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Thread: cruising on 150mg test per week got a question

  1. #1

    cruising on 150mg test per week got a question

    ive been cruising on test for about 3 months... and lately ive been feeling tired, lazy to workout, loss of appetite, and loss of libido... what cud be wrong... im taking about 150mg per week. so 75mg twice a week. its test enthatate. the first week i felt great and my libido was through da roof but after a few weeks things starting going downhill... should i up the dose to 500 per week? i actually started talking 10mg armoasin everyday maybe i should try lowering some estrogen... would that help? thanks for ur advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Did you have these problems before or after starting the aromasin. Also, to let you know that when you come off of cruizing its going to be very difficult to recover depending on how long your on for.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Do not go up in dosage. 500mg is cycling proportions.

    The average protocol is 100mg to 125mg. I've never seen or heard of anyone doing more.

    Kale is the first-hand expert here at AR on this subject.

  4. #4
    the problems started before i started taking the aromasin,..... i started taking aromasin it didnt really make a difference maybe made my face less watery thats about it....

  5. #5
    im doing .3mg of test ent. 250 twice a week... so thats .6 total for a week... so its about 150 im assuming?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    KTM country!
    I cruise between 200 and 250 and feel really good. This is my actual prescription and I have no problems with it.

  7. #7
    i wonder why my libido isnt where it should be... i mean if im gettting 150mg of test e per week in my sys i think it shud be good.... im so confused i wish i had health insurance so i can get some bloodwork done n find out whats wrong... can they tell im on test e from bloodwork if im just cruising?

  8. #8
    for some reason lately if i jack off or have sex i get extremely tired and sleepy... i wonder if thats normal?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    at a 150mg i didnt notice alot of sex drive. Just felt "normal". Id only want/need sex 3-4 times a week vs 4 times a day at 500mg a week.

  10. #10
    ive heard that if ur on 500mg of test a week.... ur estrogen wud go up as well which would kill ur sex drive... as opposed to being on just 150 which wont bring ur estrogen up..... are u taking anything to control the estrogen?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    estrogen would not kill your sex drive. Actually taking letro on cycle (for example) will kill a sex drive and hinder gains.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Too much estrogen is bad. Not enough estrogen is bad. You need estrogen (obviously too much is bad) just as much as testosterone for building muscle and keep your libido up. Merc wrote an article about this so check it out......

  13. #13
    true... so i shud drop the aromasin for now save it for pct huh? that article talks about gains... i was more concerned with libido... the effects of estrogen on libido....

  14. #14
    Ok, here is what you may have done.

    Your Estradiol (E2) was too high before. That is ussually no issue with Test-E under 300mg, but still can happen.

    The AI you are taking dropped it too low.

    What you should do is learn to dose your AI by the morning wood. This means no jerking off before you go to bed too, as it could throw this off.

    Ok, Stop taking the aromasin until your morning wood comes back.

    Once it does, that morning, take only 2.5mg instead of 10mg.

    If you do not get morning wood the day after that, then try 5mg etc...

    Once the morning wood comes back, see how many days you keep getting it for.

    If say you keep getting it for 3 days, after taking only 2.5mg, then from then on you would only take 2.5mg on every 3rd day, so 2 off 1 on.

    You dose with the minimum effective mount of the AI, and you need to learn to time your doses by the quality and consitency of your morning erections.

    That is the best way to know you are not dropping your E2 (estradiol) too low.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    Ok, here is what you may have done.

    Your Estradiol (E2) was too high before. That is ussually no issue with Test-E under 300mg, but still can happen.

    The AI you are taking dropped it too low.

    What you should do is learn to dose your AI by the morning wood. This means no jerking off before you go to bed too, as it could throw this off.

    Ok, Stop taking the aromasin until your morning wood comes back.

    Once it does, that morning, take only 2.5mg instead of 10mg.

    If you do not get morning wood the day after that, then try 5mg etc...

    Once the morning wood comes back, see how many days you keep getting it for.

    If say you keep getting it for 3 days, after taking only 2.5mg, then from then on you would only take 2.5mg on every 3rd day, so 2 off 1 on.

    You dose with the minimum effective mount of the AI, and you need to learn to time your doses by the quality and consitency of your morning erections.

    That is the best way to know you are not dropping your E2 (estradiol) too low.
    I agree but I would also go get a blood test which will tell you exactly where you are at right now. Get free and total test and estradiol ASAP

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    Ok, here is what you may have done.

    Your Estradiol (E2) was too high before. That is ussually no issue with Test-E under 300mg, but still can happen.

    The AI you are taking dropped it too low.

    What you should do is learn to dose your AI by the morning wood. This means no jerking off before you go to bed too, as it could throw this off.

    Ok, Stop taking the aromasin until your morning wood comes back.

    Once it does, that morning, take only 2.5mg instead of 10mg.

    If you do not get morning wood the day after that, then try 5mg etc...

    Once the morning wood comes back, see how many days you keep getting it for.

    If say you keep getting it for 3 days, after taking only 2.5mg, then from then on you would only take 2.5mg on every 3rd day, so 2 off 1 on.

    You dose with the minimum effective mount of the AI, and you need to learn to time your doses by the quality and consitency of your morning erections.

    That is the best way to know you are not dropping your E2 (estradiol) too low.
    im gonna try this....

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by randy6969 View Post
    im gonna try this....
    No you are going to get a blood test first

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Prolactin can also kill sex drive.... steroids lower t-3 and in turn increase prolactin... And as stated estrogen levels ( too high , or too low), can effect sex drive as well..


  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Brent_G View Post
    at a 150mg i didnt notice alot of sex drive. Just felt "normal". Id only want/need sex 3-4 times a week vs 4 times a day at 500mg a week.
    Please tell me when this happens, finishing up 2nd wk @500 and nothing

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    No you are going to get a blood test first
    yeah, I should have said that part first.

    It is also important to get this done very couple months, to see where everything is at.

    Not just E2, test and FreeT.

    Yo also need to run:



    Just to make sure you are not going dangerously high or low with anything.

    If E2 gets too low, that will plummet your HDL cholesterol and sky-high your LDL.

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