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Thread: roids + virginity

  1. #1

    roids + virginity

    I'm wondering if steriods could help at all to deal with virginity. As you can imagine, I ****ing hate it (Im 25 and there is nothing wrong with me, im good looking). But its not going to go away, so I want to try and just be happy.

    What I'm hoping is that perhaps the increased confidence and feeling of self worth from being bigger than most people will override my occasional feeling of being a loser, especially in the company of women.
    Do you find that being huge + the effects of so much testosterone makes you more capable of dealing with depression? Do you find you are less concerned about competition from other people, in a general sense (not just dating)? I know some anti depressants contain creatine, so I wonder if roids have the relevant properties aswell.

    At the same time I'm aware that steriods actually increase your libido. Has anyone actually gotten more depressed from steroids, because of the increased libido and unavailable sex partners? (yes yes I'm sure youre all fantastic players, but you too must have experienced some "drought")

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    houston, tx
    this ought to be an interesting thread...actually what are your stats? do you workout at all?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    source check [email protected]
    are you trying to do a actual cycle or a low dose cycle to increase libido?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Lol. . . Juice wont help that. But being big in general makes you more confident in yourself, which really helps with the ladies.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    a lot of people actually get depressed when they come off a cycle due to low hormone levels.

  6. #6
    I'm 6"3 and 187 lbs. I've never used roids, and have only used protein shake for 2 months out of 2 years since I started gyming. I've never had any bodyfat to speak of.

    I would do steroids to increase mass of course.

  7. #7
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    try counseling b4 steroids bro.. Dnt do em to cover up emotional issues...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    people tend to become depressed after useing steroids while on pct(have a read in the pct forum)if you were to use aas its likeley you would be worse of after stoping aas use..

    try and fix you diet and maybe look into vitamin b12 injections....

  9. #9
    yeah, EAT a looot more, 6-8 times a day with moderately sized meals and you'll gain more weight already without juicing. It sounds like you have probably worked yourself up into thinking it makes youweird to be a virging when, in fact, no one cares. So don't tell her you're a virgin, just kick you game and get her into bed asap. hey, if it is bothering you that much, go t oa massage parlor or otehr house of ill repute in your area and hav ethem remove your problem for ya.. cost ya around $125 or so in LA...

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    womb raider
    viagra or cillias is your best best with a good diet and some heavy lifting you will be smashing warm pie in no time.........

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    wow a virgin at 25. are you saving yourself for marrige? bro i think your on the wrong board. do you even workout or did you just wake up and think to yourself that workingout and having a better body will get you laid? try a dating service. go for the yahoo personals, there are alot of whores on there. if you want to workout then do it but do it for yourself not just to try and get laid. im not going to make fun of you because personally i dont care about your sex life but i think your on the wrong board. were all here for the same reason and it isnt just to try and score. if your depressed then you need to talk to your dr. steroids will not make you feel less depressed
    Last edited by PT; 03-19-2008 at 12:06 PM.

  12. #12
    Thanks for the replies, I'm surprised noone has taken the mickey out of me yet This forums seems more mature than I thought.

    To re-emphasize, do steroids act as anti depressants while in use? I.e. is increased confidence in a roids user his choice, or a direct result of a chemical reaction?

    No way, wanted to get laid badly since I was a lad. I do work out, as I said earlier. The relevance of my post to this forum is because I'm considering using roids regardless of this issue but want to understand how it will factor in. Also if you read my original post more carefully, you would see it was not about getting laid, but accepting not getting laid.
    Last edited by Mackerol; 03-19-2008 at 12:08 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    steroids will not make it easier to accept bro. if you want to get laid then the most important thing is confidence. you work on that and your good. maybe if you get bigger your confidence will go up but in the mean time i was serious about the dating thing on yahoo bro. my boy met his wife there and alot of girlfriends. also its probably easier for you to start a coversation online with a girl since your obviously shy around them

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Bean Town
    I recommend going to craigslist. erotic services section. Find something u like and get it out of the way that way. Once you've gotten the 1st time out of that way it will be a lot pressure ya know. Good luck bro.
    Last edited by STEROIDMD; 03-19-2008 at 12:18 PM. Reason: misspelling

  15. #15
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    Orange county, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Mackerol View Post
    Thanks for the replies, I'm surprised noone has taken the mickey out of me yet This forums seems more mature than I thought.

