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Thread: More Jail Time for Woman Who Laughed About Killing Gay Cyclist

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    More Jail Time for Woman Who Laughed About Killing Gay Cyclist

    A judge has sentenced a Tucson woman to nearly the maximum prison term for negligent homicide after hearing a recorded jail conversation in which she made light of the gay cyclist she killed while driving drunk.

    Melissa Arrington, 27, was convicted two months ago of negligent homicide and two counts of aggravated DUI in connection with the December 2006 death of Paul L'Ecuyer. She could have gotten as few as four years behind bars, but superior court judge Michael Cruikshank sentenced her Tuesday to 10½ years, one year shy of the maximum.

    Cruikshank said he found a telephone conversation between Arrington and an unknown male friend, a week after L'Ecuyer was killed, to be ''breathtaking in its inhumanity.''

    During the conversation, the man told Arrington that an acquaintance believed she should get a medal and a parade because she had ''taken out'' a ''tree hugger, a bicyclist, a Frenchman, and a gay guy all in one shot.''

    Arrington laughed. When the man said he knew it was a terrible thing to say, she responded, ''No, it's not.''

    Assistant public defender Michael Rosenbluth told the judge his client has never been ''cold, callous, or flippant'' about L'Ecuyer's death and has always felt remorseful.

    Arrington said words couldn't express how she feels and that once she's out of prison, she hopes to share her story with Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

    L'Ecuyer, 45, was riding his bike the night of December 1, 2006, when Arrington swerved off the road, hit him, and then continued for 800 feet before stopping, according to deputy Pima County attorney Jonathan Mosher.

    Arrington's blood-alcohol content was .156%, nearly double Arizona's .08% legal limit. She had been driving on a suspended license for a prior DUI. (AP)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Her own personal thoughts about the person that she killed should have had no bearing on her sentecning what so ever. Again, our courts are punishing people for their personally held beliefs. I'm sure you'd like to see some type of hate crime charge applied here too. ****in liberals...

  3. #3
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Her own personal thoughts about the person that she killed should have had no bearing on her sentecning what so ever. Again, our courts are punishing people for their personally held beliefs. I'm sure you'd like to see some type of hate crime charge applied here too. ****in liberals...
    You are 100% WRONG.

    It showed that she had no remorse for what she had done.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    NY, Long Island
    Yeah although beliefs about others sexuality or w/e she dislikes about them shouldn't be part of the sentencing the way she went about it shows she doesn't give a f*ck that she just killed this man. Thats always been a good reason to give a longer sentence.

  5. #5
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    I think they should hang her since she was already suspended for dui and chose to drive again and killed someone. She made a decision to kill someone when she drove off that night by her actions.

  6. #6
    Just ad look ogrish for pics n/a

  7. #7
    + your Avatar IS sick

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I hate drunk drivers and she deserves a harsh sentence(more then 10 years IMO) however like others stated what her personal beliefs are should not be taken into account. Should the other guy on the phone be sentenced too? he's the one that made the comment, IMO it makes him an arse but not a crimminal.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2007
    well godfather the judge can sentence what he or she sees appropriate....the point of sending her to prison is to punish and "rehabilitate" until the person is capable of rejoining society...the judge obviously thinks she is reckless to society if she thinks such a thing is acceptable.....i can see the purpose in the harhser sentence....idk how u can defend ur response

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuickSilver View Post
    + your Avatar IS sick

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    no remorse she got what she deserved if she would have got of light she would have been drinking n driving again

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    All people like this should get the max sentence regardless if the person they killed was black, gay, etc...
    But they said he was french so there should be a reduction in time...LOL

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by qualityclrk1 View Post
    well godfather the judge can sentence what he or she sees appropriate....the point of sending her to prison is to punish and "rehabilitate" until the person is capable of rejoining society...the judge obviously thinks she is reckless to society if she thinks such a thing is acceptable.....i can see the purpose in the harhser sentence....idk how u can defend ur response
    The crime is the only thing that should weigh in the decision of sentencing. Since when do we sentence people over their "remorse." To me that is a complete non-point and should have absolutely no bearing on the sentencing what so ever. That is my point. Those are subjective things, and they cant be proven. She could act remorseful and put on a big show, so what should we do, reward the people who can fake their remorse better than others with less stringent sentences? No, THAT makes no sense to me. Defend that argument.

  14. #14
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    No you are WRONG my friend...The crime is NEVER the only thing that weighs in the decision of sentencing, it never has been either, and it was never set up that way.

    That is why we have trials and judges, not just enforcers. That is why when you go see a judge you dress nice, and act like a courteous human being.

    If it was the crime that was only taken into account, any decent person who ever committed a crime whether it be accident, or if they were forced into a situation, should have been penalized to the maximum.

    If you were arrested for AAS the judge would look at your criminal history, and listen to what you have to say, if you display neglect and disrespect towards the law, and your crime, he will give you a harsher punishment. If you UNDERSTAND what you have done is wrong, and you have a good record, you will be more than likely be given a less stiff tell me..which would you rather have it be?

    10-15 years in prison? Or a few hundred hours of community service? Should everyone get the same penalty, absolutely not.

  15. #15
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    I just dont get it. If she would have used a gun she would have gotten much worse. Just because she used a car (and yes I realize it was an accident, and no I dont care, she shouldnt have been driving drunk) doesnt mean she should get off lightly. I think her attitude sucks but the fact is she killed someone because she was drunk.

  16. #16
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    My point is she should have gotten life or a death penalty.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by im83931 View Post
    My point is she should have gotten life or a death penalty.
    This was manslaughter, not 1st or 2nd degree murder........

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by christopherallen View Post
    No you are WRONG my friend...The crime is NEVER the only thing that weighs in the decision of sentencing, it never has been either, and it was never set up that way.

    That is why we have trials and judges, not just enforcers. That is why when you go see a judge you dress nice, and act like a courteous human being.

    If it was the crime that was only taken into account, any decent person who ever committed a crime whether it be accident, or if they were forced into a situation, should have been penalized to the maximum.

    If you were arrested for AAS the judge would look at your criminal history, and listen to what you have to say, if you display neglect and disrespect towards the law, and your crime, he will give you a harsher punishment. If you UNDERSTAND what you have done is wrong, and you have a good record, you will be more than likely be given a less stiff tell me..which would you rather have it be?

    10-15 years in prison? Or a few hundred hours of community service? Should everyone get the same penalty, absolutely not.
    All of the above is exactly why humans trying to judge and punish other humans is futile.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    All of the above is exactly why humans trying to judge and punish other humans is futile.

  20. #20
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    I have often heard people nervously agreeing with there friends when they make racist/homophobic comments as they lack the self confidence to disagree. Its a shame that this seems to have cost her a few years jail time.
    Kinda right about the french bit though.....

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    All of the above is exactly why humans trying to judge and punish other humans is futile.
    ok Logan

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    I have often heard people nervously agreeing with there friends when they make racist/homophobic comments as they lack the self confidence to disagree. Its a shame that this seems to have cost her a few years jail time.
    Kinda right about the french bit though.....
    LMFAO !!!!!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuickSilver View Post
    Just ad look ogrish for pics n/a

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