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Thread: Whos got the balls.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part

    Whos got the balls.....

    …to tell there girl they love them.. but then actually treat them properly?..

    Bit of a story, but just wound me up...

    Was out this evening with some friends and a few people that were friends of friends...

    One of the guys had a real crap attitude to his girl and kept really putting her down in front of everyone...

    I got a little annoyed and blatantly asked him why he didn’t 'big his girl up' but made derogatory comments about her and 2 her all the time...

    He got on his high horse and started giving it the blah about how much he loves her etc etc and started to get a bit arsey and said it was none of my business what he said to his girl.. I pointed out if you love a girl u worship her, not put her down to make ya self feel like 'a big man', and the fact he wasn’t just saying it to 'just her' but in front of all of the people there..

    He backed down n changed the subject...

    About 30 min later the girls went off to pick some tunes on the jukebox n us guys got chatting... the guy then started giving his sh!t opinions about how women are number 2 to us... n then mentioned my m8's gf name n my gf's name..
    Summit about another guy talking about women like that n mentioning my gf's name in the same sentence hit a nerve.. he got a mouthful, argument ensued.. he swung, he ended up sucking dirty pub floor...

    Why do some guys have that attitude? what’s wrong with them?

    Or was I out of line for trying to make him see his error and letting it go that far?

    p.s not even on cycle at the moment, and havent been for 4-5 months lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    The guys an a**. It blows my mine to see people together yet they don't even like each other. I've been Married for 14 years and it is not because I treat my wife like that jack a**.

    I think you should go back and kick him again!

  3. #3
    Good for you bro. I dont think that dude was right and I believe in Karma and he got what was coming. Dont sweat it bro. He is the type of guy who when he gets married will get divoriced. Its not about being on a high horse or whatever. Its about being standup and true, true to yourself, your girl, your friends.. Its being true will get you alot further in this world then letting your ego get the best of you. I just began dating this girl, who I will admit it to my friends as well here, Im starting to fall for her and Im falling hard. There is no way would I put her down for no reason, esp in front of her or/and my friends. Because I would like to get into a long term serious relationship with her. Its one thing if your in love or if its just your girl your banging. Maybe your buddy doesnt really love her and just thinks he might. I have a friend that use to put his ex gf down all the time and say the rudest things to her. And he was in the wrong everytime, IMO. Kinda pisses me off cause of of his GFs were hot and nice girls. Again too, i think most girls date the badboy type and get treated bad, and claim they just want a nice guy. But when a nice guy comes along they, more often then not, get walked over..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Guys are jerks.

    I got in a similar situation a couple years back. Some guy openly admitted how he cheated on his girl repeatedly, yet when she was around, love love love marriage blah blah blah. long story short, he ended up eating the cement.

    I dont know why guys get that way. Then again, there are those girls that say they like mean "tough" guys....for whatever reason. I personally think they are douchebags.

    I guess he needs to make himself feel good by demeaning close ones, i.e. girlfriend. makes him get that alpha male superior feel...hell idk

    maybe he learned his lesson. I respect ev1, males and females, moreso girls, moreso girlfriends. Of course theres always those "mean jokes", but she knows yr joking and its all fun and games. but u can tell when a guy takes it too far

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    If that was me.. I would simply say that he creates a very uncomfortable situation for everyone by treating his girl like that in front of everybody. Then, I would ask him to stop or walk away. If he got "tough" all the sudden.. oh well... his choice but I would not recommend it as I have no respect for stupid and ignorant people.

    You did the right thing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Good for you shifty, he was not a true man, he had some issues within his self, he may not treat his gf right but next time hw will know how to act in public

  7. #7
    Good on ya mate, sounds like he needed a good shoeing if you ask me. Some guys just have huge issues. I got no time for people who think they are above another.

