?
which one shows better results?
and what can i expect to gain of oral?
what can i expect to gain off drinking?
thanks preetz
Drink winny vs oral winny which is better?
which is safer?
which is cheaper?
which one work faster?
which one shows better results?
and what can i expect to gain of oral?
what can i expect to gain off drinking?
thanks preetz
Like I told you last night in the chat bro at 17 no Anabolic is safe for you. I know you say it is only an opinion but there are a lot of bro's here who started young and are having internal problems now. Your not done developing yet and this stuff is just gonna mess that up.
17 is way to young... are you nuts or something? There's no reason to juice at 17... No reason at all....
I trained from the time I was 20 to 23 and gained about 70lbs to 80lbs of mostly solid mass in those 3 years... and I started as a lightweight skinny mofo...
I didn't hit my first cycle until I was like 26 and I'm glad I waited becuase the base I built without anabolics gave me a good place to start when I did finally run a cycle...
you are just asking for trouble at 17....
buff is that really u in that pic or is it another bodybuilder?
No bro that's Lee Priest... Wish is was me... Maybe one day... Seriously think about waiting on the juice.... If you need some advice just PM me...
17 years old..Comon Dude..Just get on some 1-AD and up your protien, you will have results..I ran 1-AD a while ago and had some great strength increases.
buff is right, I started at 16. now 9 years later I have not grew an inch taller and I screwed myself up. over the long run the guys that worked out hard and eat right and did gear much later are now bigger then I am since I have just been running in circles trying to catch my tail. (got big, shrunk, got big again, shrunkagain ect.)
Yea bro,I was 28 when I started juicen and only started then because i felt like I had gotten to my max on working out clean.I got to a point that my strength seemed to go nowhere.My brother is 20 now and wants to start juice but I keep talking him out of it,just like you he has plenty of test already at his age and ya'll need to use that now and use the juice later when you really need it.Work out hard,and eat plenty of protein bro,you'll get there no need to rush.
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