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Thread: Am I making a big deal outta nothing?...

  1. #1
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    lol im not telling :D

    Am I making a big deal outta nothing?...

    Ok in short, been with this girl since start of october.. absolutly AMAZING everything i could possibly want... plus she is a nurse and makes really good money + she is a sooooper goodie goodie.

    buttt... of course she has me check her email all the time for her when she is not around and one time i was checking it i saw a folder w/ a HUGE chat convo saved that she had w/ one of her BEST FRIENDS (a guy).

    apparently they never dated or hooked up or even had sex but.. it was a MONSTEROUS cyber sex conversation... very unnerving I DID NOT READ ANY OF the other saved convos cause this one made me sick and i couldnt bare to see anymore of this shit. IT happned BEFORE we were together so i know i shouldnt make diddly bout it but damn she still talks to him all the time and says she loves him so much as a friend.. it was just SUPER creapy to see that....

    HOW THE FVCK WOULD YOU Respond to it?
    i asked her nicely if she was w/ him when she started seeing me... she said no she was just flirting with him (if flirting is saying you miss someones mouth so much and want them INSIDE you so bad) and that nothing happend and he lives in newyork city which is far from oklahoma yatta yatta... oh wtf im stressed ima go lift

  2. #2
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    If there was anything going on with the guy I doubt she would have you check her e-mail, but then again she is a woman and women don't use logic. If it were me I would have told he I don't want to check her e-mail for her because I am going to read everything

  3. #3
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    HYPOTHOSIS = so lets say friends that don't have benefits are like brothers and sisters..

    EXPERIMENT so this guy is like a brother to her..

    CONCLUSSION so she's having cyber sex with her brother.

  4. #4
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    if she wanna cheat she will and theres none u can do about it. not sayin she is. i'd ask her to stop

  5. #5
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    It is most likely nothing. I have a few things around the house that would make my girlfriend crazy as well. But, I dont care about those girls now, it is just something to remember a good time. For example, I have a Japanese high school girls uniform from a girl I met while in Japan. I still have her uniform, but I dont care about that girl anymore. Dont think too much about it. After all, the less jealous you appear, the more confidence you seem to have. If you act like you dont give a shit, you actually become more attractive to her. Whether you choose to be with her or not, dont you want her to like you the most either way? If so, you should let it go and try to forget about it, because most likely she is not thinking about those letters herself.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des View Post
    It is most likely nothing. I have a few things around the house that would make my girlfriend crazy as well. But, I dont care about those girls now, it is just something to remember a good time. For example, I have a Japanese high school girls uniform from a girl I met while in Japan. I still have her uniform, but I dont care about that girl anymore. Dont think too much about it. After all, the less jealous you appear, the more confidence you seem to have. If you act like you dont give a shit, you actually become more attractive to her. Whether you choose to be with her or not, dont you want her to like you the most either way? If so, you should let it go and try to forget about it, because most likely she is not thinking about those letters herself.
    very good advice, but I'm a jealous prick when it comes to stuff like this, so I would have a hard time letting go of it even though I know it would be the right thing to do.

  7. #7
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    Well, I must admit I know what you mean. I wonder if it has anything to do with tren. The last time I did it, I walked into a wall like any big clumsy fu*k. But it made me so mad I punched the wall. This may not seem like a big deal, but I had just broken my hand a few weeks earlier. This time, a bone poked through the back of my hand. I cant blame tren, but since I too am a jealous person, I probably should not be doing it. In any event, I simply felt bad for you and wanted to respond. It sucks, but just try to let it go. If you dont, you will simply end up getting laid less than if you do. Therefore, you should probably do what you can to control yourself. Good Luck.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    Ok in short, been with this girl since start of october.. absolutly AMAZING everything i could possibly want... plus she is a nurse and makes really good money + she is a sooooper goodie goodie.

    buttt... of course she has me check her email all the time for her when she is not around and one time i was checking it i saw a folder w/ a HUGE chat convo saved that she had w/ one of her BEST FRIENDS (a guy).

    apparently they never dated or hooked up or even had sex but.. it was a MONSTEROUS cyber sex conversation... very unnerving I DID NOT READ ANY OF the other saved convos cause this one made me sick and i couldnt bare to see anymore of this shit. IT happned BEFORE we were together so i know i shouldnt make diddly bout it but damn she still talks to him all the time and says she loves him so much as a friend.. it was just SUPER creapy to see that....

