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Running a short cycle to get back to normal after surgery, want to be off as quick as possible so I can start my summer cutter with adequate time off.
I am going to front load double first week, than back to normal 2 week.
So Starting date 2/26
week 1: 1500 of Test E and 1100 of Decaplax
week 2-9 750 test and 550 deca
week 10 750 test.
week 8-12 dbol 50mgs day
clomid x days after last test shot.
I am going to run nova in begining and low does throughout.
Pct , standard with HCG 10 days before end, possible midway as well, Clomid, and nova ( try hookers next time around)
Could I front load for first 2 weeks and cut another week of the cycle...?
The shorter this cycle is the better so I will have some time off for my early july Prop and Winny cycle.