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Hi, I'm not sure what you mean by two problems. Is this because of the fact that I got those 3 codes (which you say are engine codes), plus the ABS lights? Two mechanics so far have told me that I really don't have a choice but to take it in. I'm thinking it's worth it after all, just pay the 110 bux or whatever it is to get a full diagnotic done and know exactly which codes I have and what the ABS problem is.
Also, no, the engine light does not stay on. When you say bulb, do you mean just any random bulb in the car?
Also, I guess it might be important to note that the engine light USED to come on a while back, and the mechanic did get the code for that, and told me the code was for the camshaft sensor, and he replaced that, and after 1 day of driving, the light turned off, so I'm guessing since the light went out on it's own, the computer fixed the problem or whatever, and it all checks out. But ABS obviously is separate.
I think I will have to take it in after all. I'm hoping it is just an ABS sensor, but the mechanic needs to know which one before he can spend time trying to fix it.