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Thread: Another Injecting Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Another Injecting Question

    I read the "injections 101" message which was posted by someone. I've read stuff like that on other websites too, and it's great advice, but I had a few more questions to ask about injecting. I'm sorry if some of these are repeats from other users.

    1. If injecting into the thigh, where is it exactly?
    2. If injecting into the thigh, how deep do you go with the needle, assuming your using a 23G, 1.5inch needle?
    3. Is there a risk of hitting the bone in either your leg/ass and what would happen if you did?
    4. How much do you really have to pull back the needle when your "aspirating" ??? Is the blood fine enough to quickly fill the needle if u've hit a blood vessel???
    5. If your injecting, and taking about 400mg Deca and 500mg Sus, how would you break that up? 200mg Deca right ass, 200 mg Deca left ass, 250mg Sus right thigh, 250mg Sus left thigh? Is this correct, and would it be similar for other cycles as well.
    6. From the above question, do you do all those injections in one day? Well, I mean the 200mg Deca and the 250mg Sus would be on what...Monday...and the second portion on like Thurs/Fri ???
    7. What are the fastest Gyno sideaffects you will feel to know that they are starting to kick in ???
    8. Are there places in Canada to get juice, or only order juice from US/Europe? (i'm NOT asking for anyone to give me sources, i'm just asking if they are available, for i don't want to break the forum rules).

    Thnx a bunch.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Salt Lake City
    You should definitely read the injections link on the homepage of this site, but I'll help where I can. You won't hit a bone on your thigh or ass if you're using the proper sized needles, you should stick the needle pretty much all the way in(maybe leaving a tiny bit out for safety sake - in case it broke), when pulling back the needle just pull back enough that you can either see clear fluid or blood coming in(not very far), and you should definitely split your injections into at least two days. Hope that helps. Oh, the injections link will give you a picture of exactly where to inject on the thigh.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    that confused the hell out of me bro! maybe break it down in a simpler format.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool You Have Many Questions, My Son . . .

    . . . so I shall assume the lotus position.

    Seriously, I think the thing that might help the best is to not think in terms of the thigh. The Thigh can signifie anything around the uppermost part of the leg, so it might be easier to think of the upper leg itself. What is actually injected is the quad muscle, midway between your butt and your knee - that's below what we traditionally think of as the thigh.

    In other words, place your hand at the outer side of your body, pointing down and starting from the waist. The area below your hand is the quad muscle. Now place your hand on the outer side of your leg, starting up from the knee. Again, the area above your hand is the quad. (If you had pulled it off with two hands - one from the knee up, and one from the waist down - the area not covered by your hands is where you inject. You always inject the outside of the upper leg, not the front or back of the leg or the inside of the leg.)

    Next, it's best to use a 1" needle (regardless of gauge, although you generally won't want to go below a 22 g. at most) for the quad. A 1-1/2" needle is best for the glute (upper outer quadrant of the butt cheek). Your quad muscle does have more nerves and veins than your glute or delt, so the site and the length of the needle are important. If all you have are 1-1/2" needles, just go in about an inch, but make sure you use a steady hand so that the needle does not move around too much.

    Is there a risk of hitting bone? Not significantly; there's more of a risk of hitting a nerve on a quad shot. Therefore, although I might do a quick jab when injecting a delt or glute (in someone else - I never do my own delt or glute), I always go in slower when I inject my quad in case I hit a nerve. If you do, you will know it immediately; simply remove the needle and use a different site on the quad - even an inch or so away will make a difference, although you may have to take a second to catch your breath (hitting a nerve does hurt).

    In terms of breaking up the shots, don't think in terms of mg., think in terms of ml. or cc's. Different manufacturers of the various drugs make different concentrations. (For example, test cyp is available in the U.S. as 100 mg/ml or 200 mg/ml, and there are other concentrations made in other countries.) Ideally, I don't recommend shooting more that 1 ml (a ml, or milileter, is the same as a cc, or cubic centimeter) in anyone site at any one time. Therefore, you can either use multiple sites or do your injections at different times. As a general rule, though, if you have to inject more in one site at one time, the glute is best since it has less veins and nerves, larger muscle, and more cushioning, for lack of a better term.

    One cannot differentiate effectiveness from "the fastest gyno," since some AS will not cause gyno at all. My own take is that the proclivity toward gyno is as much genetic as it is based on the drug. For example, I had lab work done the other day, and my test level as 1,487 (normal range is 241-827), which means that it's time for me to cut back, campers. But I have never experienced gyno, despite the fact that test cyp will tend to produce it faster than many other drugs. Therefore, when looking at the effectiveness of whatever you're taking, look at the big picture. Presumably, you're doing a cycle in conjunction with lifting weights - are you seeing results in terms of your mass, development, toning, reversal of body fat versus lean muscle mass, and all the factors that come into play with combing AS and working out? (In other words, you may never get gyno, so you shouldn't treat that as your primary criterion.)