  8. #8
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    Feb 2006
    You may have done the right thing but you always have to be careful. Once a buddy of mine was in a bar and saw a naked woman screaming and running down the street. He ran outside just in time to see a man chasing her. He started running after them to protect the woman. When he caught up to them, she said that the man had kidnapped her and had been raping her. My buddy got into a fight to the death right there on the spot. My buddy won, but ended up killing the person. He did 6 years for it even though the story was true that he had kidnapped and raped the woman he was protecting. Just because your right does not always keep you out of trouble. Good job kicking his ass, but hopefully that will be the end of it. If he is a p*ssy he may be planning some revenge that could be difficult to defend yourself against.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    i'm nothing but a gentlemen when it comes to the women i care about, i treat them right and expect to be treated the same in return.

    some people are just stupid.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    …to tell there girl they love them.. but then actually treat them properly?..

    Bit of a story, but just wound me up...

    Was out this evening with some friends and a few people that were friends of friends...

    One of the guys had a real crap attitude to his girl and kept really putting her down in front of everyone...

    I got a little annoyed and blatantly asked him why he didn’t 'big his girl up' but made derogatory comments about her and 2 her all the time...

    He got on his high horse and started giving it the blah about how much he loves her etc etc and started to get a bit arsey and said it was none of my business what he said to his girl.. I pointed out if you love a girl u worship her, not put her down to make ya self feel like 'a big man', and the fact he wasn’t just saying it to 'just her' but in front of all of the people there..

    He backed down n changed the subject...

    About 30 min later the girls went off to pick some tunes on the jukebox n us guys got chatting... the guy then started giving his sh!t opinions about how women are number 2 to us... n then mentioned my m8's gf name n my gf's name..
    Summit about another guy talking about women like that n mentioning my gf's name in the same sentence hit a nerve.. he got a mouthful, argument ensued.. he swung, he ended up sucking dirty pub floor...

    Why do some guys have that attitude? what’s wrong with them?

    Or was I out of line for trying to make him see his error and letting it go that far?

    p.s not even on cycle at the moment, and havent been for 4-5 months lol
    after 9 years of marriage i finaly relize that my wife is the most wonderful women in the world we have been thru alot and i have treated her poorly,and in the last few weeks i have been telling her she is wonderful and i have a new found love for her that i have buried for years i dint even get past the first 2 sentances of ur thread and i already know what u are saying

    Only when the power of love over comes the love of power will we all finaly be at peace !!!Everybody should just stop and think what really matters in ur life!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    Quote Originally Posted by crazycrab View Post
    The guys an a**. It blows my mine to see people together yet they don't even like each other. I've been Married for 14 years and it is not because I treat my wife like that jack a**.

    I think you should go back and kick him again!
    Quote Originally Posted by solid-d View Post
    Good for you bro. I dont think that dude was right and I believe in Karma and he got what was coming. Dont sweat it bro. He is the type of guy who when he gets married will get divoriced. Its not about being on a high horse or whatever. Its about being standup and true, true to yourself, your girl, your friends.. Its being true will get you alot further in this world then letting your ego get the best of you. I just began dating this girl, who I will admit it to my friends as well here, Im starting to fall for her and Im falling hard.
    There is no way would I put her down for no reason, esp in front of her or/and my friends. Because I would like to get into a long term serious relationship with her. Its one thing if your in love or if its just your girl your banging. Maybe your buddy doesnt really love her and just thinks he might. I have a friend that use to put his ex gf down all the time and say the rudest things to her. And he was in the wrong everytime, IMO. Kinda pisses me off cause of of his GFs were hot and nice girls. Again too, i think most girls date the badboy type and get treated bad, and claim they just want a nice guy. But when a nice guy comes along they, more often then not, get walked over..
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Guys are jerks.

    I got in a similar situation a couple years back. Some guy openly admitted how he cheated on his girl repeatedly, yet when she was around, love love love marriage blah blah blah. long story short, he ended up eating the cement.

    I dont know why guys get that way. Then again, there are those girls that say they like mean "tough" guys....for whatever reason. I personally think they are douchebags.

    I guess he needs to make himself feel good by demeaning close ones, i.e. girlfriend. makes him get that alpha male superior feel...hell idk

    maybe he learned his lesson. I respect ev1, males and females, moreso girls, moreso girlfriends. Of course theres always those "mean jokes", but she knows yr joking and its all fun and games. but u can tell when a guy takes it too far
    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    If that was me.. I would simply say that he creates a very uncomfortable situation for everyone by treating his girl like that in front of everybody. Then, I would ask him to stop or walk away. If he got "tough" all the sudden.. oh well... his choice but I would not recommend it as I have no respect for stupid and ignorant people.

