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Thread: how many people have a problem with diversification?

  1. #1

    how many people have a problem with diversification?

    hey guys,

    I was having a conversation with a female friend of mine, shes from cali and im from Canada. And well i can't exactly speak for the USA, but Canada has be classified as a multicultural country. She seems to think that a country shouldnt change their ways and accommodate foreigners, for example when u go on to there shouldn't be a spanish site there. Or when u call a government place and they say press 1 for english press 2 "insert language here" press 3 etc etc. Or such things as foreigners should leave their culture behind from where they came from. So, say a foreigner from country X keep beards in that country as a cultural thing, should shave it off(assuming majority of people in the new country are shaved).

    So i gave her a two newspaper headlines (newspaper is owned by a white person(s))

    First one reads:
    "45 y/o african american male caught selling drugs to minors"

    Second one read:
    "Male caught selling drugs to minors"

    Now in the second newspaper headline the guy caught was white. Do u see the newspaper made it an extra effort to tell us that the guy caught in the first headline was black. My friend went on to say that theres nothing wrong with those headlines or they shouldn't be offensive to anyone.

    Im just looking for other peoples opinions on this stuff.
    Last edited by musclehead1; 02-13-2008 at 04:20 AM. Reason: {I wrote should when it should have said shouldn't}

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    When I get money out of certain ATM's and the first thing it asks me is do you want spanish or english? I wish there was an option for telling the machine

    "I'm getting dollars not pesos mother-fvcker!"

  3. #3
    if i wanted to speak spanish i'd go to Mexico, The US primarily speaks english I live in the US so therefore i speak english the same should apply to any american citizen(illegals are tresspassers, they should be shot on sight in my opinion), as for the headlines of course they write it up like that, it grabs more attention that way and thats what the media is after anyway, the media is catering too its audience old people, people with families, people that have nothing better to do than read the same friggin bad news over and over everyday, i mean come on any of us would be like that's y you don't go to the crackhead side of town and expect to be surrounded by highclass people, forget diversity, i'm prejudice against people that lack common sense(this is not directed towards the original poster)

  4. #4
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    Interesting comments but I am sure your views would be different if the shoe was on the other foot, ie you lived in a foreign country. Guess what, there are countries outside the USA, and here is another brain fart for you, English is not the first language for the majority of people in the world. !!!

  5. #5
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    Great comment kale. You have spoken wisely. Now I dissagree with Vengefulheart; I don't think illegals should be shot. These are just people trying to make some money for their families. I'm sure that if you were ever in their shoes or situation you would do the same thing. Now we were all illegals at one point except that some of us could track our ancestors back and some can't. Unless you're family was here when Columbus arrived in America will call you a U.S citizen otherwise you're an illegal as well.

  6. #6
    Remember all those illegals, immigrants etc etc do work when they come to a new country...and what kind of work do they do? Usually very low skilled jobs, and what happens to us when all the low skilled jobs are gone by foreigners? Shit, we have to get an education to get better jobs, and that is what helps strengthen an economy (outsourcing and immigration).

    I believe the first 2 replys are people that would like to keep the US and Canada a white man's country.

    Heres something else to consider. How did the white man adjust to native's way of living
    did Columbus and his crew adjust to their ways? If so, how come we aren't speaking native languages such as Cree, Ojibway, or Aleut.

    Any replies to this by the first 2 people that replied?

  7. #7
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    you moved to this prepared to deal with consequences.....if ur mcdonalds menu isn't in spanish, take a guess, or go eat @ the mcdonalds in cancun....but the reality of the fact is businesses are of course going to have multilanguage menus and like kratos said- his atm has the selection for spanish.....they want to make money, and if they can lure the spanish speaking people in because of the convenience, then they're going to get their business (money).....Theirs nothing left to do, but let it happen, how do u go about stopping that? send them back where they came from? have their first amendent revoked?.....
    Last edited by qualityclrk1; 02-13-2008 at 04:31 AM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    When I get money out of certain ATM's and the first thing it asks me is do you want spanish or english? I wish there was an option for telling the machine

    "I'm getting dollars not pesos mother-fvcker!"
    Being from wales i understand this. When you go to an ATM it will ask if you want it in English or Cymraeg (Welsh). What pissis me off is when English people go there and complain about stuff like that.

    Anyway on what this thread has been started on i couldnt agree more, but in the UK the people that are being a victim of discrimination more are the English so all i can say is what goes around comes around. The bad side of that is as im white i fall in the the same bracket. Sadly it is not just the English that are in this bracket, if you are British then you got very little rights esspecially over a person form over seas if you work for a living.
    I just hope that my Irish Nationality will get me somehwere some day because my British one sure aint.