    To re-emphasize, do steroids act as anti depressants while in use? I.e. is increased confidence in a roids user his choice, or a direct result of a chemical reaction?

    No way, wanted to get laid badly since I was a lad. I do work out, as I said earlier. The relevance of my post to this forum is because I'm considering using roids regardless of this issue but want to understand how it will factor in. Also if you read my original post more carefully, you would see it was not about getting laid, but accepting not getting laid.

    I guess to some in a sense they would act as an anti depressant depending on how one thinks... for example, I personally feel happier, more confident and more energetic usually when on a cycle so it's much harder to be depressed.... but then again you can still be depressed depending on what else is happening in your life.

    One thing that really helped me when I was depressed was to analyze my life... What was I doing at the time that I thought was making me feel the way I was? Well, I was going home from work everyday and just sitting in my room watching t.v., using my computer, playing xbox etc.. Now that may be fun when you do it from time to time but NOT everyday.. I think DIET and WATER intake as well as some supplements like multivitamins, protein, flax etc... help as well. After I started drinking at the minimum of a gallon of water a day and changing my diet up to a good and healthy one + working out I felt SOOOOO much better. I HIGHLY recommend doing those things in life.... WATER, GOOD DIET, WORKOUT, and when you feel you have worked out good and you see some results go buy some loreal 'sublime glow' self tanning lotion... put it on before bed... wake up and shower. (if you don't shower when you wake up the glitter remains on your body and then you'll look like a fruit' anyway I just think tanning shows the muscles much better that's the only reason I do it. I hope I was of some assistance, good luck!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    source check [email protected]
    Quote Originally Posted by STEROIDMD View Post
    I recommend going to craigslist. erotic services section. Find something u like and get it out of the way that way. Once you've gotten the 1st time out of that way it will be a lot pressure ya know. Good luck bro.
    how often did you use it?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    1,352 you feel as if at this point it doesn't happen because you are nervous as to how you will perform or what she will think?

    because its hard to believe that if you want it so bad, you cant get it. women are everywhere, and some hornier than a guy on 500mg of test!

    and as somewhat a reply to your question, as stated, steroids is defintely not the answer. plus, if you received any added confidence or cycle could potentially be terrible for you with the possible depression, loss of libido, and since having used before truley being ready, the loss of size

  18. #18
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    Last edited by dsw222; 02-01-2010 at 06:37 PM.

  19. #19
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    Jun 2007
    Internet dating site worked well for one of my friends who haden't got laid in so long I would call him a born again virgin. Try match, and don't worry if she is a little heavy, you gotta start somewhere.

    I don't keep a gun in the house for a reason when comming off cycle, its depressing, and you willie doesn't work 100% for a few weeks. Even jerking off isn't fun. If you get some zits that isn't gonna help you esteem either.
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  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Injecting in the bathroom
    damn bro go look on eros or something...

    I wonder if this thread will be here when I get back from the doc...

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Chicago IL
    You mentioned that you deal with depression that is the reason you would like to try roids to increase size and therefore, self steem. Are you in any intidepresant? if not it might be well worth to go and see a doctor who can determine if you would benefit from then and at the same time deal with the issues in your life that make you have low selfsteem. I think therapy would help you at your age you are a young guy and have so much to look for in life, dealing with life is not always easy but it is up to us to make the best out of it.

    best of the luck to you bro

  22. #22
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    Self esteem will be a little bit more when you have ten times the testosterone value you normally have but it's nothing drastic.

    If I were you I would find a fine prostitute and get it over with !
    Serieusly, if you're afraid of "not being able to perform right" then just doing it a few times with someone who doesn't care could help. I was an old virgin too and when I ****ed a few times I felt a lot more confident around women.