    HOW THE FVCK WOULD YOU Respond to it?
    i asked her nicely if she was w/ him when she started seeing me... she said no she was just flirting with him (if flirting is saying you miss someones mouth so much and want them INSIDE you so bad) and that nothing happend and he lives in newyork city which is far from oklahoma yatta yatta... oh wtf im stressed ima go lift
    Thats a tuff one, the problem you have now is it is going to be in back of you mind for a bit.

  9. #9
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    Wow, nice friend. BS....

    There is no such thing as guy and girl as JUST FRIENDS. Especially when they are doing some cyber that makes you sick.

    I would simply ask her to stop that. If she says no or makes a big deal out of it, oh well... time to move on.

    A girl telling some other guy that she wants him inside of her? Are you F%^#$ kidding me?

    I don't give a damn sh!t about who he is or was...

    Take care man.

  10. #10
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    lol im not telling :D
    thing is i trust her completely and she is always very honest with me... but now every time im with her all i see is that ****ing cyber sex convo w/ her saying how much she wants him in side her.. LIKE WTF ><

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    thing is i trust her completely and she is always very honest with me... but now every time im with her all i see is that ****ing cyber sex convo w/ her saying how much she wants him in side her.. LIKE WTF ><
    How old are the emails? Where does this guy live from her and did he send her any pics of him?

  12. #12
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    i would bring it to her attention.if she lied about being with him she will continue to lie .but be very nonconfrontational.and tell her i am sry but i saw a folder in ur email and i clicked on it and it has things in it that u said never happened can u explain that to me.and just watch how she reacts.if u dont it will eat u alive and sooner or later it will coma out as some form of anger,rescentment,distrust.....u get the point but i would definatly say something to her about.Oh ya and check the dates to make sure it isnt new.cause nurses are freaks bro TRUST ME!

  13. #13
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by pumpd4lif View Post
    i would bring it to her attention.if she lied about being with him she will continue to lie .but be very nonconfrontational.and tell her i am sry but i saw a folder in ur email and i clicked on it and it has things in it that u said never happened can u explain that to me.and just watch how she reacts.if u dont it will eat u alive and sooner or later it will coma out as some form of anger,rescentment,distrust.....u get the point but i would definatly say something to her about.Oh ya and check the dates to make sure it isnt new.cause nurses are freaks bro TRUST ME!
    we did talk... she said ITS NOT LIKE I DIDNT TLAK TO other guys before you.. but to see a saved convo like that in her email folder thingy was seroiusly effed up.
    it was like a month or so before we hooked up and he lives like on the other side of the U.S. but that was the only convo i saw.. i didnt wanna keep digging... i KNOW for a fact she would never lie to me, it woulda been nice to know they had "SOMETHING BETWEEN THEM" insead of just telling me he was like one of her best friends but wat ever ><

  14. #14
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    Personally I don’t play the just a friend. I don’t recommend being a d***, but if you don’t talk to her it will eat you up until you blow up about it. Tell her the truth about how you found it. If she gives you some bs about they where just joking around then dump her you cant trust her. If she says she did not want you to be jealous then you’re good to go. Then flip it on her and tell her you want to know why she doesn’t get dirty like that for you.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    we did talk... she said ITS NOT LIKE I DIDNT TLAK TO other guys before you.. but to see a saved convo like that in her email folder thingy was seroiusly effed up.
    it was like a month or so before we hooked up and he lives like on the other side of the U.S. but that was the only convo i saw.. i didnt wanna keep digging... i KNOW for a fact she would never lie to me, it woulda been nice to know they had "SOMETHING BETWEEN THEM" insead of just telling me he was like one of her best friends but wat ever ><
    I know it's going to be hard to get it out of your mind, but it is BEFORE you met. We all have stuff in our past that others don't need to know about. Just make sure that see is not conversing with him any more.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    i didnt wanna keep digging... i KNOW for a fact she would never lie to me, it woulda been nice to know they had "SOMETHING BETWEEN THEM" insead of just telling me he was like one of her best friends but wat ever ><
    Umm, it's great that you trust her, but you might wanna be careful with that right there...

    I agree with what RANA said, make sure she is done writing to this guy.

