Hi guys. this is a question to specially GEAR( think he's got lots of good info after reading lot of he's answers) and off course the ones who means they have good knowledge..and i mean GOOD knowledge)....
first about me.im 35 years old. iv'e been training 20 years. first martial art and for the last 7 years hard bodypumping. I tryid lot of cycles and a lot of components, and always hold my normal body breaks about 3 months everytime to let my body go back to normal so much it can. im in good shape and got testet liver and other stuff every year so no problem there. i am 174 cm height and normaly (not in a cycle) weight about 78- 80 kg.) i train everyday except sunday all year also christmas, summer and so on. now the facts are there here what it is.
I've just started first time on HGH and as so many other thing i do to my body and read almost anything about i can. but i'll like your opion on the cycle.
iv'e startede with 4 iu a day and 2 furabol tabs on 10 mg every day.
in one week i took...(now hold on) 5 kg's on. so it seems that my body likes the HGH. i take 2 iu in the morning and 2 iu in the afternoon. not before i go to bed cause a read red barons article about yourself producing natural when you sleep, so dont disturb that.....
ive now on the first week started with the testerone by the side. its testeoblend. 3 different tests and shootin 500mg every week.... monday 200 mg...wensday (spelled wrong i know) 100mg and friday the last 200 mg. and will do so in 3 months. ive never have tendences to get gyno and i bought the shampoo to prevent loss of hair. so i should be guarded. but im not good a diet...i am not a big eater. i start off course with breakfast at morning 3-4 eggs and bacon and beans... lunch its plates with different things ...a shake after traing 50gr protein. and evening dinner a good solid meal and a night shake before bed. cause of my high burn of fat.
so heres the the hints i would u (GEAR) and others to give me about.
when start to rise the HGH... and with time of shooting...?
(the HGH is highly Q product from a danish company)
testoblend...when to shoot and how much?
others to include..??? already furabol... and later on winstrol but not to early cause of my high fat burning natural.
and good to get more protein and maybe other things to get got gain..?
My goal is to gain as much muscle and fat in next 3 months. and then cutting cycle for 1,5 - 2 months
with deeply regards and respect Topshot.