  23. #23
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    Dec 2007
    There is nothing wrong with being a virgin at 25. I was heavy most of my life and I was in a very similar situation that you are in. Your time will come just like everyone else's does. When I was in high school and part of college, I tried to get laid so desperately that it usually backfired on me. Women would take advantage of me and it did not get me anywhere. If anything it made me feel worse.

    Just be yourself, go out into a social atmosphere, and try and talk to people. When your only objective is to get laid, you won't get very far with women. You'll most likely get hurt and be even more depressed in the end.

    I was really late to the game myself. I was a virgin until I was 22 years old and looking back at it, I am so glad my first time was with my girlfriend who I cared very much for. It means a lot more then sleeping with some random girl. I know a lot of guys on here probably go out and try and hit everything they can and that's perfectly fine. I'm not like that and you don't seem to be either. So just be yourself. Go out and have some fun in a social environment and you are bound to meet all sorts of people.

    If you are looking to take steroids to get bigger, and be more confident, it's probably a big mistake. You need to sort out your problems first. Women do not want an emotional disaster.

    I've learned that the most important thing women look for in a guy (women who aren't trashy) is confidence and honesty. Show confidence, and people will want to be around you. If you go around being depressed, no one will want to hang out with you. Keep your chin up, put a big smile on your face, and be yourself.

    We all have problems and we all have inner demons chasing us. What separates the winners and the losers is the way they deal with their problems.

    edit: do not find a prostitute like people have suggested. You'll feel even worse when it's over.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Back The Way you Came
    well these are two different things.

    go to the doc get blood work done for testosterone.

    looks and muscle help but it isnt the solution.

    w w w . m u s c u l a r d e v e l o p m e n t . c o m/content/view/1187/51/

    " testosterone a great anti-depressant"

    anyways often guys with low levels will experience depression but its not the cause.

    Don't look to the stars young julius look to yourself.

    goodluck though and as they said see the doc before you do a cycle you might feel more unstable afterwards.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mackerol View Post
    I'm 6"3 and 187 lbs. I've never used roids, and have only used protein shake for 2 months out of 2 years since I started gyming. I've never had any bodyfat to speak of.

    I would do steroids to increase mass of course.
    First off, you haven't been working out long enough to be doing steroids. Also, not sure what kind of diet you have but 2 months out of 2 years for protein shakes?! To me, it doesn't sound like your diet is very consistent. You should absolutely exhaust every natural pathway before even thinking about juice! Do some more research on the diet/training board and you'll be on the right path to getting bigger. Steroids should ONLY be used when you have reached your natural genetic limit.

    If you've only been working out for 2 years I'd say brush up on your diet and training for the first step. I not aware of many newbies that have a flawless diet/training when they just start off. I'm sure there are things you can tweak with your routine. Come back to this forum after another 3 years or so.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    this is the most rediculous thread since yesterdays. Do steroids make you gay thread. Its getting outta hand whit these questions

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by CheddaNips View Post
    this is the most rediculous thread since yesterdays. Do steroids make you gay thread. Its getting outta hand whit these questions
    Are you referring to my thread where I asked about numbing sexual attraction? If so, it wasn't about "turning gay". I thought I made myself pretty clear but some didn't agree.

  28. #28
    This thread reminds me of the guy a long time ago that thought roids would make him fight better. He got into a fight and got his eye dotted and wondered why.

  29. #29
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    Good luck man ...

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by CheddaNips View Post
    this is the most rediculous thread since yesterdays. Do steroids make you gay thread. Its getting outta hand whit these questions
    LOL!!! Wow, if steroids make you gay then I'm in some serious trouble!!

  31. #31
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    when life's got you down party with a Moo...O-mega Mu.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreekDiesel View Post
    LOL!!! Wow, if steroids make you gay then I'm in some serious trouble!!


    j/k ;] haha

  33. #33
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    are you clinically depressed? or just feeling low about yourself? There is a big difference.