    End note i dont see why ANYONE from a given country should have to change for people who want to go and live there. You dont see White Christian women walkin on beaches in Bikinis in the middle east do you, if htey want to live here then they should respect our culture and ways of living and not impose theirs on us... stuff like this wil only result in confilict and possibly a all out war.
    Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 02-13-2008 at 05:40 AM.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2004
    when in america speak american. if you are a american, call your self a american. if you aint a american and are here , learn to speak american.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by wascaptain5214 View Post
    when in america speak american. if you are a american, call your self a american. if you aint a american and are here , learn to speak american.
    Its never the case though is is boss.

  11. #11
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    New York
    if we want to go by who came here first we should all be speaking native american but they were all slaughtered by the white man.. that's the beauty of america, you can speak whatever language you want, america isn't a white country, it's a country for every race/ethnic background/origin

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Ajc330 View Post
    if we want to go by who came here first we should all be speaking native american but they were all slaughtered by the white man.. that's the beauty of america, you can speak whatever language you want, america isn't a white country, it's a country for every race/ethnic background/origin
    And what nation started it all?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    New York
    england, but we aren't england we are america, and america is a land for everyone

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I can see this thread turning to shit very quickly !!!!

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Ajc330 View Post
    england, but we aren't england we are america, and america is a land for everyone
    Yes it was, the English. That is the reason you speak English in America and not what is now termed as "Native American". It is the same reason that In Wales Welsh is not Spoken as much as it was, why in Ireland Gaelic is not spoken widely and in Scotland why Scottish has almost been forgotten.

    Today English is a universal language and pretty much every country has some understanding of it, but now with the influx of non English speaking people it seems unfair that they have a free pass in not having to learn the local lingo.

    Kind of ironc that some time ago English was forced down the throats of no-speakers but now were having other languages forced down the throats of only English speaking people. Only western counrties would adopt this attitute in allowing non-speakers to get away with it.

  16. #16
    This is the attutiude that needs adopting

  17. #17
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    spanish is the most commonly spoken language in this country. i don't have a problem with it. they do jobs i don't want. they should however pay taxes, and have medical insurance, and pay social security. that is the real problem with the illegals... not a ****ing language.

    back to the original post. race ISN'T EVEN REAL!!! dna is the same just different genes are expressed. if white, black, red, and blue people would stop exploiting differences then we could concentrate on what we all have in common. kicking ass.

  18. #18
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    Reading this crap just pissed me off so ima leave it at that before I go off on some of you.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis View Post
    Reading this crap just pissed me off so ima leave it at that before I go off on some of you.
    say whats on your chest, get it out in the open

  20. #20
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    No I like this site and would like to stay. Some things are best unsaid.

  21. #21
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    If a business wants to cater itself in multi-languages, that their managements choice not ours..

    if you don't like it, than I suppose you could try switching to some other business that won't annoy you with press 1 for english press 2 for espanol when you try calling them..

  22. #22
    In terms of business then nobody has an argument.
    What i have a problem is for example, a non Welsh speaking English person going to Wales and complaining that they cannot understand people speaking and are unable to pronounce place names, etc.
    In wales they do cater for English speakers as they (by law) use bi-lingual signs etc.

    Now as large pecentage of the nations population are infact eastern europeans, African, Middle Eastern, many of whomb can speak English and this is not an issue. However I do have issues with people who cannot speak English coming here and expecting special treatment.
    The same also applies to local cutlure, In my book its simply a case of fit in or fvck off.
    I dont see why a country should aid special requirments for people who arent prepared to adjust to local habits or learn the local language.
    Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 02-13-2008 at 10:03 AM.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie! View Post
    In terms of business then nobody has an argument.
    What i have a problem is for example, a non Welsh speaking English person going to Wales and complaining that they cannot understand people speaking and are unable to pronounce place names, etc.
    In wales they do cater for English speakers as they (by law) use bi-lingual signs etc.

    Now as large pecentage of the nations population are infact eastern europeans, African, Middle Eastern, many of whomb can speak English and this is not an issue. However I do have issues with people who cannot speak English coming here and expecting special treatment.
    The same also applies to local cutlure, In my book its simply a case of fit in or fvck off.
    I dont see why a country should aid special requirments for people who arent prepared adjust to local habits or learn the local language.
    just keep voting for conservative than, who aren't gonna be in favor of "proggressive" ideas like expensive welfare systems for immigrants, that make everyone else poorer.
    I believe studies have shown, that once people get hooked up on the welfare systems, they stay on the a very long time.. they start to rely on them for hand outs instead of being pro-active and taking care of themselves. They end up becoming slaves to the system, and will just keep looking for more handouts.. which is good for the Progressives it means they got people who rely on them, and will keep voting for them.. becomes a Master/subordinate type of situation.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    just keep voting for conservative than, who aren't gonna be in favor of "proggressive" ideas like expensive welfare systems for immigrants, that make everyone else poorer.
    I believe studies have shown, that once people get hooked up on the welfare systems, they stay on the a very long time.. they start to rely on them for hand outs instead of being pro-active and taking care of themselves. They end up becoming slaves to the system, and will just keep looking for more handouts.. which is good for the Progressives it means they got people who rely on them, and will keep voting for them.. becomes a Master/subordinate type of situation.
    Yes i cant argue with this. One idea pretty much every one can learn for is the ones the Austrailian goverment take. "If you cant bring something to the table dont sit down".
    I have not one problem with people gonig to a certain part of the world to offer some thing mroe than just being a burden on tax dollars.
    People who are willing to work will put money back in the the Economy boosting health and social revenues as more often than not they dont hang around to reap the benefits of the taxes they have payed for the years they were working in that given country. Polish work forces are a classic example of this in the UK.