    You did the right thing.
    Quote Originally Posted by d smooth View Post
    Good for you shifty, he was not a true man, he had some issues within his self, he may not treat his gf right but next time hw will know how to act in public
    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie! View Post
    Good on ya mate, sounds like he needed a good shoeing if you ask me. Some guys just have huge issues. I got no time for people who think they are above another.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des View Post
    You may have done the right thing but you always have to be careful. Once a buddy of mine was in a bar and saw a naked woman screaming and running down the street. He ran outside just in time to see a man chasing her. He started running after them to protect the woman. When he caught up to them, she said that the man had kidnapped her and had been raping her. My buddy got into a fight to the death right there on the spot. My buddy won, but ended up killing the person. He did 6 years for it even though the story was true that he had kidnapped and raped the woman he was protecting. Just because your right does not always keep you out of trouble. Good job kicking his ass, but hopefully that will be the end of it. If he is a p*ssy he may be planning some revenge that could be difficult to defend yourself against.
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    i'm nothing but a gentlemen when it comes to the women i care about, i treat them right and expect to be treated the same in return.

    some people are just stupid.
    Quote Originally Posted by pumpd4lif View Post
    after 9 years of marriage i finaly relize that my wife is the most wonderful women in the world we have been thru alot and i have treated her poorly,and in the last few weeks i have been telling her she is wonderful and i have a new found love for her that i have buried for years i dint even get past the first 2 sentances of ur thread and i already know what u are saying

    Only when the power of love over comes the love of power will we all finaly be at peace !!!Everybody should just stop and think what really matters in ur life!!
    Ive quoted every single one of you thats replied.. cause ive related to points in everything you say... (main bits i liked n stood out in bold)

    I think 90% of the people on this site are on here for one single reason... they enjoy life... and try and be the best they can in every aspect of life...

    Got a lot of respect for fellow guys (and theres a lot on this board) who realise theres more to life than wholey themselves...

    I love lifting, looking great (well what i see as great from how i used to be), feeling great that im me (not being arrogant but enjoying what ive got) and respecting the things (including my girl as it the point of the thread! ha ha) with the respect they deserve.. without them we wouldnt live the lives we do!

    Nice one you guys who realise life has a lot to offer and your doing your best to be your best in every aspect!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    UK - A Backward Part
    o, random point... same situation to the guys that like guys on this board!! lol

    dont matter who ya are or where ya from or what ya in2.. @rseholes are @rseholes

    decents guys should be a standard.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    On the barbell
    Well said brotha!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Guys like that are week and insecure, his father probably did the same to his mother.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Ive been married 12 years. My wife is awesome. She constantly tells me I look good and when I am on cycle she always lets me know I am putting on muscle. She is my motivation. When I was first married I didnt realize how much she helps me but now I try to never be an ass in public. I say good for you shifty.

    By the way, My wife read this and said he deserved to get his arse kicked. Your girl should be proud of you!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des View Post
    You may have done the right thing but you always have to be careful. Once a buddy of mine was in a bar and saw a naked woman screaming and running down the street. He ran outside just in time to see a man chasing her. He started running after them to protect the woman. When he caught up to them, she said that the man had kidnapped her and had been raping her. My buddy got into a fight to the death right there on the spot. My buddy won, but ended up killing the person. He did 6 years for it even though the story was true that he had kidnapped and raped the woman he was protecting. Just because your right does not always keep you out of trouble. Good job kicking his ass, but hopefully that will be the end of it. If he is a p*ssy he may be planning some revenge that could be difficult to defend yourself against.

    What was he found guilty of???

    Most guys are into the idea that women preferr assholes and to be treated like shit. To be honest with you, there is a lot of truth in that statement. It is mostly with girls in their teens and twentys. They would overlook 'nicer' guys to go for the asshole. No idea what the psychology is behind all that, but pretty much bitches are crazy. The guy you got into the fight with probably took that to the extreme. Women should definately be respected, if they have earned that respect and treat you the same...