    Steroids will make you look better, and feel better about yourself, in my experience, and most cases, so yes, it will boost self-esteem, aslong as you are eating correctly and training intense and consistently.

    But, no, they are no cure for depression. That, and when you come off, and your hormone levels crash, then you will likely be depressed, even worse than you were to start.

    I had one run on PCT that made me depressed, luckily for me there was a light at the end of the tunnel, as i knew why i was depressed, and i knew that it was likely going to last just the 28 days that I was on PCT. It really made me appreciate clinical depression. Im a very positive upbeat and open-minded person pretty much all of the time, but for these 28 days, I really didnt see the point of living haha! It was that bad!

    Bottom line, if its clinical depression your dealing with, avoid the steroids for now, if you are just feeling like a freak, then with a great diet, and serious training, steroids could help. For your own sake though, exaust the natural ways first

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    ths fool is gunna jack off then kill himself on the pct this shit is funny

  35. #35
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    Dude, youre 6'3"! Chicks love tall guys, and at 187lbs, with little body fat, youre thin, but youre not a twig, and if youre good looking like you say you are, you have nothing to be self conscious about.
    Try getting one of your friends to hook you up with a half way descent girl they know. Especially if she was going out with a real shit bag. Be nice, but not a pushover, and talk to her, even if it is small talk, girls love that communication stuff. You'll be in like flint.
    Dude, you could even try hypnosis to calm your nerves.
    If youre at a party, try not to get with a chick that is passed out drunk because that can get you in some trouble, but when girls are a little liquored up, they tend to put out (as long as youre not a complete wall flower)

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreekDiesel View Post
    LOL!!! Wow, if steroids make you gay then I'm in some serious trouble!!
    My buddy El Diablo had to pay that price too...

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    not being funny mate but you should just get a hooker. take a holiday out to thailand or something and fill your boots for a few weeks and ul be a changed man. plus when you get back you wont have the virginity thing hanging over your head!!! youl feel more confident and from then on ul have no trouble with getting laid. good luck

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by sitries View Post
    not being funny mate but you should just get a hooker. take a holiday out to thailand or something and fill your boots for a few weeks and ul be a changed man. plus when you get back you wont have the virginity thing hanging over your head!!! youl feel more confident and from then on ul have no trouble with getting laid. good luck
    This is the worst post of the thread. Getting a fvkin hooker will make him even more depressed. nothing more.
    We're talking about the first time!!! With a hooker!! nope no way

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mbuffguy View Post
    ths fool is gunna jack off then kill himself on the pct this shit is funny
    HAHAH! thats one of the funniest things I have read in a while.

    In all seriousness though, no drug outside of what is prescribed by a doctor should be a solution for something like depression. If you are going to take steroids to try to deal with depression and you don't have hormone problems, thats abusing drugs. I'm split over the prostitute thing, my first time was with some random chick i met at a friends party. Sometimes i wonder if it would have been better if it was with a chick i was dating, but it was really good sex and i don't actually regret it. The more experience you get, the better you will be at it, and your confidence around girls will be better.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    This is the worst post of the thread. Getting a fvkin hooker will make him even more depressed. nothing more.
    We're talking about the first time!!! With a hooker!! nope no way
    Depents on why he feels so insecure around chicks. If it's just the being afraid of sex thing then I would definitally say it will do hem good.
    If he feels that he's a sucker for not able to get a girl liking him he'll probably feel bad after getting it on with a hoe.
    I think the TS could predict the outcome by thinking of it right ?

    I'd say he should just do it cause guys who lose their virginity later than what would be "normal" can have sexual problems. My first time was when I was 23 years old and felt relieved and after a few times wasn't insecure anymore. Then I got a relationship and ****ing around was over
    I wish I did a hooker when I was 18 or so, then I would have nailed more girls instead of 3 :P LOL

    Getting some sexual psychotherapie would be a good option anyway if you're not feeling the hooker thingy.

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