    It looks certain to get a point one day where so many people are on benefits that it will all effect everyone else. Either Benefits will collapse and those people will starve, but more than likley the working man will foot the bill and pay those beneifts untill all the working man is doing is working to keep the idle.

    I see your point abotu Master/Subordinate situation and yes i very much agree, why vote someone in that is threatening to put you on the streets.

  25. #25
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    Where in Canada are you from?

    I believe that we are strongly promoting and encouraging immigration for obvious reasons. Therefor it is our duty to somewhat accommodate them to a reasonable degree. To take a one sided view in that we are doing them a favor and that we have absolutely nothing to gain from it would be naive. One must remember that immigrants have a choice, there are other countries in the world as well. Having said that I dont believe we should have to change our life style and society and facon de vivre to accommodate them but we do have to be a little tolerant.

    From personal experience, having lived in Canada, USA and Europe(France, Germany, Switzerland) I can tell you that immigrants have it MUCH better in North America then anywhere else in the world. In terms of equal opportunity, racism, discrimination etc.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Prada View Post
    Where in Canada are you from?
    From personal experience, having lived in Canada, USA and Europe(France, Germany, Switzerland) I can tell you that immigrants have it MUCH better in North America then anywhere else in the world. In terms of equal opportunity, racism, discrimination etc.
    I think as far as that last statment goes, the UK would beat the USA.
    The UK is the new land of the free, well it is for wasters and refugees anyhow

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Prada View Post
    Where in Canada are you from?

    I believe that we are strongly promoting and encouraging immigration for obvious reasons. Therefor it is our duty to somewhat accommodate them to a reasonable degree. To take a one sided view in that we are doing them a favor and that we have absolutely nothing to gain from it would be naive. One must remember that immigrants have a choice, there are other countries in the world as well. Having said that I dont believe we should have to change our life style and society and facon de vivre to accommodate them but we do have to be a little tolerant.

    From personal experience, having lived in Canada, USA and Europe(France, Germany, Switzerland) I can tell you that immigrants have it MUCH better in North America then anywhere else in the world. In terms of equal opportunity, racism, discrimination etc.

    Im in BC.
    I'm not saying we should change our lifestyle and we are not. But why does it piss people off if a muslim woman is walking down the street with scarves on? I'm not muslim so I dont know if thats a cultural thing or a religious thing. Or like others stated that they get pissed off at the bank when they have to choose english rather than some other language, well you don't have to scroll from a list of options where it would take you a very long time. Most of the places I have gone to that do this, have english at the top and at the most there are 2-3 options (two of which in Canada are mandatory, English and French).

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie! View Post
    I think as far as that last statment goes, the UK would beat the USA.
    The UK is the new land of the free, well it is for wasters and refugees anyhow
    Yeah for sure the UK or at least England is up there as one of the best places. What is beautiful about USA, Canada and England that truly if you have the competencies you will be hired. Regardless if you are black, Muslim, Chinese. That is not the case unfortunately in France, Italy Switzerland and Germany. Where unfortunately "origin" still has much value. There is still much discrimination there.

    Please elaborate on your last statement.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Prada View Post
    Yeah for sure the UK or at least England is up there as one of the best places. What is beautiful about USA, Canada and England that truly if you have the competencies you will be hired. Regardless if you are black, Muslim, Chinese. That is not the case unfortunately in France, Italy Switzerland and Germany. Where unfortunately "origin" still has much value. There is still much discrimination there.

    Please elaborate on your last statement.
    Sorry man i was being sarcastic.
    I have heard that the UK is up there, quite frankly i cant even begin to wonder how or why. If you are not British and poor but come to Britain you will be well looked after.
    I doubt there is anyother country that is as generous as the UK in regards to free health care and offer a vast array of many other benefits. To top everything off, all the natives have to respect the fact you "cannot speak England talking at all."