  17. #17
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    I dunno man, see if u can watch the Klitcho heavyweight fight for free on Sopcast or sumething to take your mind of it n watch some violence instead
    Last edited by Pooks; 02-23-2008 at 09:33 PM.

  18. #18
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    Might look like I'm an asshole...but when I start dating a girl, I tell her to tell her guy friends that she can't talk to them on the phone or e-mail them anymore. That's just the way I am. I do the same though with my girl friends..

  19. #19
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    no good comes from snooping. Ignorance is bliss... I would just forget it mate. it happened before you were with her and maybe for some reason she feels uncomfortable talking about her past loves,

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    no good comes from snooping. Ignorance is bliss... I would just forget it mate. it happened before you were with her and maybe for some reason she feels uncomfortable talking about her past loves,
    thats the best thing for this situation. If the dude is accross the country whats there to worry about?

  21. #21
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    We all like to believe that we can trust the person we are with and they are telling us the truth. But, on the other hand she said this was before you two met. I'm just curious why she has you check her e-mail for her? Is she expecting something that she can't receive from a text message?

  22. #22
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    im a super jealous person so i would probably punch a hole in the wall and throw the convo in her face

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    lol im not telling :D


    Warming 2mg Xanax and 15mg Ambien take prior to this post!


    long talk w/ her on fone (she is outta town visiting her mom and setting up wedding plans LOL) we are getting married in the islands (this is so MUCH BETTER THAN my first weeding where i wore a tux... i get to wear a white button (unbuttond) dress shirt and khakies!

    anyways she admits it was something stupid and dumb that lil sex convo but nothing ever happend they just didnt click (probably because he was super far away and the only reason she was acting like that was because she hadnt been layed in like 9+months- BUT I TOOK HER 9month OLD virginity!) so they decided to be friends (from across the country) also im way way sexier than him (she said im sexiest guy she has ever seen) SHE LOVES my huge pecs and shoulders and tiny WeeWee (if it was a large Wee Wee it wouldnt FIT!) she said i have a super awsome butt too.. which is hard to believe since its SO EFFIN WIDE due to my child bearing hips but wat ever.

    everything is a'OK she said she hardly talks to him anymore more (even though they are just friends) ... last few convos i saw she was Too buxy to talk to him but he was rambling on bout some immature retarded girl he was seeing. after seeing those most recent convos where were the exact same types of online convos i have w/ my female chica's i have no worries... plus i am the first person she has ever been intimately involved w/ in 9months (she has SUPER trust issues and doesnt sleep w/ hardly anyone which is why alot of her relationships bite the dust... no sexual chemistry kuz she just doesnt trust them that way) she said she trusts me completely (AND I MEAN COMPLETELY THERE IS NOTHING SHE WONT DO FOR ME.. if i want head.. i get it, anytype of sexual position i get it. wat ever kinda forplay i want.. i get! its great. I swear 3x+ a week i hear "Will you PLEAASEE cum in my mouth for me?!" now how hot is that?!

    she has only been w/ 8 -10 people intimately (no one night stands) and 3 or for of them were CHICKS!

    i also know she hadnt had sex in ages was because it toooked for EVER to hve sex where she wasnt ripping apart and bleeding took 3 weeks to get her used to it.

    when we first started humpin i could only do her once every 3rd day kuz the tears and shit were so bad for her (JelQing RULES!) now i can have it when ever i want it .. though she usually jumps me first!
    actually its gettin to the point where i dont want it NEAR as much as her.. but im scared to tell her no!.. the other night she was sucking on my weewee for hours trying to get it up and nothing (damn ambien + flexeril) OH SHE GOT MAD.. and then i said gawd i shoulda took viagra... so of course she grabs her car keys and i gotta RUN OUT and coax her to stay here and not go for a drive kuz damit we are poor and kant afford gas.

