Ok so the guy i work out with wants to take some juice so he was talking to me about what i was taking and how I liked it etc..
his build is about like mine and he is 24, he has done a cycle in his past where he was using test c and deca at 250mg a week each. not too much as you can tell..
But he was asking me about buying some gear and i told him id help him etc, but then he was like I want to take what your getting..
I dont know if i feel comfortiable with him taking tren so early in cycles.. i mean it is his second.. but tren is a powerful one.. and hes my friend and all..
I explained it to him but he seems persistant on getting the strongest best etc..
Now I am not him so i cannot tell him he cannot take it.. I am more worried the fact should he take tren off the git go with test prop? would it really bother him or help him as much as it would a more seasoned user?
I was thinking if anything maybe some test e at 500mg a week, with deca at 300mg a week would be better.. even tho he likes the idea he wants to use tren a. so what do you guys suggest? is it alright for a newer user to use or should i try harder to steer him away from it till he gets at least one more cycle under his belt.
he wants to gain about 10-15pounds of lean mass while getting more definition which tren can def do! but i think test and deca can do it also..
help guys what you think as i dont want to steer my buddy wrong.. is it safe for him to use tren right now?