Originally Posted by
No you are WRONG my friend...The crime is NEVER the only thing that weighs in the decision of sentencing, it never has been either, and it was never set up that way.
That is why we have trials and judges, not just enforcers. That is why when you go see a judge you dress nice, and act like a courteous human being.
If it was the crime that was only taken into account, any decent person who ever committed a crime whether it be accident, or if they were forced into a situation, should have been penalized to the maximum.
If you were arrested for AAS the judge would look at your criminal history, and listen to what you have to say, if you display neglect and disrespect towards the law, and your crime, he will give you a harsher punishment. If you UNDERSTAND what you have done is wrong, and you have a good record, you will be more than likely be given a less stiff penalty..now tell me..which would you rather have it be?
10-15 years in prison? Or a few hundred hours of community service? Should everyone get the same penalty, absolutely not.