    SIDE NOTE: she says she LOVES the way i smell and it makes her so effin HOT! mind you this is when im sweaty after working out (on tren too) so i smell kinda rancid imo but god she will sniff my armpit a few times and then BLAMO.. insane sex of every kind imaginable!

    so anyways Fone call went great, everything is working out she is ignoring him for a month until im over it and then we will take it from there.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    Warming 2mg Xanax and 15mg Ambien take prior to this post!


    long talk w/ her on fone (she is outta town visiting her mom and setting up wedding plans LOL) we are getting married in the islands (this is so MUCH BETTER THAN my first weeding where i wore a tux... i get to wear a white button (unbuttond) dress shirt and khakies!

    anyways she admits it was something stupid and dumb that lil sex convo but nothing ever happend they just didnt click (probably because he was super far away and the only reason she was acting like that was because she hadnt been layed in like 9+months- BUT I TOOK HER 9month OLD virginity!) so they decided to be friends (from across the country) also im way way sexier than him (she said im sexiest guy she has ever seen) SHE LOVES my huge pecs and shoulders and tiny WeeWee (if it was a large Wee Wee it wouldnt FIT!) she said i have a super awsome butt too.. which is hard to believe since its SO EFFIN WIDE due to my child bearing hips but wat ever.

    everything is a'OK she said she hardly talks to him anymore more (even though they are just friends) ... last few convos i saw she was Too buxy to talk to him but he was rambling on bout some immature retarded girl he was seeing. after seeing those most recent convos where were the exact same types of online convos i have w/ my female chica's i have no worries... plus i am the first person she has ever been intimately involved w/ in 9months (she has SUPER trust issues and doesnt sleep w/ hardly anyone which is why alot of her relationships bite the dust... no sexual chemistry kuz she just doesnt trust them that way) she said she trusts me completely (AND I MEAN COMPLETELY THERE IS NOTHING SHE WONT DO FOR ME.. if i want head.. i get it, anytype of sexual position i get it. wat ever kinda forplay i want.. i get! its great. I swear 3x+ a week i hear "Will you PLEAASEE cum in my mouth for me?!" now how hot is that?!

    she has only been w/ 8 -10 people intimately (no one night stands) and 3 or for of them were CHICKS!

    i also know she hadnt had sex in ages was because it toooked for EVER to hve sex where she wasnt ripping apart and bleeding took 3 weeks to get her used to it.

    when we first started humpin i could only do her once every 3rd day kuz the tears and shit were so bad for her (JelQing RULES!) now i can have it when ever i want it .. though she usually jumps me first!
    actually its gettin to the point where i dont want it NEAR as much as her.. but im scared to tell her no!.. the other night she was sucking on my weewee for hours trying to get it up and nothing (damn ambien + flexeril) OH SHE GOT MAD.. and then i said gawd i shoulda took viagra... so of course she grabs her car keys and i gotta RUN OUT and coax her to stay here and not go for a drive kuz damit we are poor and kant afford gas.

    SIDE NOTE: she says she LOVES the way i smell and it makes her so effin HOT! mind you this is when im sweaty after working out (on tren too) so i smell kinda rancid imo but god she will sniff my armpit a few times and then BLAMO.. insane sex of every kind imaginable!

    so anyways Fone call went great, everything is working out she is ignoring him for a month until im over it and then we will take it from there.
    It's good to hear you're not getting cold feet

  25. #25
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    I think if she still talks to him is because she cares and the possibility will always be there. I'd tell her to cut him off and see what she says.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by firmechicano831 View Post
    I think if she still talks to him is because she cares and the possibility will always be there. I'd tell her to cut him off and see what she says.
    Good point! It comes down to one or the other.

  27. #27
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    lol im not telling :D
    she said she wont talk to him if it bothers me that much. which was nice...
    she says she will do everything in her power to keep anything from comming between us.

    (also she has the BIGGEST most loving heart i ever met)

    side note: my other 2 ex's woulda been like **** U, you possessive jealous freak.

    but this one actually tried to HELP.. i was bewildered

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    she said she wont talk to him if it bothers me that much. which was nice...
    she says she will do everything in her power to keep anything from comming between us.

    (also she has the BIGGEST most loving heart i ever met)

    side note: my other 2 ex's woulda been like **** U, you possessive jealous freak.

    but this one actually tried to HELP.. i was bewildered
    Tai, I dated this one girl that told me in the end that if I would have said that, she would have told me to get lost. So you are with the right one, don't let small things in life get to you. Enjoy your happiness with her cause life is way too short.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    she said she wont talk to him if it bothers me that much. which was nice...
    she says she will do everything in her power to keep anything from comming between us.

