Who do you think gives your candidate the majority of their money? You do realise that these interest groups expect reimbursement right? Wonder how your canidate will pay them back?
Who do you think gives your candidate the majority of their money? You do realise that these interest groups expect reimbursement right? Wonder how your canidate will pay them back?
***No source checks!!!***
nice pic
lol i almost laughed when i saw the JP morgan and chase banks on obama haha.
and citigroup on everyone but obama.
come on it isnt that hard to figure out why wouldn't a big bank like ron paul.......
well for one he doesn't believe in the federal reserve banking system, he hates printing money and inflation which i am sure the bank doesnt lol, he also wants to phase out the IRS and wants to fix problems by CUTTING spending while everyone else wants to increase spending, and doesnt like huge banking corporations as they begin to have to much power and i believe i have heard him talk about liking smaller and state banks.
I believe that it was $500 from an individual labeled a "white supremist".
He did accept money from a white supremecist, there is no denying that, but that's very different than the American Nazi Party. I hate to play devils advocate on this one, but Ron Paul preaches that he works to protect everyones constitutionally given right to believe and speak as they like as long as no harm is done to others. Now, just because he accepted the money does not mean that he accpets his ideology or even condones it, but he does accept the fact that the donor endorses the constitution.
I'm an agnostic and Ron Paul is a christian and I've donated to his campaign many times. Does that mean that he is also an agnostic? No, but he supports my right to believe in or not believe in what I want to.
I don't respect him for this decision, but it would be hypocritical of him to deny ones support of free speech considering constitutional rights is the platform he runs on.
OMG! Stop the presses..Ron is backed by a white supremacist. That $500 is gonna take us a long way. woooo wooo
I see no problem with it whatsoever, I like how the media is grasping for straws. haha
***No source checks!!!***
This is really a nonpoint, completely irrelevant to his campaign and if it had been for ANY OTHER candidate it would have NEVER been mentioned, you and I both know that.
When a candidate is trying to run a campaign, who would honestly expect them to police the donations of approximately 125,000 individual donors. Second, the white supremacist donated that money to Paul, why would Paul give it back to him so he could fund something that Paul believes is negative, Paul can now take his money and use it towards a positive message, and thats great. By the way this post wasn't directed at you Logan, its just in general.
NO guys dont you see the point. how are people wrongfully using money.
terrible we need to create a Federal Use of Lawful Money.
They can give us all RFID chips that are wired directly to our bank accounts and they can control all money sent to anyone so we dont need anything. its also much better cause instead of printing we can make a computer program that keeps an auto inflation. My gosh this is like a dream, they could also make it so that If Bad Things are purchased such as steroids, supplements, or even the Key Word Ron Paul.
Think about it we could use our tax money, create a huge federal bureau to monitor all money transfered. We could all be on RFID chips and then we could be shut off in a dispute.
Also maybee if it was donated online we need a federal bureau of the internet. They could block any bad websites or free content. They could tell us whats safe and tell us what to watch, they could only allow a few sites like cnn for news.
Wake the fvck up. if we dont start getting back our freedoms this is where were headed. more debt and the government into more aspects of our life. Who cares if he got 500 $ from someone who is some racist. Maybee hell take that money and put it towards a good cause.
I have kept quiet about the Ron Paul campaign for a while, because I didn’t see any need to say anything that would cause any trouble. However, reading the latest release from his campaign spokesman, I am compelled to tell the truth about Ron Paul’s extensive involvement in white nationalism.
Both Congressman Paul and his aides regularly meet with members of the Stormfront set, American Renaissance, the Institute for Historic Review, and others at the Tara Thai restaurant in Arlington, Virginia, usually on Wednesdays. This is part of a dinner that was originally organized by Pat Buchanan, Sam Francis and Joe Sobran, and has since been mostly taken over by the Council of Conservative Citizens.
I have attended these dinners, seen Paul and his aides there, and been invited to his offices in Washington to discuss policy.
For his spokesman to call white racialism a “small ideology” and claim white activists are “wasting their money” trying to influence Paul is ridiculous. Paul is a white nationalist of the Stormfront type who has always kept his racial views and his views about world Judaism quiet because of his political position.
I don’t know that it is necessarily good for Paul to “expose” this. However, he really is someone with extensive ties to white nationalism and for him to deny that in the belief he will be more respectable by denying it is outrageous — and I hate seeing people in the press who denounce racialism merely because they think it is not fashionable.
Bill White, Commander
American National Socialist Workers Party
Here ya go smartass... Now I don't believe the article but obviously they support him.
They should have national beat your politition day. Take more of our money so they can line their own pockets.
You can find out who gave money to who
Lol yeh I know I forgot to cite it and I will if you want but I don't feel like it atm. And No, I love Ron Paul, I'm just saying that these guys support him, and someone previously said they do not. I don't believe Ron Paul will owe them anything, I'm just saying that these guys support him and that was my main point.
Gotcha. Just remember the difference is that those are individual contributers to Pauls campaign while all the other candidates take contributions from huge corporations. Check this out:
Good email to send to people:
Ron Paul Receives More Military Donations Than All Other Republicans Combined
Third Quarter in a row!
Ron Paul leads ALL '08 candidates with over one-fourth of military contributions for Q2 (http://thespinfactor.com/thetruth/20...utions-for-q2/)
Ron Paul receives the most military donations among Republicans AGAIN in Q3 (http://thespinfactor.com/thetruth/20...s-again-in-q3/)
February 3, 2008 11:45 am EST
Q4 FEC Reports: Ron Paul Receives More Military Donations Than All Other Republicans Combined
Total military donations nearly as much as the total of all other remaining candidates - Republican and Democrat
ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – According to newly released FEC reports, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has received more military donations than the other three remaining Republican candidates combined.