    Finally, the answer to Canadian sources is yes. In fact, for Americans who live close enough to the Canadian border, you can make a weekend of it (ah, the pleasures of a 'roid shopping spree!). Seriously, I would trust both the quality and purity of getting stuff out of Canada faaaaaar more than Mexico (where a lot of U.S. residents go for their stuff) or Europe (in which individual countries may not regulate quality as much as the U.S. and Canadian authorities do - give me F.D.A. standards any day). Moreover, syringes and needles are available without prescription - and very cheap - in Ontario (I am not aware of the other provinces), so there's no excuse not to use sterile equipment for every shot. Past that point, I'm afraid I can't help you since I actually get my stuff legally (yeah, my dealers have names like Shoppers Drug Mart) and declare it at U.S. Customs (which can be fun if you do it legally), but there are lots of Canadian members on the forum that may have better feedback for you.

    I shall now get out of lotus position and return to the role of dumb weight jock . . .

  5. #5
    Mike Guest
    I have to be honest - I didnt read the whole post - I have ADD and I really dont have the attention span for that many questions

    BUT - THANK YOU TNT - good post - thanks for taking the time to answer all those

    (Hey bud - read my injections post in my signature - also Xbiker has a post here about thigh injections complete with pics that would answer some of those questions)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool You're Not the Only One . . .

    Originally posted by Mike
    I have to be honest - I didnt read the whole post - I have ADD and I really dont have the attention span for that many questions
    BUT - THANK YOU TNT - good post - thanks for taking the time to answer all those
    Thank you, Mike - the format of the board (with the previous posts in the thread appearing below the reply screen) make it a lot easier to refer back to the earlier messages. As a fellow ADD'er, I'd hardly be able to remember all of the questions if I couldn't scroll down the screen.

  7. #7
    Mike Guest
    Yeah before we had that I was going "back" and "forward" on my browser every second

    You really have ADD as well? I guess I should have guess at the length of all your posts - people with adult ADD can tend to hyperfocus into things

  8. #8
    Mike Guest
    depends how old you are but somewhere around 300-900mg/dl - this varies based on age

  9. #9
    Mike Guest
    deciliter - who said anything about cutting back on test?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Re: how much test is normal for

    Originally posted by 47john
    someone not on juice
    I concur with Mike - 300 to 1,000 mg/dl is a reasonable range.

    The only way to tell how much test is in your system is through a simple blood test for total testosterone. (There are related lab tests such as free and weakly binding testosterone, as well as peripheral labs such as follicle stimulating hormone, lutinizing hormone, and sex binding globulin hormone, but the total test is the primary number.)

    Each lab has a different "assay," or gauge they consider to be normal. The lab I use (Quest) considers 241-847 to be in normal range for total test, but when total test is taken with free and weekly binding test, then the total test norm is 250-1000. Anything above or below those numbers, depending on the assay, is placed in the "out of range" column.

    Also remember that the amount of total test in your system can differ throughout the day. Test levels tend to be the highest in the morning, for example, and lower as the day progresses (which is one reason that many BB's like to do a heavier workouut in the morning).

    Bottom line: If you're anywhere in the normal range, you're normal, so I wouldn't be too concerned about the numbers.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Yup.

    Originally posted by Mike
    You really have ADD as well? I guess I should have guess at the length of all your posts - people with adult ADD can tend to hyperfocus into things
    True - like testosterone (for lack of a better illustration), it has its highs and lows (but mostly highs) . . . On one hand, I can't sit still very long (and can't remember the last time I went to a movie or theater - too much sitting); on the other hand, I was able to pull off a four-year degree in less than two years.

    I'm not one of the Ritalin crowd, though . . . I only do, um, more constructive drugs (especially since I hold a commercial driver's license and am subject to randomized testing).

    If anything, it's the ADD that got me into checking out AS so thoroughly - with the (in)competence of some (but not all) in the medical community, I've become a "proactive patient" advocate. (Which is why I think it's hysterical when some of the guys write posts like, "Hey, I just got a vial of XXXXX. What is it, what do you use it for, and how should I use it? What a hoot!)

  12. #12
    Mike Guest
    I am starting to like you TNT

    I am the same way - I work in pharmaceuticals and my promary physician is my best friend - I prescribe my own meds etc - just research it then try it out - but never touch ANYTHING without understanding the pharmacology of it.

  13. #13
    Mike Guest
    ok sorry John - I didnt read his whole post - he is saying he is wanting to cut back because that much test has to go somewhere and he doesnt want it to go to his nipples

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