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Middle of a Cornfield
    Wow. When I joined this site I had no idea that I would be reading this type of stuff. As impressed as I was with all of the knowledge I've got from this site and it's members, I was even more impressed with what good guys are on here. I strongly believe that when a person puts their all into something like bodybuilding, it makes them a better person. It gives us discipline that we can use in our lives outside of the weight room. I agree with all of you guys and women should be treated with respect.

    In my experience, which isn't much as I'm only 21, is that if a girl sees a muscle-bound guy, she expects him to be a tough, badass guy who has no feelings. When she realizes that this guy isn't the guy she wanted, she goes after a skinny little punk who doesn't know the first thing about sacfrice. Thats what relationships are about anyways, is sacrafice. I've learned the hard way about that and if I could only have the willpower and strength (mental) that I have now a couple of years ago I could have kept the one who made me the happiest.

    Sorry not tryin to steal the thread just puttin in my 2 cents.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jfew44 View Post
    Wow. When I joined this site I had no idea that I would be reading this type of stuff. As impressed as I was with all of the knowledge I've got from this site and it's members, I was even more impressed with what good guys are on here. I strongly believe that when a person puts their all into something like bodybuilding, it makes them a better person. It gives us discipline that we can use in our lives outside of the weight room. I agree with all of you guys and women should be treated with respect.

    In my experience, which isn't much as I'm only 21, is that if a girl sees a muscle-bound guy, she expects him to be a tough, badass guy who has no feelings. When she realizes that this guy isn't the guy she wanted, she goes after a skinny little punk who doesn't know the first thing about sacfrice. Thats what relationships are about anyways, is sacrafice. I've learned the hard way about that and if I could only have the willpower and strength (mental) that I have now a couple of years ago I could have kept the one who made me the happiest.

    Sorry not tryin to steal the thread just puttin in my 2 cents.
    well said. you sound like one of the good guys.

  19. #19
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    The thing about jerks is.. love them or hate them, they are rarely boring

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    What was he found guilty of???

    Most guys are into the idea that women preferr assholes and to be treated like shit. To be honest with you, there is a lot of truth in that statement. It is mostly with girls in their teens and twentys. They would overlook 'nicer' guys to go for the asshole. No idea what the psychology is behind all that, but pretty much bitches are crazy. The guy you got into the fight with probably took that to the extreme. Women should definately be respected, if they have earned that respect and treat you the same...
    LOL that is the truth ^^^ i catch myself saying that all the time....and i've witnessed girls that would rather be w/the ass hole plenty of times...i play the nice guy, and if they're not into it, i don't play the ass to compensate, i'd just rather be a good person to everyone, regardless of where it takes being an ass and able to run this chick is far less attractive , than a girl who likes what i'm into, and that i can build a positive relationship with...

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    This is a PCT thread... everyone on here is on PCT taking clomid... estrogen real high and feelin the love... I LOVE YOU TOO GUYS...

    J/k, I am not an assehole... I just thought that would be a funny addition. I agree with everyone too.. i've been married for 11 years now and only once.. treat her with dignity and respect like she deserves and she will be everything you ever expect a woman to be and you will find happiness.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Kick Him Again !!!

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Most guys are into the idea that women preferr assholes and to be treated like shit. To be honest with you, there is a lot of truth in that statement. It is mostly with girls in their teens and twentys. They would overlook 'nicer' guys to go for the asshole. No idea what the psychology is behind all that, but pretty much bitches are crazy. The guy you got into the fight with probably took that to the extreme. Women should definately be respected, if they have earned that respect and treat you the same...
    I agree to that too.

    This is why I just turned 25 and I have been single for lilttle over a year... because I am not an asshole.

    I need to aim for women that are 25 and up... I guess... that want to be treated good and know what they want.

  24. #24
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    I think it was manslaughter. He had a rough time in prison and when he got out, I never bring it up or ask him about it now. It had something to do with the fact that he was drunk and the girl was no longer in threat of her life. The fight quickly escalated and he explained it to me in a way that showed he had little choice. I was not in the court room therefore I do not know what the jury listened to trying in an attempt to put him away.