    (also she has the BIGGEST most loving heart i ever met)

    side note: my other 2 ex's woulda been like **** U, you possessive jealous freak.

    but this one actually tried to HELP.. i was bewildered
    By your own account you would be an idiot to dumb her over this. She sounds like one of the best chicks you have even been with. Get over it and enjoy her company. Good luck and give her a big hug and kiss from RANA.

  30. #30
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    I would not worry about it. From reading your post it seems like she is a pretty sexual person and she was more than likely just frustrated which led to that sexual conversation. She seems like a nice girl and I would not make a mountain out of a mole hill.

  31. #31
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Z-Ro View Post
    I would not worry about it. From reading your post it seems like she is a pretty sexual person and she was more than likely just frustrated which led to that sexual conversation. She seems like a nice girl and I would not make a mountain out of a mole hill.
    well heres the HUGE shocker.. she told me she hasnt had any type of intimate moments w/ ANYONE in a YEAR before we hooked up.

    SHE HAS HUGE TRUST ISSUES like her last ex she was with.. she said she didnt trust him and couldnt bring her self to sleep w/ him and was happy he was a porn addict so she didnt have to worry bout sleepi9ng w/ him.

    so im just assuming it was her way of releasing 9 months of build up sexual tension w/o actually having to be in a "SEXUAL SITUATION" since she had the security blnaket of him being 21421421million miles away and also he was a good friend.
    the reason she trusts me she said, is because i was the first guy who gave her a Big loving hug and a kiss on the forhead at the end of our first date (which was a 12hr date) we went and carved pumpkins, cooked pumpkin seeds (she LOVES HOLIDAYS and HOLIDAY STUFF) and then went out to eat seafood, went shopping for kitchen supplies for her kitchedn ( she loves cookin) and just generaly had a great time (she said no one made her laugh so much as i did) so she jumped my bone second day LOL even though the first date we had was liek 4 in one.. so technically i would say it was sex on 5th date. PLUS best part was.. i calld her and said my father is in the hospitol (late at night) and im scared and i gotta get up early in the morning and would like some company so she comes over and BLAMO she ransacked me!

    OMG i gotta stop posting when im medicated
    i know she reads this siht.. and im so gonna get my ass beat for this since she is a SUPER PRIVATE CONSERVATIVE PERSON... dood when my mother was trying to suggest to her wat birth control would be most ideal to help her w/ her cramps/bleeding SHE FREAKED .. and turned to me and goes OMG thats PRIVATE INFO i dont want other people knowing im on birthcontrol LOL
    she is one of those DONT TELL AYONE ABOUT ANYTHING about "OUR" life regardless of how intimate or un'intimate it is.`

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by firmechicano831 View Post
    I think if she still talks to him is because she cares and the possibility will always be there. I'd tell her to cut him off and see what she says.
    I second that.

  33. #33
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    lol im not telling :D
    she said if it botheres me that much she will stop talking to him... so its all good... she is by far the first person i have ever been with that would actually do what ever it takes to keep our relationship in working order...

    i felt like a dick but i told her that if she kept talking to him.. there would be a large possibility i would say something VERY hurtful to her w/o even thinking and cause more problems i.e. like "OH hey i see ur talkin to your cyber sex buddy"
    so we both aggreed it would be for the better for her to ommit him from her life for now until it all blows over (2months or so)

    I SO hit the jackpot w/ this woman

  34. #34
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    She sounds like a keeper, good deal.

  35. #35
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    a van down by the river!
    drama!!! yuck!

  36. #36
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    Id killer her anyway...

  37. #37
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    Tai, I love you. You make me feel so... normal.



  38. #38
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    how long ago was that first convo you saw?

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
    Id killer her anyway...

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zapp View Post
    Might look like I'm an asshole...but when I start dating a girl, I tell her to tell her guy friends that she can't talk to them on the phone or e-mail them anymore. That's just the way I am. I do the same though with my girl friends..
    Well you admit you may look like an asshole so at least youre honest. But, wow thats just scary.

    You cant talk on the phone with girls anymore? So you have great friends as girls perhaps but as soon as you start to date a girl you tell ur friends...ya hey I know we used to talk on the phone but I cant anymore because I now have a gf...

    Honestly man, I dont know you at all and Im ONLY judging by this one comment you made but thats embarrassing. You either have severe trust issues with YOURSELF and others or you are jealous beyond imagination. Neither are good qualities to have.

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