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Thread: Need to make a weight safely and effectively slashing bodyfat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Need to make a weight safely and effectively slashing bodyfat

    I reformulated my diet by lowering carbs, to see if that will help.
    Check itout
    Breakfast post cardio
    Whole grain cereal (granola) with 2% milk
    This is to spike insulin to prevent cortisol from morning cardio, and to fill me up. I dont want dextrose and whey in the morning...would eggs be ok?

    Midmorning (this is at school and I need options, maybe cashews?)
    Granola bar (180 cals)

    Tuna with mayo (fat free) with no bread

    Mid afternoon
    1 C cottage cheese (Casein)

    1 fist sized portion protein
    1 tbsp olive oil in salad

    After dinner snack
    1C cottage cheese/Tuna or chicken with non fat mayo
    MAYBE I can add 1tbsp natty pb here

    What do you guys think?
    Ok first thing
    THe second meal, I need to have something quick in school between periods. I most definetely cannot whoop out a can of tuna and the likes, and i have no authorization to buy protein powders, not even from cheap sources like proteinfactory.
    Now is this granola bar at 180cals and 34g carbs alright. Its whole grain, and while might be processed, its got the fiber.

    Second, first and second meal are my only carbs. Is this a good idea, to slowly go reducing carbs. I understand that i should add fats to meals that dont have carbs. Correct?

    THird, suggest some calorie additions please. (sometimes however, instead of tuna I have to go for the leftover cans in my house which i have to eat one time or another, which is cooked canned ham and that has 400cals so somedays the cal amount varies.

    Much appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Im planning on being at 6-8% in 12 weeks. Not a competition but its what would make me happy.
    Check out my bulking pics at

    If you want to critique the pics, and tell me what more i need of, please do. But the diet is what is most important.

    PS. I jog ED45mins with a total of three 100m sprints.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Right behind your...
    6-8% seems really low for something I assume you will be trying to maintain without cutting for the rest of your life. Consider adding a fruit/ vegetable instead of granola bars. I see no problem with eggs. I'll be looking for your pics!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Ive never seen abs in mylife. I want to maintain for a good month or two then go on a lean mass diet.
    What else do youthink ofmy diet?
    I added 2 eggs and two whites in the morning instead of granola.
    Now if I add fruit to the second meal all is done? TOo little carbs id presume. Cut em all or do 150g ive heard.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I really think all meals should have protein in them and gronola bar does not neither does fruite alone, you need to toss in a few egg whites in there or something you can choke down quick that has protein in it, and as for 6-8% goal Bro, i compete at around 6-7% so that is very, very lean, in my avatar i am about 7%, in any case good luck to you Bro, balance is the key look at you plate in 1/3...1/3 protein, 1/3 fiberouse carbs & 1/3 complex carbs add abit of EFA like flaxseed and the balance of the nutrition will take care of everything, in all reality it's very hard to get down below 8% but with enough determination i know you can get it done, but like all things in life we need to make sacrifices to achive the things we want, so let the gronila egss would be fine in the morning, if no carbs there yolks will be OK otherwise i would not have more then 1 yolk there, peace...XXL

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Big Dan..I agree with Mike..Let the granola go..That is for people who don't really care al that much about leaning out like you are wanting.

    Tell us more about your diet and cardio/strength training routine. It is a bit vague, and like Mike said, 6-8% is VERY lean. I'm not saying you can't do it, but it may be difficult and frustrating. I am 32 yrs old and at about 10% and can see my abs. There definitelt as pronounced as Mike's in his avatar, but I'm not a competitive bodybuilder either. You should try to set yor goals in increments so your positive progress can keep you pushing further and further. Sometimes we set such high goals that wehen we don't immediately meet them, we give up. Try setting small goals and getting from A to B, than to C and so on. This I believe will help motivate you bits at a time.

    You really need to keep some protein in your diet at every meal. Try to balance a ratio. Too many carbs and not enough protein can cause you to feel groggy. Protein helps in mental alertness and if you're a student you should try to be awake at least for most of class. I also know when you're a student it is tough to eat properly, but I managed while going through medcial school so it's possible. You just have to plan ahead. That would be my best advice.

    Tell us more about yourself so maybe we can give you a few more pointers.

    Doc M

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    This thread has been alive for quite a while and it has been answered in the diet forum. Thanks guys.

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