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Thread: masteron only?

  1. #1

    masteron only?

    stay open minded when you read this. okay so a buddy of mine did his first cycle a couple months ago. he took like 40mg of d-bol a day for 4 or 5 weeks. anyways, after a week or two of clomid he thought he was going to snap and bad (depression and fits or anger), so he practicly vowed to never touch clomid again.
    my question to you is: would it be possible to run a cycle of masteron w/out test so that he doesnt get shut down as bad and only has to do a very mild pct?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    he can use other drugs besides clomid to get his test levles back up after a cycle. i never had any problems with clomid but i have heard of people that have and like your boy wont touch clomid again. he can use nolva and hcg to avoid the clomid

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    yeah you can do masteron only.. but you wont get super great HUGE results.. it works great with test, and masteron is more of a competition drug as it hardens you up great! from what ive read.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    N it might not b that he was shut down that made him feel like that. Clomi makes me feel like a lil girl on the rag, I get all kinds of emo. Ill cry watching a action movie if a animal gets killed n shit, its quite bad really. I never use clomid anymore. Thers a lot of other SERMs out ther2try

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    why would masteron not shut you down every bit as much as d-bol?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    There are other pct drugs, not just clomid.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    yup i dont like clomid either.. gimmie nolva or armidex

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    i also heard masteron can also be used for a g yno prevention on a cycle... I would suggest you to throw some test along with masteron..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    masteron is a great cutting/hardening compound..dont expect to put on much muscle..not sure your bodyfat, but the leaner you are, the better you will notice the not saying it wont work if youre fat, BUT kinda difficult to notice muscle hardness n vascularity with a lot of bodyfat on ya..stack it with a low dose of test prop 100mg will still need a PCT regardless

  10. #10
    Masteron is great but is out of the body in two days. If your going to use it then you need to jab every second day. Doing 150mg every two days is fine.

    Masteron is used as a treatment for breast cancer along with Tamoxifen and is a DHT. Infact doctors use this combination instead of Chemo as great results are obtained in cancer patients. Masteron is a pretty unique steroid and does not get converted to Estrogen like Test etc. You can take masteron without worrying about Gyno as you don't have the Estrogen to kick start it. If Masteron was an estrogenic it could not be used to treat breast cancer. However, if your using Masteron in a stack then you will need Tamoxifen to hand because the other steriods will be Estrogenics.

    Anyway, masteron is used for cutting, muscle harding and reduces water retention as well as being an average strength steriod. It does help against the side effects of other steriods as well. People either use Masteron to Cut-up for a competition (it's short detectable timeframe in the body is great) or use it along with other steriods to help with a cycle.

    I use 150mg of Masteron every three days to complement my current stack and find it easy to inject and have never had any noticable side effects. I should blast every two days but can't be bothered to be injecting two days out of every three with my current stack.
    Last edited by NellyK; 02-16-2008 at 09:53 AM.

  11. #11
    mast is nice stuff.

    I know a guy who does run it alone, with good results for hardness and cutting.

    However, it will make your hair fall out if you have the MPB genes.

    It does not seem to shut down the HPTA in some users, as DHT is not very supressive. PCT for mast alone is very mild. In fact, in some cases, is not even needed at all, as E2, Estradiol, is the main culprit in shutdown of the hypothalimus, and DHT cannot become E2.

    Mast may even have some E2 lowering effects, and thus even raise natty test production sometimes.

    You really would have to follow it up with blood work to see how you are truly doing after a cycle of it. That is the only way to know for sure if it shut you down or not.

    If after 2 weeks of stopping a mast only cycle, and you are at 600+ ng/dl of testosterone, then you will not need any pct. If you are under 400 ng/dl, then I would run a serm, followed with one week of an AI.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    interesting..i was wondering if you could run mast alone by it worth it?? will you just get a few minor benefits from running it alone?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by marsh67 View Post
    interesting..i was wondering if you could run mast alone by it worth it?? will you just get a few minor benefits from running it alone?
    The only benefit of running it on its own, so far as I can tell, would be durring cutting.