"The latest numbers make it clear: the troops support Ron Paul," said Ron Paul campaign chairman Kent Snyder. "Dr. Paul has worked his entire career working for veterans, and has many awards and endorsements due to his dedication to their cause."
A search of the FEC database by employer reveals that Dr. Paul has received 1160 donations from military donors, nearly triple that of John McCain, and more than McCain, Mitt Romney, and Mike Huckabee combined.
Dr. Paul's total military donations of $249 thousand are almost as much as the $260 thousand of combined donations received by the other five remaining candidates.
Congressman Paul is no stranger to military support. Former president Ronald Reagan once said, "Ron Paul is one of the outstanding leaders fighting for a stronger national defense. As a former Air Force officer, he knows well the needs of our armed forces, and he always puts them first. We need to keep him fighting for our country!"
According to the FEC reports, these are the total number and amount of military donations for each of the presidential candidates*:
Ron Paul: 1160 $249k
John McCain: 438 $83k
Mike Huckabee: 126 $37k
Mitt Romney: 126 $24k
Barack Obama: 443 $76k
Hillary Clinton: 154 $41k
*Methodology: Searched FEC reports for occupation/employer contains: "Army" "Navy" "USN" "USAF" "Air Force" "Marine" "USMC" "Coast Guard" "USCG" then removed duplicates and non-military occupations (i.e. "marine repair")
* * * * * * * * * *
Compare Ron Paul's Donors to John McCain's Donors! From OpenSecrets.org:
HOW TO READ THIS CHART: This chart lists the top donors to this candidate in the 2008 election cycle. The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organization's PAC, its individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.
Top Contributors US Army $68,817 US Navy $57,076 US Air Force $52,371 Google Inc $51,382 Microsoft Corp $44,479 US Postal Service $31,054 Lockheed Martin $26,754 Boeing Co $24,388 AT&T Inc $22,398 IBM Corp $19,177 Verizon Communications $18,399 Hewlett-Packard $18,014 Apple Inc $17,314 Intel Corp $16,751 Northrop Grumman $16,067 General Electric $15,788 General Dynamics $15,584 Cisco Systems $14,702 US Dept of Defense $14,338 Wachovia Corp $14,231
Top Contributors Merrill Lynch $155,950 Citigroup Inc $153,362 Blank Rome LLP $143,501 Greenberg Traurig Llp $130,587 Goldman Sachs $85,252 Univision Communications $82,000 IDT Corp $79,250 Bank of New York Mellon $74,000 Bridgewater Assoc $72,100 MGM Mirage $70,400 Irvine Co Apartment Community $66,100 JP Morgan Chase & Co $65,485 Credit Suisse Group $65,000 Pinnacle West Capital $64,000 Lehman Brothers $61,150 Wachovia Corp $58,675 Cisco Systems $56,650 Morgan Stanley $55,701 Blackstone Group $47,950 MacAndrews & Forbes $45,000
Check this one out:
Love the "Lobbyist" line on there (isn't on Paul's!):
Top Industries 1
Lawyers/Law Firms
Securities & Investment
Real Estate
Misc Finance
Health Professionals
Business Services
Commercial Banks
Misc Business
Misc Manufacturing & Distributing
Civil Servants/Public Officials
Construction Services
Oil & Gas
General Contractors
Top Industries 1
Health Professionals
Misc Business
Real Estate
Business Services
Misc Finance
Securities & Investment
Lawyers/Law Firms
Civil Servants/Public Officials
Construction Services
General Contractors
Misc Manufacturing & Distributing
Printing & Publishing
Hospitals/Nursing Homes
Oil & Gas
Commercial Banks
* * * * * * * * * * http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=3601542
Obama, Paul net most military workers' campaign donations
By Fredreka Schouten, USA TODAY
Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Ron Paul have little in common politically, except their opposition to the Iraq war.
Both top a new list of presidential candidates receiving campaign contributions from people who work for the four branches of the military and National Guard, according to a study released Thursday by the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, an Illinois senator, brought in more donations from this group than any White House contender from either party. The Democrat announced Wednesday his plan to withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of 2008.
Paul, a Texas congressman and the only GOP presidential hopeful who supports an immediate troop withdrawal, comes in second.
"Paul and Obama are talking straight to soldiers, and what they are saying is resonating," said Larnell Exum, a retired Army lieutenant colonel, who gave $500 to Obama. Exum, who works for the Army as a congressional liaison, is a Democrat but voted for George Bush in 1992.
The center tallied money from donors who list the Air Force, Army, Marines, Navy and National Guard as an employer. Overall, these donations are miniscule: Obama got 44 contributions worth about $27,000 and Paul 23 for about $19,300. Republican John McCain, an Iraq war supporter and Vietnam prisoner of war, was third with about $18,500 from 32 donors.
In 2004, military personnel contributed $1.2 million to presidential and congressional candidates, the center said. This year, those donations are about $200,000.
The analysis also found that military personnel have shifted their donations. In 2002, the center said Democrats received 23% of contributions from military workers; Republicans got 77%. This year, 40% of their donations have gone to Democrats running for Congress and president. The GOP got 59%.
The donation patterns "would suggest that those who wear the uniform want change," said Joe Davis, spokesman for the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Bruce Altschuler, a political scientist at the State University of New York at Oswego and a Vietnam veteran, said, "The whole country has been shifting to Democrats, and the military, in some ways, is a microcosm of society."
Spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Obama is pleased to have the support of those "who have sacrificed so much."
Paul spokesman Jesse Benton said the military support makes sense. The congressman "wants to get (troops) out of playing the world's policemen and get them home," he said.
Altschuler cautioned against reading too much into the early contributions, particularly in such small amounts. "These figures could look very different in a few months."
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