Local Boy from llanelli who has now had his pro card.
Local Boy from llanelli who has now had his pro card.
also beleave he is the younges guy to get a pro card correct me if im wrong he now currently 24, legs are just freaky will be folowing more closly as his career continues, trying to find pics of legs but can not get any decent ones.
i think trey brewer will turn pro before 24
meet them both at iron man pro nice guys
did you by chance meet erik frankhouser? i think he and flex are pretty good friends.
BTW: I don't think Flex is officially a pro yet.
His lower body is especially sick:
lee priest is the youngest person to turn pro i believe he was either 19 or 21 one of those two
Shawn ray did his first olympia at 19 i believe , really young superstar
trey brewer i feel is over rated, he has amazing quads but stil has alot of weak parts and gets way to big in the off season, i mean like borderline fatty
if these guys are turning pro that early when do they start juicing? Obviously they are generic freaks but isn't that messing them up pretty bad?
met flex lewis at the caveman classic NPC show in st louis summer of '07...the guy is super mellow and didnt want to talk about anything else except finding a Cheesecake Factory nearby, it was his cheat meal that night and he just wanted to eat! haha real cool dude
The way i understand it is, the pro's go on juice in teens but they are on them for the rest of their life, so the damage they do to their endocrine system doesn't matter as they will have test (And the rest) running through their body from elsewhere. I'm sure impotence is a risk though, not sure how big of one because Ronnie + Arnie both have kids.
Saw a program with flex in the other day, man he loves to workout..
God gave him a good base to build off of..
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