  25. #25
    the guy's an ass and you are a standup guy for not bowing down when somone is making us mn look bad. there are good men out there but too few of them stand up and say it. I take damned fine care of my wife and yes, I even worship her in our own way. I am very supportive and accepting and we share everytihng. If someone were in my presence talking like that I would likely have reacted the same way you did... Good on ya man for backing up what you believe!

  26. #26
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    lol im not telling :D
    i always treat EVERYONE properly... im huge believer in KARMA.. and i dont wanna be godsmacked anytime soon...
    but fvck i dont even know what i did wrong to have a chick steal my Credit card

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    …to tell there girl they love them.. but then actually treat them properly?..

    Bit of a story, but just wound me up...

    Was out this evening with some friends and a few people that were friends of friends...

    One of the guys had a real crap attitude to his girl and kept really putting her down in front of everyone...

    I got a little annoyed and blatantly asked him why he didn’t 'big his girl up' but made derogatory comments about her and 2 her all the time...

    He got on his high horse and started giving it the blah about how much he loves her etc etc and started to get a bit arsey and said it was none of my business what he said to his girl.. I pointed out if you love a girl u worship her, not put her down to make ya self feel like 'a big man', and the fact he wasn’t just saying it to 'just her' but in front of all of the people there..

    He backed down n changed the subject...

    About 30 min later the girls went off to pick some tunes on the jukebox n us guys got chatting... the guy then started giving his sh!t opinions about how women are number 2 to us... n then mentioned my m8's gf name n my gf's name..
    Summit about another guy talking about women like that n mentioning my gf's name in the same sentence hit a nerve.. he got a mouthful, argument ensued.. he swung, he ended up sucking dirty pub floor...

    Why do some guys have that attitude? what’s wrong with them?

    Or was I out of line for trying to make him see his error and letting it go that far?

    p.s not even on cycle at the moment, and havent been for 4-5 months lol
    There's nothing worse than a roided up assh*le jerk. That's why I say if you can't control yourself, you don't need to be taking roids. If you are impatient or have a trigger temper, you should not take steroids. They are definitely not for everybody.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    between corn and soybeans
    what? He said he was off cycle, what are you talking about? That is not relevant in any way.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruteman View Post
    There's nothing worse than a roided up assh*le jerk. That's why I say if you can't control yourself, you don't need to be taking roids. If you are impatient or have a trigger temper, you should not take steroids. They are definitely not for everybody.
    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy View Post
    what? He said he was off cycle, what are you talking about? That is not relevant in any way.
    wasnt sure if he meant the other guy or me..

    hope he didnt mean me my mommy said id be ok on juice

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    I tell my GF that the beatings bring us closer!


    I def treat my girl with the upmost respect. I treat her like my Queen and she treats me like her King. It's great. I hate dudes that use there physical strength against a woman. Or even just verbally. On my b-day I was with my GF and we were going over to this girls house that is a friend of mine. We were all at the bar together. When we got to her house it took her forever to get there and when she finally did her nose was jacked up! I asked her what happened and she kept telling me that she didn't know. I got her BF to admit that he hit her and I beat his ass something serious. I lose it on dudes that beat woman!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hollywood080 View Post
    I tell my GF that the beatings bring us closer!


    I def treat my girl with the upmost respect. I treat her like my Queen and she treats me like her King. It's great. I hate dudes that use there physical strength against a woman. Or even just verbally. On my b-day I was with my GF and we were going over to this girls house that is a friend of mine. We were all at the bar together. When we got to her house it took her forever to get there and when she finally did her nose was jacked up! I asked her what happened and she kept telling me that she didn't know. I got her BF to admit that he hit her and I beat his ass something serious. I lose it on dudes that beat woman!
    my ex hit me a few times, i just restrained her. i definetly had the urge to smack her one though.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    my ex hit me a few times, i just restrained her. i definetly had the urge to smack her one though.
    i can def understand the urge. Especially when they are hitting you, but it's having the brains and the balls to not hit back!

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hollywood080 View Post
    i can def understand the urge. Especially when they are hitting you, but it's having the brains and the balls to not hit back!
    yeah, i agree. especially for guys like us that outweigh our gfs by over 100 pounds lol.

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