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Thread: two week cycle...AMAZING!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    wouldn't you like to know

    two week cycle...AMAZING!

    Well, i decided to do a two weeker, i have been curious for quite a while and decided to give it a go.
    I am on day 11 right now and weighing in(morning) at 225. When i started i was at 205, however i was also going through some trouble in my family and had lost interest in training and eating right. 205 was an all time low, i was at like 7%bf and looked sickly. I back up to 10%bf right now.

    Here's how it is set up
    Day1- 300mg prop/150mg fina
    Day2-300mg prop/75fina
    days3-7 100mg prop/75fina
    days8-14 75prop/50fina

    Doing it this way to avoid that hard post cycle crash.
    I have been doing 40mg nolva ed, and will start femara, clomid, and 10ui's of slin twice a day when i'm done.

    I'll keep updating as i think i'm still gaining.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col
    slin? isnt this your first cycle? and arent you a teen?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    wouldn't you like to know
    naw, this is my third cycle. And yes slin, just for a couple weeks post-cycle, and i'm gonna keep it under 10iu's for each shot. 11
    Ran 4 miles in the morning, then kicked some field goals and ran 10 40's.
    Best time was 4.6, which i was happy with. Also did some dot drills to work on quickness.
    3 more days left, then i will hit this post-cycle regiment:

    days 1-18femara 1.25ed
    days1 clomid 300mg
    days2-7 100mg clomid
    days8-15 50mg clomid

    Humalog: 10ui's upon waking and 10iu's post workout
    Will also be loading <a href="" target="_blank">creatine</a>

    With this regime i hope to continue gaining through post-cycle therapy

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Under the squat rack
    thought u died??

  5. #5
    chinups Guest
    If you are a field goal kick why don't you just do a Ectasy and Beer cycle like the Raiders Jamikowksi, is seems to work for him

  6. #6
    dude,them gains are amazin,im gonna do a 2 weeker soon and im very glad u gained very well.
    2 questions tho...

    1)how many cals are u eating?
    2)are u goin to o clomid treatment post cycle?

    cheers bro!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    hey I read his post let me answer your question yes he is doing clomid post cycle.

    Ok short cycles.

    3 weeks on
    2 week off

    short acting esters only

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