    It would help with the fat burning, as most DHT stuff has a strong affinity for the androgen receptors in fat, that tell them to shrink, and it also has a nice effect of helping retain muscle while cutting.

    I would not expect big gains in mass, but to hold onto muscle size while cutting, I think is could help with that.

    OR if you cannot grow a full beard, one run of mast should fix that.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I would run with test and change your pct to not include clomid.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    oh ok thanks meathead!! im 6'3 205, would like to cut up real sharp i might think this mast only thing threw..would you add sum t3 or clen to that??

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by marsh67 View Post
    oh ok thanks meathead!! im 6'3 205, would like to cut up real sharp i might think this mast only thing threw..would you add sum t3 or clen to that??
    If I were to do a cutting cycle, I would:

    I personally would run 200mg EW of test( 100mg every monday and thursday), that is if I had cyp or enth, with the mast at 100 EOD.

    I would not use the other cutting stuff like t3 or clen, as I consider them a lot more risky than the AAS's alone.

    I would also run a very clean diet, no cheats. I would drop the cals about 500 bellow what a natural would cut at, as the AAS would help hold the mass I want, even in a severe calorie defficit. I would also hit the cardio for at least 1 hour each day, and keep my gym rep range around 12 reps per set.

    I would also get blood work done, and monitor my BP for any dangerous sides.

    I would not do PCT, as I am on TRT already, however, if I were not on TRT, I would run a PCT as:

    Week 1-3: Nolva 20mg ED
    Week 4: arimidex 0.25mg ED

    After 6 weeks off I would repeat blood work, as to make sure everything is within its normal range.

    I am not saying you should do this, but that is what I would do with the mast.

    I should also say, that because I do not care if I lose my hair, the high speed of MPB would not be an issue for me, but a lot of guys lose hair very fast on any type of DHT AAS, as if they got the gene for it, any extra DHT will only speed up the hairloss.
    Last edited by meathead320; 02-16-2008 at 07:26 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    ok cool, thanks for the great help dude

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    GTA, Canada
    Clomid isn't the only drug for PCT.

    Nolvadex and Aromasin (AKA Exemestane) combo work great. Or Nolva and Arimidex. Or Nolva, Aromasin, and HCG combo.

    Masteron can be run alone. I will be running it alone in a few weeks for a cutting cycle (gonna be using clen and T3 with it).

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Atomini..will you get a thread goin and post a log and how its working out and all that biz? id like to follow up

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by marsh67 View Post
    Atomini..will you get a thread goin and post a log and how its working out and all that biz? id like to follow up
    I'll let you know. Just waiting to get 2 more vials of Masteron in so I can start.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    aight cool many vials do you need for this cycle?

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by marsh67 View Post
    aight cool many vials do you need for this cycle?
    I'm gonna run it for 8 weeks. 100mg every other day. So, i'll be needing 4 vials at least.

  23. #23
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  24. #24
    Join Date
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    - Masteron is suppressive. So he'll experience some degree of shutdown.

    - Have him try toremifene or tamoxifen during PCT if the clomiphene is so hard on him.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    i find with masteron i gain a huge amount of weight, but loose a huge amount of weight very fast coming off, but usually net some gains. its a great compound, not really any significant side effects. ive always run with test tho

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I'd be interested in how a Masteron only cycle goes for you. I love the stuff. I'm afraid it would kill my sex drive if I took it alone.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by knownutz View Post
    I'd be interested in how a Masteron only cycle goes for you. I love the stuff.
    k i will let you know after i am a couple weeks in

    do you guys think it will be worth it to run it at 420mg a week for 6 weeks or should i bump it up???

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    New York
    One of my fav cycles I ever did was dbol and masteron. Great strength and size gains and the masteron kept all the dbol bloat off.

  29. #29
    I hate Clomid....but can drink Nolva like its water!!!

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