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    spanish is the most commonly spoken language in this country. i don't have a problem with it. they do jobs i don't want. they should however pay taxes, and have medical insurance, and pay social security. that is the real problem with the illegals... not a ****ing language.

    back to the original post. race ISN'T EVEN REAL!!! dna is the same just different genes are expressed. if white, black, red, and blue people would stop exploiting differences then we could concentrate on what we all have in common. kicking ass.
    Thats actually incorrect. Illegal immigrants do jobs that you dont want, AT THE RATE THEY ARE WILLING TO PAY. The truth of the matter is, that often illegal immigrants offer their labor for a much cheaper rate than an American can afford to accept. The reasons are obvious, the American worker pays income tax, social security, has insured vehicle(s), and other expenses. The illegal immigrant worker however, often does not pay an income tax, social security, and in addition to this uses the social programs available to tax paying citizens of this country. So please, whenever you assert that illegal immigrants do jobs that Americans dont want, do not forget to include "at the rate they are willing to pay."

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Thats actually incorrect. Illegal immigrants do jobs that you dont want, AT THE RATE THEY ARE WILLING TO PAY. The truth of the matter is, that often illegal immigrants offer their labor for a much cheaper rate than an American can afford to accept. The reasons are obvious, the American worker pays income tax, social security, has insured vehicle(s), and other expenses. The illegal immigrant worker however, often does not pay an income tax, social security, and in addition to this uses the social programs available to tax paying citizens of this country. So please, whenever you assert that illegal immigrants do jobs that Americans dont want, do not forget to include "at the rate they are willing to pay."

  32. #32
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    Don't get me started!

    Stop and think about it, when you go to Japan do they cater to you and your language? No! What about Germany? No! France? No! Russia? No! Vietnam? No! Iraq? No!

    Shall I continue?

    I should stop there, everyone should know what I think about this pandering to foreignors in this ****ing country, i'm ****ing sick of it.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  33. #33
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    First of all we all have to think like a business man. A business man sets up his business to sell to everyone. He want's green backs and he doesn't give a shit who the person is who is buying his shit. Now if the ATM said english or spanish its because the bank is adapting their business to their customers needs. Now if that is to much work for you, either number 1. Find a new atm or 2. move on.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by firmechicano831 View Post
    First of all we all have to think like a business man. A business man sets up his business to sell to everyone. He want's green backs and he doesn't give a shit who the person is who is buying his shit. Now if the ATM said english or spanish its because the bank is adapting their business to their customers needs. Now if that is to much work for you, either number 1. Find a new atm or 2. move on.
    Typical response from a blind sheep who cannot see why this is a problem. I think it goes a little deeper than pressing 1 or 2.

    Honest to god, truly this is hwo alot of people think. haha "I don't care, it's not a hassle to push 1 or 2".

    They fail to realise the big picture.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  35. #35
    i have a problem with illegals cause if you want american money, jobs, etc. then become a citizen, pay taxes, vote, get your american rights, my ancestors were immigrants but they became US citizens, and yeah i understand they want a better life and money for their families but working here tax free and sending all their earnings back to their home country is bull imo, and i never said anything about english being the "world" language but it is still #1 in the US...for now anyway

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Don't get me started!

    Stop and think about it, when you go to Japan do they cater to you and your language? No! What about Germany? No! France? No! Russia? No! Vietnam? No! Iraq? No!

    Shall I continue?

    I should stop there, everyone should know what I think about this pandering to foreignors in this ****ing country, i'm ****ing sick of it.

    Murilo, with all due respect who do we blame? The immigrants or should we look at our own immigration policies? I certainly cant blame the immigrants, hell if I would be given a red carpet into a country with little or no consequences.....well Id perhaps do the same. Example in certain countries in EU, you HAVE TO go to a french shool. Immigrants children must learn french. French is the only official government language,m in all documents, law, etc. French must be predominately used in ads, signs etc. The airtime non french songs get on radio is limited. Et cetra. New immigrants MUST learn or take courses on french and history,
    Drastic one may say, in todays age of globalization, I don't believe there is any other choice.

  37. #37
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    Those nations are pure race nations. In Germany you speak German. In Spain you speak Spanish. In Japan you speak Japanese. Do you get it now? In America we speak what American? Theres no such language. If you have a problem with illegals fine w/e so do I. But don't act like this nation is a nation of pure race because it isn't.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis View Post
    Those nations are pure race nations. In Germany you speak German. In Spain you speak Spanish. In Japan you speak Japanese. Do you get it now? In America we speak what American? Theres no such language. If you have a problem with illegals fine w/e so do I. But don't act like this nation is a nation of pure race because it isn't.
    Ok fair enough... What about England, what language is spoken there?

  39. #39
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    this isn't england, this is america and we are diverse, like a deck of cards, and the deck can not be complete without every card!

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Ajc330 View Post
    this isn't england, this is america and we are diverse, like a deck of cards, and the deck can not be complete without every card!
    So I take by the above statment that England is not diverse?

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